Chapter 16 - Familiar Faces

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"Thanks for letting me tag along with you," Chang muttered behind her as she walked towards the pack house.

Aliyah ignored his words. It was not like she had a choice in the matter. Apparently, Chang offered his assistance through the council before he even asked her.

According to them, his knowledge will help her and the enforcers with the mission. So, now he is her designated apprentice.

"I can't believe I will be seeing the enforcers pack house. I can't wait to tell my family!"

Aliyah rolled her eyes as she pushed open the front door, letting herself in. As she heard Chang 'ooh' and 'ahh', she went to Getty's office.

Not bothering in knocking, she entered and encountered his glare.

"Try knocking next time," he growled out.

Aliyah went to the seat directly in front of his desk and sat down before she replied, "I am sure you heard me enter."

He growled but did not say a thing.

"Are we starting or will the childish bickering continue?" Aliyah asked, staring at him.

As he opened his mouth to reply, Dickinson and his team entered the room. Behind them stood a nervous Chang.

An eyebrow raised however, she did not say anything since it looked like he was still intact.

Dickinson nodded her way before sitting beside her. Everyone else found a chair around the room.

"So, did you find anything?"

Aliyah turned to a Chang and gestured for him to explain. After explaining, they are were looking slightly disturbed.

"How can someone kill their own family in cold blood like that?" Harriet spoke with tears overflowing her eyes.

"That is why they are demons Harriet. People like that were born evil," Canto replied.

Aliyah hummed in agreement.

"Chang, do you have an idea on what kind of demon Vix is?" Getty asked.

Chang shook his head, "No, no one knows anything about him. Since he became who he is, there was speculation however, it never panned out and the council came to a dead end. He's very smart and sneaky, no one has come out alive once encountering him so, we never could figure out what he is."

Getty hummed, "I figured." Sighing, he placed his elbows on his desk as he leaned forward. Staring us all in the eyes; especially Aliyah, he spoke. "Since we do not know how to approach this situation, you guys need to be vigilant and always on guard.

Team Beta and Theta has required information about his whereabouts. Tonight he is throwing a function will several supers and humans alike at a lake house in Seneca Lake. You guys will be going inconspicuously; make sure to not draw attention to yourselves.

You specifically Dickinson, need to be approachable. Who knows who they have looking for people who does not belong. Let us make this mission a success and we will be closer to finding more about these missing children and who is behind it."

We all nodded at his orders.

"You should get ready now, by the time you make it, it will be late and the party would have been started for several hours. Aliyah and Chang, please stay back. We have things to discuss."

Everyone but us left.

Chang took a seat beside her nervously.

Getty looked at the both of us before speaking. "Thank you guys for helping us today. Aliyah I know we have gotten off on the wrong... foot however, I know that if you did not want to help, you would have never came.

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