Chapter 11 - Meeting The Team

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"Oh dear! What happened to your face?!"

Aliyah looked confusingly at Mrs. Jennings once she walked to her at the front office.

"What do you mean?" Aliyah replied, confusingly.

She knew exactly what Mrs. Jennings was talking about but, she hoped she could avoid the topic.

"What do you mean, what I mean?! It looks like your face gotten beat up by a baseball!"

"Oh," she replied, wincing as her hand ran over her swollen face. "I fell."

Mrs. Jennings looked at her as if she knew Aliyah was lying. She looked around her before leaning in whispering, " If someone has been hitting you, you can tell me. I have no problem with telling Robert."

How sweet.

"Really, I am fine. It was just a small fall, you do not have to worry Mrs. Jennings."

She gave Aliyah a doubtful look before backing away. "Well, you can not walk around with such a swollen face. When a Robert would fall and hurt himself, I would give him this salve I have made up. It worked like a charm and lessened the swelling in a few hours."

Mrs. Jennings rummaged through her purse before pulling out a small metal container. Opening it, immediately the smell of lavender, peppermint, and roses wafted towards Aliyah.

The dull grey salve did not look pleasing to the eye.

Aliyah's brow rose but she did not speak a word. Mrs. Jennings closed the container before offering it to her. "Put this on your face tonight before you go to bed and by the time you wake up, you face will look like normal.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jennings," Aliyah smiled, taking the container and placing it in her purse. "I will speak with you later, my class is waiting for me."

Mrs. Jennings spoke her farewells and Aliyah went to her now almost filled home room.

"Sorry everyone for the tardiness, it will not happen again. Let us pull out the homework from yesterday and place it on my desk please."

Aliyah walked over to her desk and prepared for her lesson.

"Miss. Ocean, what happened to your face?"

Aliyah looked towards Dawson to see him with a concerned look on his face.

She looked down her things once more before replying, "I fell."

"Are you okay?" He asked her with a concerned tone. Aliyah smiled at him, wincing slightly which he seemed to notice as he frowned.

"I am fine, Dawson. No need to worry." Aliyah finished setting everything up and started to speak to the class before Dawson could reply.

"Okay everyone, we will start where we left off yesterday. Han, if you could read the first paragraph of chapter 2 in your textbook. After we will be going from left to right."

Han proceeded to start and Aliyah drifted off...

Sharp pains traveled from her face to all over her body. It felt like her insides were molten lava, ripping her apart inside and out.

Aliyah groaned as she swung open the door to her place. She shivered as the cold air wrapped around her. Slowly, she padded her way towards the thermometer and turned on the heating.

Her teeth clattered together as the cold sink more into her skin.

She did not know why she decided to take a dive in a freezing cold lake not why she takes such drastic measures to ask for forgiveness.

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