Chapter 29: Please come back to me

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'Who the hell are you?'
The question was so simple. The answer was so easy. Then why couldn't she answer? Her muscles didn't let her move. Her blood stopped flewing through her body for seconds, and so did her heart. Was this even real? Wendy was awestruck, not able to move and completely unfocused on her surroundings. Pain shot through her veins when the boy in front of her kicked her on her knees. Tears began to appear in her brown eyes.
'Hey piece of shit I aksed u who the fck u were.'
Another shot of pain rushed through her body, with yet another kick from the boy. She knew she should fight back. But something didn't let her. It kept her from fighting him. From standing up. From speaking out to her beloved one. The shots of pain kept coming, the tears kept streaming. Finally her body couldn't take it anymore and she shouted the pain out.
'Romeo, please stop!!'
The pain stoped coming. The boy went completely silent with the mention of his name. Stone frozen the two lovers stood in the silent hallway. The silence however didn't last long when dark purple flames grabbed Wendy by the arms and legs.
'How do u know my name?' The boy voice was cold.
Before Wendy had any chance to respond the flames began to get hotter burning her skin.
'It doesn't matter any way, I will just let you suffer until you begin to be boring.'
*at the camp*
'Master do u know for sure you're in good shape to pull this off?' Worry reflected in the cristal blue eyes.
'I'm sure child, don't worry about me.' Determined eyes looking at the group of mages.

'Lets start making our way to rescue our comrades.'

Hey minna,
I'm back! I know I'm sorry for another short chapter but I really don't have much time :( anyway I hope u guys are still happy with the update ^^ Next Chapter 30: Furious Ice
Disclaimer: I do NOT OWN FAIRY TAIL Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot and Megan, Jason and Troy!
Until next time^^,

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