Chapter 13 - Training

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Training was in session.

Different groups from different teams were fighting against each other while Aliyah stood at the sidelines. Beside little Dicky.

How lovely.

He shouted orders left and right and everyone seemed to be in sync with his commands. You would think, he was Alpha instead of Getty.

How interesting.

"Paul! Your ride side is open, protect it!"

"Jane, separate your feet and place them firmly on the ground; you are too clumsy!"

"Nice headlock Francis I am sure your appointment will not be able to attack you when THEY ARE AT CLOSE RANGE WITH A POSSIBLE WEAPON!"

Aliyah rolled her eyes at him as she scanned the field. She was slightly impressed. For a bunch of dogs, it seems like they are fairly talented.


Immediately, everyone stopped before looking at Dick. Aliyah folded her arms as she glanced at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Cat, you will be partnered with Aliyah." He glanced towards Aliyah, before looking forward again. "Everyone has been evaluated in their skills, you are no exception."

Aliyah rolled her eyes before stepping forward in the space where Cat was. She gave Aliyah a smile and she responded back with one.

"I will not go easy on you," she stated, getting into fighting position.

Smirking, "I will make sure you are not heated too bad." She did not speak about going easy on her since she was sure, Cat would not like it.

Once Aliyah got into position, the fight began.

Cat was instantly on the offense while Aliyah was the opposite. She dodged each swing and every kick, memorizing her movements looking for a weak spot.

Cat roundhouse kicked and Aliyah proceeded to lean backwards, effectively avoiding the hit and finding her opening.

Before Cat could land on the ground, Aliyah shifted her weight to her left leg, bent down slightly before creating momentum in twisting her body and using her right leg to send a swift kick to her ribs.

Cat breath shortened as the kick sent her spiraling down to the floor on her back. She groaned but did not get up.

Aliyah landed perfectly on her feet. Looking down, she sighed before looking to Dick. "She will be fine in a few moments."

The courtyard was silent.

"What?" She asked.

Cat groaned once more making her look down at the pup. Aliyah held her hand out for her, waiting for Cat to take it.

Cat groaned once more before gently grasping her hand. Grabning it tightly, Aliyah pulled her up until she waa standing on her two feet properly.

"Cat, back into formation," Dicky commanded. Cat nod her head sharply before doing as he said. Aliyah opened her mouth to speak but waa cut off.

"Alexander, you are next."

A big husky looking fella who looked as if he had eaten the whole feast stepped forward.

Aliyah raised a brow but did not say anything. Alexander might look like an oversized house however, she has been around long enough to know not to underestimate anyone.


Aliyah looked up at Dicky to see him already looking at her inquisitively. She nodded her head in response before getting into her fighting stance once more.

"I will not hold back," Alexander spoke.

She hummed. "Then I shall not either."

This time, Aliyah was the one on offense.

Sending him jab after jab, Alexander avoided everyone. She was impressed. Not because he was avoided her hits but, she was fighting in a style where the normal super would not be able to follow her technique, and it seemed as if he could see her attacks before she does it.

This was quite interesting.

While Aliyah was too busy in her own thoughts, Alexander swung his meaty hand towards her face. Luckily for her, she could see his moves before he did it also.

She was a feline after all.

Aliyah ducked before kicking her right leg out and swinging it towards his rib cage. Before it could contact, Alexander grabbed her leg and threw her.

She was thrown several yards across the field. Flipping herself, she landed perfectly on her heels before she made contact with the ground.

"Huh, this will be interesting," she spoke out loud, staring at Alexander.

She cracked her neck before running towards him. He yelled a warrior cry before running towards her as well.

Right before contact, Aliyah irises changed to her felines. Like the speed of lightning, she was behind him in an instant. Before he could turn, she sent a spiraling kick to his back and he flew forward.

Alexander let out a shout as he fell face first into the ground, getting a mouthful of dirt in his mouth. He rolled over to his back and spat out the dirt before getting himself off the ground.

Alexander then came towards Aliyah. She initially thought he wanted to continue fighting and it seemed Dicky did also, as he shifted slightly to get closer to her.

However, instead of fighting, he held his hand out for her to shake.

Aliyah looked at him confusingly.

Alexander gave her a smile, "I have not had so much fun fighting in a really long time, thank you."

Aliyah looked at him doubtfully, "I just beat you and you are thanking me?"

He nod in confirmation. Aliyah was still skeptical but, she shook his hand anyways. "I have not had a proper workout in a while as well. You have exceeded my expectations," Aliyah responded, giving him a slight smile.

Aliyah saw Dick's surprised face as he looked at her smile however, she ignored him. Instead she went back to her place before the fighting began.

She could hear him clear his throat behind her. Ignoring him still, she pretended like she did not hear him.

Dick did it once more before someone decided to speak up.

"Uh, Dickinson... is something wrong with your throat?"

Dickinson? She liked Dick more. Dickinson sounded too sophisticated.

"No, nothing is wrong," she heard him reply. "Training is going to be cut short today. We will pick up where we left off in the morning." Everyone but Aliyah stood in formation before saluting and leaving the area.

Once it was only her and Dicky in the area, she finally looked at him to see him already staring intently at her.

"Come on," he spoke before turning around and walking away.

Aliyah followed him slowly, "Where are we going?" She asked.

"To my uncle."

She glanced left and right confusingly. "Who is your uncle?"

"The Alpha."

Of course.

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