Chapter 24 - Fluttering Heart

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Aliyah did not remember how she made it home however, she did not expect to see a concerned Getty staring at her.

"You are finally awake," he spoke, breaking the silence. Aliyah stared at him in confusion. She did not know why he would be here of all times.

"Why are you here?" She croaked out. Getty turned to pick up a glass of water; where it came from, she did not know but she was too thirsty to care.

"Thank you," she muttered, taking a sip of its cold contents. The feel of the water soothed her throat as it drank.

Once she was satisfied, Aliyah handed the glass to Getty before relaxing back once more.

"Why are you here, Getty?" Aliyah asked as they sat in silence. Getty looked to her before sighing and shaking his head.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. Dickinson informed me you passed out trying to walk home and I was worried."

"Why were you worried?"

He only looked at her and she gotten the message.

"Oh," she muttered, looking away from his intense gaze. She bit her lip nervously as she played with the stitching of the blanket that was laying on her.

Aliyah looked around the homey room, wondering where she was. His pack hospital did not look the way this one did. Getty's looked dead and smelled like medicine where this room had pops of pinks and lavender around the room with cream walls.

"Where are we?" Aliyah asked.

"You passed out near Alpha Cunning's and Dickinson thought it would be best to take you here since you would not wake."

Aliyah nodded her head in understanding. It seems like Dickinson could get something right.

"Tell me what happened," Getty spoke softly. Aliyah turned to him and stared into his eyes inquiringly.

"Did you not get everything from your nephew?"

Getty grasped her hand gently and she tried not to flinch, as it had been awhile since someone held her hand so softly.

"Yes, but I would like to know your point of you," he replied, giving her eyes of encouragement.

Aliyah nodded before recalling the mission. Once she finished telling Getty what happened, his eyes eyes were transformed to his wolf. She watched as he tried to reel in his beast, transfixed on his hands as they slowly peeled back into his claws.

She was slightly disgusted at the sight but also amazed. She wondered if it hurt to transform. Unlike her, it was almost painless.

"Does it hurt?" She spoke softly once she noticed Getty become more in control of himself.

He took a deep breathe before nodding his head, "It is excruciating."

"Is that why I have not seen you or your pack shift?" Aliyah asked, becoming more interested in his heritage.

Why? She did not know.

Getty nods his head in response. "Not only does it hurt unimaginably, it also takes a while to fully transform. Depending on the wolf, it could take less than five minutes while others could take up to a half an hour."

Aliyah winced at his words. She could not imagine going to the pain every time she transformed. Of course her kind does go through minor pains while transforming even though there are even special ones, like her that goes through no pain. She could not see herself willingly transforming if the pain was that potent. No wonder they used weapons for everything.

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