Chapter 7: The hotel

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Lucy POV

Everyone was now standing in front of the hotel. Well you couldn't really say a hotel because it looks like a mansion. It is HUGE. Want to hear the fun part it is reserved for only us! I'm so excited now. Master stand in front of us and was getting himself ready to tell something.


With that we entered the hotel looking mansion. It was beautiful. There was a wooden floor that covered the whole hall. The trap that led to the first floor was also made of wood and had an emerald green carpet in the center. The living room was on the right and the kitchen on the left. The living was decorated with Victorian furniture's. The kitchen was large and you could probably cook with 8 persons at the same time. Everyone followed the trap to the first floor were their rooms were. On the second floor was the terrace. There were two rooms. One for the girls and one for the boys. The girls entered their rooms and looked at it with amazement. The room had one little living room that also hat Victorian furniture. Then there were eight bedrooms. Erza picked the first bedroom. Then Levy the one next to Erza's. Then Lucy, Wendy, Mira, Lisanna, Evergreen and Juvia picked there bedrooms. (The boys have the same room as the girls)

'AHHHHHHH' all the girls came out of their rooms to see who was screaming. It was Lisanna. 'They have a swim pool on the terrace! We must go swimming!' she said while jumping from excitement.

'Lisanna that's an excellent idea. Everyone go change in your swimsuits I'm going to tell the boys because I already have my swimsuit.' Mira said.

Mira POV

Excellent work Lisanna. Now I can make my ships canon heheh. But I can't keep my guard down. Lucy has been looking at me since Lisanna came. If she likes it or not my plan will succeed. Now I'm walking to the boy's room. I knocked on the door and waited for somebody to open. Laxus answered the door.

'Oh hey Laxus.' I put my cutest smile on.

'Oh hey Mira what do you want?'

'Well the girls are going to swim so I came to ask if the boys were also coming.'

'Oh okay we will come.' He was going to shut the door but Romeo came running to us.

'Wait can I talk with you Mira?' he asked a bit nervous. What does he want?

'Sure.' Laxus was now gone into his room. Romeo shut the door a little so that nobody could hear us.

'I kind of need your help Mira.'

'With what Romeo?' this is becoming interesting. My ships-senses are sensing something.

'You see Mira there's a girl I like but I don't know how to tell her and I'm afraid that if I tell her she will reject me and our friendship will break and I don't want that to happen I don't know what to do.'

'Romeo I think you should just tell her I'm sure she will accept just have faith in yourself.' That's it Romeo. You ask Wendy out and then Rowen will be canon. Heheh good.

'Okay then Mira if you say so thanks a lot' he said before he went to his room again.

I went back to my room to meet up with the girls to go swimming.

*Time skip: at the swim pool*

Nobody's POV

Everyone was swimming and relaxing happily at the pool. Except one person. A blue haired mage was sitting next to a tree. Her eyes reflecting only sadness. Hugging her knees the blue haired mage was thinking. Should she continue with this fake act? Was she really going to give up that easily? Was she ready to let him go? These questions were tormenting her. She didn't know what to do. A blonde mage saw the blue haired mage sitting against the tree deep in thoughts. She pulled herself to her feet's and walked to the blue haired mage.

'Hey Juvia.' She said to the blue haired mage.

'Oh hey Lo- Lucy.'

'You look really down Juvia.' She was now sitting next to Juvia.

'Lucy Juvia must ask you something.'

'Sure Juvia.'

'Do you really love Gray-sama?'

'Why do you ask Juvia?'

'Juvia wants to know that she lets Gray-sama in good hands.' The blonde mage was shocked.

'You're giving up!?' she screamed angrily.

'Yes Juvia gives up.' She looked sad.

'Nobody's going to give up here Juvia! You can't!' The blonde mage was screaming desperately. She couldn't let Juvia give up. Gruvia had to be canon. If Gray just expressed his feelings more. She was trying so hard to convince Juvia but it wasn't working.

'Why would you care Lucy? Gray-sama is your boyfriend.' Juvia said to the blonde. She was right but Lucy couldn't just blow her cover up. Suddenly a cold hand touched her shoulder. It was Gray.

'Don't worry Lucy I will take it from here.'

'O-okay than bye.' The blonde walked as fast as she could form them so they had some privacy.

*At the other part of the swim pool*

Romeo walked slowly but with confidence towards Wendy and Charles. He had to say it. He knew that there was a possibility that she would reject him. But he was ready for that too. When he reached Wendy and Charles he sat next to them. He looked at Wendy and asked: 'He Wendy can we talk?'


Hey minna,

Well that was chapter 7. Will Wendy have the same feelings for Romeo or will she reject him? What will happen to Juvia and Gray? And the other ships? next time Chapter 8: Young Love. I hope you liked the chapter.

Until next time minna^-^,

- Sashax_x

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