Chapter 8 - Club Onyx

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The sensual beats reverberated throughout the club as humans danced around the dance floor in sync.

The best drop and they crouched down. Once the music started again, they rose and grabbed the opposite sex dance before mixing together in a waltz.

A waitress came and Aliyah asked for a sparkling water with a side of ice before looking back down at the dance floor from her section.

Her friends were dancing in our section, laughing as they danced around each other while Aliyah scanned every face in the building, making sure everything was okay.

"Liyah! Come dance!"

Aliyah paused in her scanning as she rose and joined the group. Evie grabbed her hands and started to do a twirling dance with her.

A giggle escaped her lips as she followed along. Her hips swayed back and forth as her hands rose above her head. She closed her eyes and went along with the beat that flowed throughout her body.

Opening her eyes, she froze as she zoned in on someone familiar.

It was a feline.

She remembered seeing him when she entered into the council building. He was one of the spectators sitting in the ballroom.

What was he doing here?

Usually felines think they are too good for human activities.

Aliyah eyes followed him as he entered into the hallway covered by a curtain. She was going to follow him but then remembered, super business was none of her concern.

Maybe he was here for a good time. Who was she to judge how a shifter felt and where they went.

She was overreacting.

But she knew she was not and her spirit did also. She knew she could only ignore her spirit for so long before it became so uncomfortable.

"Lord, why do I have to do this?" Aliyah muttered under her breathe. With a sigh, she told her friends she was going to the restroom before following where the shifter entered.

Once she entered the hallway, she came in contact with an elevator down the right hallway. She saw the feline between the doors and, before it could fully close, she could have sworn to see a small child?

Aliyah frowned as she casually walked towards the elevator, not wanting to alert anyone. She made sure to look at the floor they stopped on in case something went wrong. Before she could get to her destination, she bumped into a moving brick wall.

"Sorry!" She yelled with a drunk giggle. Her hand slid up his chest before batting her eyes. "I was looking for the bathroom.. if you would like to join?"

The gigantic wall gave her a small smirk before pointing behind him to the bathroom that was t stationed.

"Sorry ma'am, I don't have sex with drunk woman," he replied with a very high pitched voice that made her blink.

Several times.

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She did not know whether to laugh or continue to flirt.

The steroids seemed to make everything bigger but the one thing that makes woman more attracted to them.

"Aw, well you know where to find me," Aliyah pouted before sauntering to restroom, with his intense gaze on her behind.  She flickered her gaze to the elevator and seen where the elevator stopped.

Once she was safety inside, she made sure the stalls were empty before taking out the if she swiped from steroid man.

His badge read 'Head manager', which mean he had access to the upper floors.

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