Prologue - Alley Cat

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Hips swaying side to side.

Heels clicking on the pavement, reverberating off of the empty, damp alleyway.

Her curvaceous silhouette could be seen as the traffic lights flashed at the end of the alley. She fluffed her mane and shook it out for the full coverage before hearing something falling behind her.

Her eyes switched to her felines as she continued walking deeper into the alley, taking a quick left and then a right. A kaleidoscope of colors greeted her vision as she walked into the darkness.

Her iridescent eyes bounced off the wall. Any wondering bystander would see the glow however her assailant was behind her and he/she did not know what he was coming into.

They never do.

They see an innocent, lone woman wondering in the dark and thinks, they would have a opportunity in fulfilling there perverted and twisted desires.

The only sounds could be heard were the clicking of her designer stilettos and the deep breathing of the person behind her.

She figured they did not realize how hard they were breathing or the person just did not care which, pointed her to her assailant being a male. A woman would never be this reckless however a man would think based on their biological advantages, it would be enough enough to overtake someone; especially a woman.

She took another left, coming up to a dead end. There was not any reason to stall the inevitable so, she would enter into the attack on her terms.

No one else's.

She turned around, casually walking back into the alley knowing the man was waiting on her once she turns the corner. Apparently he did not realize, his meaty silhouette could be seen on the building or his ragged breathing could be heard interrupting the silence.

Only a man.

She turned the corner and what she saw was exactly what she expected. Balding, protruded belly, rotten breathe and beady eyes. She was sure his skin was clammy based off of the stench exuding from him.

"Hey pretty lady, are you lost?" He asked, railing his perverted eyes down her body. She could smell death from the deep crevices of her nostrils as her heightened senses focused on him.

She figured he was drunk since he did not feel the danger leaking from her or the fact that her eyes were glowing a pure shade of silver.

Foolish human.

"Im afraid not sir, thank you for your concern," she replied. The pudgy man eyes dilated as she spoke. The melodic pitch she used put him in a trance like state and now, it was her time to pounce.

Not waiting any longer, she extended her claws and fangs before roundhouse kicking him in his chest. A loud 'oof' sounded out from his mouth but he was too paralyzed to do anything else.

The man feel with a heavy thud as his wall held his heavy body. She could feel the fear coming out of him in waves, mixing in with his potent scent making her gag.

She placed herself over his legs before squatting down. "You really shouldn't follow pretty girls into these dark alleyways. You never know what could happen to you," she spoke as her pointer claw glided across his seating face, slicing easily through from cheek cheek before getting up and walking out of the alleyway and into the bustling sidewalk.

She made sure to transition back before anyone saw her feline. She did not want to deal with the screams and pointing again.

Flashes of lights and smells of pollution and has accompanied her as she walked through the streets of New York City. A beautiful place but she feels like 50 year old smoker very time she breathed.

She tried her beat to ignore the sharp pain in her lungs as she passed several stores and pedestrians until she made it to her destination.

Jimmys Pizza

She opened the door and it responded with a 'ding'. Before she took her usual spot, she entered into the restroom to wash her hands, hoping to get that foolish mans scent off of her.

To no avail, she sighed as his scent surrounded her. She could not wait until she could take a bubble bath to get this horrid stench out of her presence.

Exiting the restroom, she swayed to her awaiting table before being greeted by her friends.

"Aliyah, you're late. We didn't think you were showing up," her friend and colleague Farah spoke before giving her a hug.

Once Aliyah hugged her three friends, she sat down before replying, "Sorry, I was cutting salami."

Her other friend and colleague, Sona scrunched her nose, "I thought you didn't like salami?"

"I do not but someone needed their meat to be sliced and who am I to deny a request," Aliyah replied, shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly.

Her third friend, Evie snorted, "You're so weird."

Aliyah shrugged in response, not bothering to reply as the subject changed to shoes and shopping.

Silly humans. So simple to sway and easy to please.

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