Chapter 27 - Black Hawk

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Aliyah glared at the back of Gettysburg's head as she bit harshly into the grilled fish. Her eyes were like lasers as she stared him down. She could tell Gettysburg knew she was staring at him by his tensed shoulders.

Aliyah couldn't believe she was in the middle of the woods with him and the team. This morning, she was supposed to be teaching her class however, she was fired.

Aliyah knew it was because of Gettysburg since Big Bear worked for him. Regardless of her missing several days of her work; she had racked up weeks worth of PTO so, there wasn't a reason for her termination.

Aliyah wanted to smack the smirk off his face as she continued to watch him laugh about insignificant things after he fired her. She wouldn't forget what he did and Gettysburg better watch his back.

A feline never forgets.

"If you look any longer, he will go up in flames."

Aliyah looked right to a grinning Chang. For some reason, his carefree attitude always lifted her spirits; even when she wanted to go on a rampage.

Aliyah sighed before turning to face ahead of her. "You are enjoying this."

He laughed slightly, "Of course I am. I've never had this much fun in my entire life! Wait until mom and dad finds out about, they wouldn't believe me if I told them."

She shook her head a slight smile before dropping it once seeing Gettysburg glance at her. Aliyah glared at him and the only thing he did was send her a smirk. She hissed his way before rumbling to her self.

Lately, she has been more irritated than usual. For the past few days, she has been on edge. Maybe it was because Halloween is in two weeks and they still hasn't found a lead.

Even though, she was apart of the council, some species were still weary of her and the stories didn't make it any better. Aliyah didn't care about being likeable however, since being apart of the team, it seemed she needs it more than she care to admit.

Aliyah sighed as she laid against the tree trunk in the middle of nowhere. The day was dark and sparkly stars were shining brightly in the sky. The woody area they were staying in for the night, had a perfect view of the sky. Mountains were splattered in the horizon which made the area quite chilly for them.

It had been so long since she spent the night outside; she almost missed it. Aliyah just wished it was during a better time, when she wasn't trying to find missing children or a mysterious being that informed us of a possible lead.

It had only been yesterday when a note stuck to a dead bird was delivered on the edge of Getty's pack territory. The note only had a location with missing children and Getty felt like it was a nice lead to follow it. Of course, Aliyah felt like Getty was being too trustworthy to someone that no one knows, and following the lead was idiotic; which she told him. Of course, Getty thinks he is always right and since he has final decision on the team, Aliyah reluctantly followed.

She couldn't wait to tell him she told him so; especially now that he made her lay on the forest floor without a care of her hair and skin. Aliyah glared at him once more before turning on her side to get some much needed sleep.

The crackling of the fire started made her relax just a little bit more. As she was drifting off, arms lifted her and placed her near the fire. Aliyah smelt that it was Getty as he was probably the only one brave enough; other than Chang to interrupt her sleep. She relaxed immediately as the fire warmed her shivering body and drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later, a snap woke her from her slumber. Aliyah looked around to see everyone asleep and someone watching her. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the sound to see if she could feel anyone near however, there was nothing.

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