Chapter 12: 4 souls feeling lonely

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Lisanna POV

I feel so empty. Like I miss something important but I don’t know what it is. The guild is now partying for all the new couples. I’m just sitting in my room. I didn’t feel like partying besides I will just feel sad and envious about the other couples. Don’t get me wrong I’m really happy for them. It’s just that I’m thinking is love for me? Will I ever find love? Sure my first crush was Natsu but that was when we were kids I don’t think about him like that anymore. Besides I’m a great Nalu shipper. But is there someone out there for me? It’s like everyone I like never likes me back. In edolas I had a few crushes but they never liked me back. That’s one of the reasons I can’t give up on Bixlow. Because…

Bixlow POV

The guild is partying. Normally I would have been too but not today. My babies tried to talk with me but I didn’t want to talk with them. I regret not talking with her before. I regret not telling her how I felt all those years. Even when she was gone I still loved her. Even when I knew she would never like me back I still loved her and until today I still do. I can’t give up on her. I just can’t. She has been the love of my live for so long. Because…

Lucy POV

Well the guild is being as lively as ever. But I didn’t feel in the mood to party so I went out and am now sitting near the ocean. My hands are playing with the soft sand but I’m not really paying attention to anything. I tried so hard being happy for them. I really did. But I can’t. I feel so disgusted of myself for not being happy about my best friend’s relationship. What kind of person am I? I should accept the fact already. So that’s what I was doing. I’m accepting the fact that he never was mine to begin with. We weren’t supposed to be more than friends. We weren’t then and we aren’t now either. I try so hard to forget him. To forget all those times we spend together. To forget my love for him. Forget his smile that would bright up my world. Forget those onyx eyes of him were I could lose myself in. Forget his spiky but surprisingly soft salmon hair. Forgetting all of it. I try so hard to get over him the last few days. But every time my mind wanders off to him like some sort of magnet. I can’t get over him. He made me the person I’m today. He brought me to Fairy Tail. He gave me friends, a new family. He gave me hope and happiness. I can’t forget all of that. He saved me so many times. I won’t lose my love towards him. Even if I became friends with him again like we used to be. I’ll keep my feelings hidden in the shadows. I’ll love him from the shadows. Because…

Natsu POV

I hate myself. People call me dense and dumb all the time but this time I give them right.  I’m dumb. I’m stupid and a complete idiot. But what I’m the most is dense. I was so dense thinking Luce could be mine. I was so dumb to think of her in a romantic way. I was too stupid to actually believe in it. But that’s the past now. I couldn’t go back in time and change the story. I should’ve told her sooner how I felt about her. Even if it would’ve cost me our friendship it would have still be better than how it ended now. I ruined it. I ruined everything. One of those things was the promise we made with each other. We promised to never leave each other’s side. Not in a romantic way of course but it still was enough for me to know she would never leave me. I was the idiot that let her leave. I was the dense one that didn’t see it coming. I was the responsible for everything. But how hard I try to get her out of my mind she never leaves. She’s always on my mind. Everything reminds me of her. And it pains me so much to know I was the one that let her leave. I made such a big mistake. I regret it so much. But I can’t get her out of my mind or heart. She’s the love of my live. She’s my mate. I’ll still love her until the day I die. Because…

Lisanna, Bixlow, Lucy and Natsu POV

You’ll always be in my heart.


Hey minna,

Here's chapter 12. I hope you liked it. I'm really sorry it's short. But anyways what will happen to Bixanna and Nalu? Will they really give up on each other? Next Chapter 13: Mira's plan

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^~^,


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