Chapter 2 - A Super

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Aliyahs outfit

"Good morning, Mrs. Jennings. How was your summer?"

She turned to look at Aliyah before giving her a shining smile. "Miss. Ocean, how are you? My summer went well. Robert took me on a mini vacation to the Alps for my birthday."

Aliyah smiled at her, "Mrs. Jennings, you know I detest having you call me by my madden name. Please call me Aliyah and happy belated birthday."

Mrs. Jennings waved her off in response. She was an older lady that worked at the front desk. She was not as old as her but since she was human, she was quite mature. With her grey hair cascading down her back in perfect ringlets, icy blue irises, deep dimples that many envied; including her. Mrs. Jennings had a smile that could brighten up a room instantly. She was gracious, poise and the epitome of a femenino woman with, her pink and flower silk shirt, pink pencil skirt and simple gold kitten heels.

Mrs. Jennings was a beaut.

"Oh, Miss. Ocean. I do not know whether or not you have hear but, we are having a meeting this afternoon, after lunch."

Aliyah tilted her head slightly to the left, making her curly bob wig reach her shoulders before asking, "Do you know what it is about?"

Mrs. Jennings shook her head no before telling Aliyah what she knew. "Apparently an incident occurred during the summer and Mrs. Peters has been fired but, you did not get that from me."

Aliyah nodded in acknowledgment.

Mrs. Peters was the schools principle. She was a total pain in the derrière and loved making the teachers here; including herself miserable. Before coming to Lightwave Middle School, she was a part of some prestigious private academy that had a stick up their behinds.

To say she was sad to see her go would be untrue. Good riddance to her and her future endeavors.

"Well, I will see you at lunch Mrs. Jennings, I have to get to class."

"Bye dear," Mrs. Jennings replied, sending her a small wave.

Aliyah strutted down the hallway, waving at the teachers loitering around while ignoring the intense stares of others.

Once making it to her respective classroom, she unlocked the door, opening it up and placing the door stopper under it.

Heels clicking as she walked towards the white board. Picking up a black marker, Aliyah wrote her name on the board before placing the marker back to its place.

Sighing, she turned around and placed her bag on the desk, taking out papers she printed yesterday morning. Aliyah place a sheet on each desk before going back to her desk to sit down.

Pulling out her laptop, she prepared everything for the day.

Students slowly started to trickle in until the bell rang signaling it was time for class.

Standing up once again, Aliyah spoke. "Good morning class. Welcome to Lightwave Middle School, I am your hometown teacher Miss. Ocean.

This class will introduce you to English literature so, there will be a lot of essays in your future."

Majority of the class groaned and she tried her best not to smirk.


"Before we get to introducing ourselves, I want you guys to skim over the paper on your desks."

The students picked up the paper following her command.

"What you are seeing is the syllabus for the school year. Every question that you have for this class will be on the syllabus. I also want to point out, quizzes and tests will only be excused based on a emergency. Everything else like, homework can be turned in no later than two days late. Any questions?"

No one spoke so Aliyah continued.

"Okay everyone, it is time for introductions!"

Scanning the room, Aliyah saw a few student sliding down their seats. She smirked inwardly almost letting out a satisfying purr before resisting.

"How about I start, then we will go from top left to right."

Nodding, "Okay, my name again is Miss. Ocean, I am originally from South Sudan, Africa. I have been in the states for a while. I have a doctors in English."

And several others but, that will not be mentioned for obvious reasons.

"I have been teaching for five years and has been here for two."

Before she could tell the adorable boy at the end to start introducing himself, someone raised their hand.

She was absolutely adorable. With her doll like face shape, doe brown eyes, hair into twisted ponytails with butterfly bows and her chocolate skin.

A little princess.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"How old are you?"

Aliyah laughed.

She was definitely much older than she looked. Almost five hundred years old.

"I'm 35, anyone else have questions before you introduce yourselves?"

No one said anything.

"Okay, how about we start with you," Aliyah spoke, pointing to the curly haired boy.

His eyes were a bright piercing green with large circular glasses, skin pale with curly brown hair.

He was strange.

Aliyah took a discreet sniff his way, finding just what she was looking for.

He was a super. Interesting.

What kind? She did not know but, she would definitely have to be cautious since she has not been around any other shifters besides her kind in years.

He pushed up his glasses before speaking. "My name is Dawson Gregor, I am twelve years old. I am from Minnesota and moved here two weeks ago with my family."

Two weeks? Interesting.

Aliyah smiles at him in response. "It is a pleasure meeting you Dawson."

Clapping her hands together, "Okay, next person."

It took almost the whole hour of class time for everyone to introduce themselves since they were trying to buy time. Since it was the first day, she will let them enjoy the free period.

The bell rang signaling the class switch.

"Okay, everyone. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Tomorrow we will be covering the Art of Writing by Keller Kin so, be prepared to take notes."

A few student waved bye before exiting the room.

Aliyah sighed. One class down, seven more to go.

Today was going to be a long day.

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