Chapter 20 - Silence

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The sound of the monitor and smell of sterile products made Aliyah's noise burn and head hurt. With a grown she cracked her eyes opened; almost afraid she was going to still be in a illusion.

To her surprise, she was in a dark brown room with machines hooked into her arm.

Where was she?

And why was she hooked to machines?

"You're awake."

Aliyah looked to her right to see Chang looking at her with relief.

"How long have I been here?" She croaked out. Chang gave her the cup of water on the counter and she thanked him.

Once he was satisfied with the amount of water she drunk, he replied. "Just for the night, you were waking up every few hours but was out of it."

Aliyah nodded at his words.

"I was worried about you," Chang spoke, breaking the silence.

Aliyah looked at him, seeing his worried features. She felt slightly bad for making him worry. She knew they did not know each other very well or long but, he was here.

No one else but him.

That should count for something right?

"I am fine, there is no need to worry," Aliyah replied as she continued to stare at him.

Chang shook his head in response, "You wouldn't say that if you would have seen yourself unconscious." He closed his eyes before whispering, "You looked dead."

Aliyah swallowed at his words.

She thought she was dead.

"When you and Dickinson was being carried in unconscious I thought you guys were dead."

Scrunching her face confusingly, "What do you mean, me and Dickinson? Why was he unconscious?" Aliyah asked.

Chang shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know; there was a fight at the cabin. No one has spoken about what happened. They wanted to wait until you woke up."

Aliyah nodded in response.

Not a moment later, she watched Chang's eyes grow wide once realization hit.

"I guess I should go get them since you're up," he muttered before running out of the room.

Aliyah snorted out a chuckle as she watched him run like a chicken with its head cut off.


A few minutes later, Chang was back with a woman in casual jeans and a button up shirt with a white coat.

The pack doctor.

Huh? It seemed like packs today are more lenient with their attire than what she remembered.

Gosh, she sounded old.

"Aliyah, it's great to see you back!" The doctor spoke enthusiastically.

Please, lord no.

Aliyah let out a grimace in response as her ears rang from her squeal.

"How are you feeling?" She asked; still with a huge smile on her face.

Aliyah was suddenly creeped out.

"Uh, I am not feeling nothing actually..." she replied, drifting off as she thought about what she just said.

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