Chapter 6 - The Council

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Aliyah smirked internally at their shocked faces. All with matching scars from their left eye down to their top lip.

The mark of traitors.

"Na-Naijima, what are you doing here?" Hija spoke, gulping before her eyes flickered to Francesca.

"And how did you find us?" Venya spoke. Her gaze flickering to Aliyah before looking away.

Uncrossing her legs and placing them both firmly on the ground, Aliyah placed her elbow on the table while taping her pointer finger on her chin; giving her a mock thinking look.

"Well.. As I am sure you know, I never let anyone out of my sight."

Aliyah sent the girls a tight lipped smile before leaning back in the chair and crossing her arms.

"So, you see, when I give you the right to lay claim on the land that is not yours. Let you run business. Let you kill and let you live, you do not allow outsiders in without my permission."


"Did I give you permission to speak!" Aliyah spat, glaring at Aja.

Aja opened before closing her mouth in response.

Take a deep breathe, Aliyah sighed before another smile overtook her place.

"So, imagine my surprise when I wake in the morning to see big bear and little bear as my boss and student, a secret cult and a pack of mutts in the woods with a demonic witch."

Aliyah surveyed the room, making sure they understood where she was getting to. Before anyone could speak, she spoke again.

"I expect for them gone by the morning." Not waiting any further, Aliyah made her exit. Before she could leave, someone spoke.


Aliyah paused.

Turning around, she locked eyes with the person she knew had the slight ovaries to disagree with her.


Aliyah tilted her head to the right, raising an eyebrow.


Francesca shifted nervously but, still had her head held high. If Aliyah did not detest her so much, she would have been impressed.

"I said no."

Smirking Aliyah walked to the table, placing her hands on its surface. "It was not a request; you of all people should know that."

Francesca gulped, "You have been gone for three hundred years, things have changed."

"If you mean weak then yes, things have changed." Aliyah snapped at her.

Francesca shook her head, "It is a new day and the darkness has gotten stronger. We can no longer fight by ourselves."

Aliyah scoffed, "It is comical how you four have made what I built into a laughing stock. This place has never needed assistance, what makes you think no one can handle themselves now?"

"As Francesca spoke, today is a new day," Hija spoke up. "We can no longer do things as before. We have laws in place to help us-"

"Yes, I know. I made them genius. It was you who were too incompetent to sustain what I have given." Aliyah spoke cutting off her pathetic speech.

Hija took a deep breath before speaking again. Aliyah knew she was getting under everyone's skin however, she could not care since they had brought evil doers to her city.

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