Chapter 22 - Mirrored

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"You live in a treehouse?!"

Aliyah stared at the house that was hidden within tree branches in shock.

She could not believe Chang lived in a treehouse.

A large house was in the middle while smaller houses connected the bigger one by several bridges. The wood blended in well with the trees and if someone was not looking, they would have missed it.

"We're panthers and we like being in our natural habitat," Chang replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

Aliyah bit her lip nervously as she stared at the home. It was at least fifty feet into the trees which meant she would have to climb to get to the front door.

"Come on, mom is waiting for us," Change spoke before climbing the tree just as a panther would. Aliyah sighed but following his lead anyways. She was sure he would not be setting her up for a trap.

She hoped.

Once she made it to the bridge, Chang gave her another reassuring smile before the door opened hastily. A beautiful woman greeted them with a smile.

"Érzi(son)," the woman spoke lovingly as she pulled Chang into a hug.

"Mama, I missed you too," he laughed as his mother kissed his cheek in greeting. She looked down down at Chang's frame with a frown.

"You leave for two months and you are already starving yourself."

"Mama," Chang complained before looking behind him to see Aliyah. His eyes widened as he realized he has forgotten about her.

"Mama, I want to introduce you to a friend" his mother looked at her as it seemed it was the first time she had seen her there. Aliyah outstretched her hand,

"Hello, my name is Aliyah. It is a pleasure meeting you," Aliyah spoke, smiling as Chang's mother eyes widened in recognition.

"Oh! You are Naijima, The Feline of Judgement, it is a pleasure meeting you. I can not believe my family has the privilege of you gracing us with your presence.

Aliyah grimaced internally however, gave her a smile in greeting. "Thank you for allowing Chang to invite me here. You have a beautiful home."

It was true. Even though their home was in a tree, the home looked like a resort cabin you would go to when someone was on vacation.

"Thank you so much, please come in!" She gestured for us to enter as she widened the door.

An older man greeted us as we entered the home.

"Son, it is good to see you," he spoke as he pulled Chang into a hug.

"Baba, it's good to see you, where's Lotus?"

"In his room, go on up and tell him dinner is ready."

Chang patted his fathers back before climbing up the stairs to his brother. Aliyah smiled awkwardly as his father turned towards her.

"It is a pleasure, Elder Naijima," he spoke, giving her a small bow.

"Please, just call me Aliyah," she replied with a smile.

"Well, Aliyah dinner is ready, I hope you like Chinese food." Aliyah followed Chang's parents room. "I love Chinese food actually,"she replied.

"Oh! And please, call us Bo and Su, any friends of Changs are family to us," Su spoke one they seated her to the dining table.

"Thank you Su, the food smells delicious." Several dishes were on the rounded table and they all looked delectable.

"The taste is just as good," Su replied. "We have dim sum, pearl meatballs, green beans, congee, hot and spicy soup, egg rolls, tea eggs, pot stickers, salt and pepper chicken and con you bing."

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