Chapter 9 - Traitor

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The men shouted out their anger before jumping into action.

One burly man ran towards Aliyah like a bull. Just before contact, she skirted to the right making him hit the wall; effectively knocking himself out cold.

Twisting around, Aliyah kicked her right leg out, hitting the other in the stomach.


The man held his stomach in pain momentarily but still had enough time to grab her leg, and swing her around before letting go.

She flew in the air before falling into a hard set of double doors.

"Ugh!" She groaned as the doors broke open and she landed on it painfully as her back cracked.

Karma? Maybe.

It was probably sprained but, Aliyah did not have the time to dwell on it.

Her head was buzzing.

She felt a presence in front of her exhausted body.

Before they could do anything, she rolled to the left, successfully swiping the assailants legs out from under him.

Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in some sort of office. It looked to be of someone of importance.

"Well, look what we have here," a voice spoke.

Aliyah snapped her gaze towards a man with a missing eye. Uncovered.

He was obviously a sadist.

"Please, regain from the commentary. I am sure your time will be wasted," Aliyah spoke as she slowly rose from the debris, dusting off her silky dress.

"Ah!" He yelled charging towards her.

Punch after punch were thrown at her and Aliyah avoided every one.

The man was too big to retaliate and the only thing she could do for now was avoid.

"AHH!" A scream sounded.

Aliyah snapped her head towards the little girl that was being lifted and carried to an unknown place.

Fury entered her veins and the one thing she was trying to avoid, was here.

The bloodlust.

Her blood pulsed throughout her body, burning too hot for a being to touch; human and super alike.

The sounds of erratic beats entered her ears as the smell of rushing blood entered her mouth, almost making her salivate at the taste.

Her control was wavering but, she made sure to never lose control. No matter what.

The man started rushing towards her once again however, this time, she was ready.

As he swung, Aliyah grabbed a hold of his arm and twisted it onto a painful level, popping it out of socket.

"AHH!" The man screamed out.

Before he could retaliate, she took the opportunity to elongate her claws and sticking him in the chest.

He gasped silently; almost painfully as she gripped his heart in her hand.

"What do we have here little mouse," she muttered into his ear before crushing it into her hands.

He fell at her feet and Aliyah went to her next victim.

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