Chapter 15 - Apprentice

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Alchemist; burly and intimidating. Originating from the darkest and deepest pits of hell. They were created as a form of trickery and persuasion.

Year 995; they were summoned on Earth by The Hollam Withches. In exchange for their loyalty, the witches had to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Year 1020 The Earth was overpopulated with evil and alchemist. In result, there was a flood that destroyed almost every living and non-living thing.

Alchamest was the face of terror. Hollow eyes with a dark abyss that could capture any soul, tall bulky figure with a hunchback. The most overlooked and weak until the first witch is recruited.

The more witches the Alchamest has, the more powerful and destructive it is. Be aware of it's dark cloak that hides in the night.

The Illusionist; small and skinny with a crooked nose and beady eyes. Originating from the devils side as his side kick. They are designed as a form of torture.

Year 990 the illusionists were summoned to the world by increasing forces of evil. In return they wrecked havoc on supernatural and humans alike. The illusionists game is to seek out the fear in the deepest part of a persons heart. Once seeking it, the illusion will play as if it is a reality until the fear consumes someone; resulting in death.

Beware of the innocence they bring.

The Seductions; known as the succubi and succubus. Know one knows the true form of a succubi. They come in a form in whatever their prey desires.

Year 1415 the seductions were summoned by mans desire and uncontrollable need of fornication and infidelity. The seductions does not show true emotion; only what the prey deeply desires. Once someone is drawn in, they are stuck unless the person realizes it is all fantasy.

Beware of the scent of your desires and eyes of your loved one.

The Low Ranker; newborn demons. For the first two years, low levels have their original human form however, their appearance appears like the living dead.

Low Rankers has a special blood lust. Due to their age, usually they are beings who has done the ultimate crime. Since they are inherently evil, being a low ranked gives them unlimited amount of rage and strength.

Year 350; War of Breech, Mass murders of half of the population in the Southern Hemisphere.

Low rankers were summoned from the most evil human and supernatural alike. Some say the original was Magnus; the ultimate demon.

Others say he is more powerful than the devil himself and only comes out when evil has taken control. No one has ever seen him before as the legend is merely but a myth.

"Nice book you are reading."

Aliyah snapped the book closed before glaring at male feline sitting across from her. She must have been absorbed in the book since she did not notice him sit down; and who knows how long he has been watching her.


"Mind your business boy," Aliyah spoke as she rose from the library chair. Picking up the book, she went to the bookshelf and placed it where she found it.

"You are Naijima right? I have heard so many stories about you, I am your number one fan!"

Great, a teenager.

"Are you looking for a particular demon? I can help!"

Aliyah suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she continue to browse the shelves. She needed to find anything about this Gaston.

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