Chapter 5 - Family Reunion

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Enforcer Getty, body built like a tram, bright blue eyes that could stare a hole in someone's soul, a face to make any woman fall in love with him, a Lycan by nature and one of her mortal enemies.

To think it has been decades since Aliyah saw him; the last time was three hundred years ago. He was half dead and she had a knife to his throat.

My, oh my, how the tides have changed.

It seems like he has made someone of himself. To think, he could not hurt a moth on a rainy day to someone like him.

However, the questions was, what was he doing here and why was he with a bear?

Who are The Order and why was one of his bears consulting them?

Aliyah looked on, taking in how he spoken to his people.

It seems like they admired him quite a lot. Children played around his feet while he picked up one just to throw and catch them in the air.

How cute.

"Alpa, Alpa! Me next!" A small girl screamed, jumping up and down with a huge smile across her face. Aliyah could see the missing front teeth all the way from here.

Getty laughed before doing the same to the girl as the other kid. Aliyah smile slightly before looking around.

She froze as her eyes landed on someone or something that did not belong here or anywhere.

A witch.

Aliyah could see what she was from a mile away. The woman was doing exceptionally well in hiding her form but, Aliyah could see through her.

Her black eyes contained heavy bags under them and her black hair was stringy instead of the usual gloss which meant, she has been in that form for quite a while.

Aliyah almost hissed as she watched her walk around so casually.

That witch should not be able to roam freely. It should be in prison or even better, hell.

Unlike the supers, witches were not born, they are taught.

The most vile of humans would make a deal with the devil; whether in a blood sacrifice or sacrificing themselves as a personal prostitute; without the money.

From there, they would create chaos within human kind. Such as; luring children to their deaths, creating spells to start massacres, wars, even bind felines to them to do their bidding.

They are savage creatures.

Aliyah would not put it past them if they were behind the mysterious kidnapping and trafficking.

You know, it actually sounds quite plausible.

It seems like Aliyah has gotten everything she has needed at the moment, and the only beings who will have her answers are people she had left behind a very long time ago.

Aliyah backed up before turning away and to go back to her place.

If she needed to see them, she had to look the part and being covered in dirt would be the last thing she needed at the moment.

Once she made it back to her place, she took a quick shower before dressing herself in a knee length, form fitting red dress, her favorite Givenchy stilettos with her hair up in a puffy bun.

After, she sprayed her special perfume that masked her scent before leaving to the center.

The City of Cats.

As the supers liked to call it, while humans just call it Downtown.

The shining lights shimmered off of Aliyahs body as she strutted down the alleyway. Felines loitered around as the bass of music from the clubs reverberated outside of buildings.

She nod her head at the one staring at her like she was a celebrity as she continued walking until she reached the door she was looking for.

Aliyah knocked on the door before crossing her arms and tapping her right foot against the pavement.

Moments later, she heard someone behind the door before a switch turned to be met with a pair of brown eyes.

"Who are you?" The voice spoke.

Aliyah flashed her eyes in response, watching the man eyes widened before he quickly opened the door.

"Sorry ma'am."

Aliyah shook her head in response, "It was an honest mistake, do not worry."

He smiled in response before widening the door for her.

Aliyah entered into the room and was greeted with a burly body that was the security. Taking a sniff, she did not smell feline just human.


Anyhow, Aliyah moves forward down the narrow, darkened hallway. The clicking of her heels could be heard through the silent halls.

The further Aliyah walked, the darker it the halls. Her eyes switched to her felines before she was completely blind, making everything seem dim.

For several minutes she took twists and turns before finally arriving in an empty room with a chest and a singular door.

Immediately, Aliyah stopped out of her clothing before putting on the burgundy robe that covered her head and touched the floor. She took off her heels before slipping her feet into a pair black socks.

These people. Always with the dramatics.

Once she finished getting dressed, Aliyah opened the door and entered into the room that held a gigantic ballroom.

The floor was encrusted in strips of gold and while the walls littered with gleaming diamonds and rubies.

Aliyah ignored the few people sitting around the room as she continued to her destination. She pushed open the golden encrusted double doors before strutting in as if she owned the room.

Four angry faces greeted her but, soon turned to shock when Aliyah took off her hood.

"Sisters; it has been a long time," Aliyah spoke before sitting in the chair closest to her, crossing her right leg over her left.

Giving them all the sweetest smile sh could muster, she spoke, "Did you miss me?"

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