Chapter 29 - Betrayal

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Aliyah followed after him before she was beside him once more. "Do you think he was speaking the truth?"

Getty shrugged his shoulders, "I do not know but there isn't any harm to go and see just in case."

Aliyah nodded her head as she grew silent.

Only the crunching of thee feet could be heard as the climbed the steep mountain towards its peak.

"Thank you for having my back back there," she spoke after some time. Aliyah looked towards the rest of the team before speaking. "Thank you guys for not leaving me hanging."

"That's what a team is for," Chang spoke with a smile as he wrapped his arm around her. Aliyah shook of his arm with a shake of her head. She didn't have the heart to tell him, he did absolutely nothing.

Chang was a brave boy considering he came from a family of scholars. It took guts to be thrust into something he had never known just so he could be a part of her team.

"You did nothing," Getty spoke bluntly making the someone snort behind them.

"Hey! I came for emotional support. What would Aliyah do without me?"

Aliyah didn't respond as Chang rambled on how he was her best friend and she need him as support.

The trek up the mountain came to an end a few hours later as they finally made it up to the peak. Aliyah looked around to see a boulder to no avail.

"I think we were lied to," Frankie spoke.

Aliyah didn't want to agree with his words but, the snow filled land was empty of any boulders of any sort.

"We keep looking. It is getting too close to the day and we can't leave when we had gotten this far. The warlock was taking us here for a reason which means, there is something here," Getty spoke.

Aliyah walked ahead with Chang following her close behind as she looked over the bleak plains.

"I don't think this is a good- AHH!"

Aliyah quickly looked back to see a hole where Chang was standing. She quickly bent down in a panic before screaming, "Chang! Chang?! Can you hear me?!"

The heavy feet of the team came beside her. There was a pregnant pause before she was able to hear a groan. Aliyah exhaled a sigh of relief as her head fell.

She didn't know what she would have done if something happened to Chang. He was collateral but he was still her friend, and she vowed to protect him with her life.

"Are you okay?" Susie yelled.

"...Yeah! I think something broke my fall... Coke down, I think I see a light!"

"Stay right there, don't not follow the light! We're coming down!" Aliyah yelled. She was going to drop down however, Getty held her shoulders, halting her movement.

"I'll go just in case," he spoke.

Aliyah gave him a look before she hesitantly nodded her head. She watched as he crouched over the hole before he jumped down. She winced as she heard the sound of his grunt.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah.. Come down but be careful, it's a long jump."

She nodded her head even though she knew he couldn't see her.
"You guys go first. I'll be down afterwards," she spoke to the group.

First, Susie went then Lillian, Frankie and Henry. Finally, Aliyah jumped down once she made sure there was space for her.

There was about a five second fall before her feet made contact with the ground with a wince. Her feet tingled and burned as they made contact with the hard surface.

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