Chapter 3 - Big Bear

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"So, tell me, what is new? You look different."

Aliyah glanced at Mrs. Jennings as she munched on her baked salmon. Looking down at herself, she shrugged.

"I look the same to me."

Mrs. Jennings tapped her chin with her forefinger before she spoke again with a snap of her finger. "I know what it is, you have straightened your hair!"

Aliyah pause momentarily before slowly nodding her head.


She really did not intend to inform Mrs. Jennings that she was wearing a wig. Aliyah has a soft spot for her however, she knew Mrs. Jennings could not keep a secret to save her life.

The questions and touching of her hair would make her hiss and this job was adequate enough that she did not want to part with it.

Being in a school full of humans was definitely a challenge. She could not be herself with her purring or hissing or even climbing.

She was living as an imposter but, it was the only way to blend in.

The only way she could be normal just for a little while.

"Oh, how pretty! But you cut your gorgeous hair," Mrs. Jennings spoke with sadness crossing her features momentarily.

"No need to be worried Mrs. Jennings, my hair grows rather quickly," Aliyah replies after wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Mrs. Jennings has a thoughtful look on her face before nodding her head. Before she could ask more questions, Aliyah spoke.

"So, do you know anything about this conference after school?"

Mrs. Jennings perked up at the question.

See, can not keep a secret for the life of her.

"Oh, yes. You have not heard it from me but, I heard from Miss. Annette who heard it from Mr. James that, Mrs. Peters involved in an incident of child trafficking. "

Child trafficking? In NYC? Specifically, in my city.

Aliyah rose a single eyebrow, "Are you sure she was involved in something like that? It seems preposterous."

Mrs. Jennings nodded her head almost frantically before leaning forward. Aliyah followed her lead. "I know that was what I said. Apparently, there was this secret service thing whom found pictures of missing children on her laptop."

"Are you sure?" Aliyah whispered in the same tone as Mrs. Jennings. She nodded her head as if she was sure of her answer.

"My dear friend, Annie lives on the same street as Mrs. Peters and she saw men men and women in black putting her in handcuffs.  The world we live in, I tell you."

Hmm. This is interesting.

"I knew something was wrong with that woman, did I not tell you Miss. Waters, there was something wrong with her," Mrs. Jennings spoke with a shake of her head.

A brow lifted but Aliyah did not do anything but agree. If she remembered correctly, Mrs. Jennings thought that Mrs. Peters was an old school; in her words, that knew how to discipline correctly.

My my, how the mighty has fallen and the people eyes wide shut.

Aliyah cleaned her area with her food before standing up. "Mrs. Jennings, I have to get back to class. I will see you at the conference."

"Okay, dear. Have a great day."

She spoke her farewell before exiting the teachers lounge.

It seems like there was definitely something more going on. It seems odd a middle school principal would be involved in trafficking. Not unlikely however very rare.

Why was a someone from her caliber came to a simple school that paid significantly less, be involved in something like that?

Everything seemed so wrong.

Aliyah shivered as a foreboding feeling traveled through her. She shook her head, burying down her feelings.

She made it to her class and prepared for her next class. She needed to make it through the next few hours until the conference than, she could go home and forget about this day.

The last bell rung for the day and it was finally time for the first day of class to end.

"Okay, class. Remember to be prepared for class tomorrow. You will be assigned your first assignment. Have a great rest of your day."

A few student waved bye to Aliyah making her wave back with a quick bye.

Once everyone left, she gotten her things together and was on her way to the teacher conference.

The auditorium was already filled with the teachers making her realize, she was one of the last to arrive.

She sat in one of the vacant seat, placing her bag on the chair beside her. Aliyah looked around for any new faces but there was none at the moment.

She took a sniff to catch anyone new and was not disappointed.

It was the same smell as Dawson Gregor from her homeroom class.

This was getting very interesting as the day progressed.

What was going on?

Before she could think of it further, someone started to speak.

It was a woman.

She looked very regal and professional with her bland colored dress and heels. Her hair was braided into a ponytail, almost dreaded with minimal makeup. Regardless of the way she looked, no one could deny that this woman was beautiful.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Dottie Lawrence. I am the head of the education board for this district. In case you guys do not know, Mrs. Peters is no longer working here due to the discrepancies that has occurred.

Due to those occurrences, you have been assigned with a new Principal with incredible credibility. Mr. Fredrick, would you come forward please."

Everyone turned where Dottie was looking towards including Aliyah. Slowly, it was like a someone stepped out of the shadows.

A bulky figure with a towering stature walked closer. He looked very intimidating with a mug featured on his face. He was like a man of steel; very big and hairy.

Aliyah instantly knew the scent was coming from him. She watched as he took a sniff before his eyes cut to her before narrowing.

She could not figure out what he was and it was frustrating her until, a voice whispered to her.


Aliyahs eyes widened slightly before she cooled her expression.

The more she looked at him, the more everything started to fall into place.

He really was a bear.

A big bear.

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