Chapter 4 - Enforcer Getty

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The conference passed in a blur. To say Aliyah was not paying attention would be an understatement.

Through the entire meeting, she could only think about the huge bear in the room.

What was he doing here? And why did he decide to come to Lightwave? Where there others?

She hoped not; she just gotten comfortable and would hate move again.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Aliyah snapped out of her thoughts, seeing Mrs. Jennings looking at her with worry. Smiling her way, "Yes, is it over already?"

Aliyah looked around to see only the two of them in the auditorium.

She guessed she was in her head longer than she thought.

Aliyah grabbed her bag before walking out with Mrs. Jennings, only listening here and there to give her a nod or a sound of agreement.

"Well, I have to get home. Robert will be waiting for me. See you tomorrow dear," Mrs. Jennings waved goodbye before getting into her yellow beetle.

Aliyah waved as she drove off before sighing. It was time for her to go home however the nagging in her head wanted her to check out the new principal.

Something was wrong here.

Firstly, Mrs. Peters gets arrested for child trafficking over the summer. Secondly, two new additions of supers are at her school; one is principal when they moved here only two weeks prior.

Thirdly, instead of going to a place with more leverage and greater reputation, they decided to come to Lightwave?

Something isn't adding up.


Aliyah made it back to her loft quickly. She fixed herself a light dinner before taking a shower.

Once the sun started to set, she was ready to go. Shifting into her feline, she exited her loft through the opened door before jumping on the edge of her patio and jumping.

Aliyah closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the beating wind pressing down on her.

Once she noticed she was closer to the ground, she spread her arms slowly until they were fully stretched and started to glide.

Aliyah was in a league of her own. Being a feline shifter, and being as old as she was, canine with several perks.

A feline shifter already having an advantage against other species from; looks, smarts, cunningness, lure and of course, our luscious coats.

Usually when shifters grow older, their bodies and minds grow weaker however, for a feline, we grow more cunning and analytical; not to mention the parachute like membrane that stretches from her wrists to ankles.

As far as she knew, Aliyah was the only feline who've reached her age and had gliders.

Go figure.

The downside of it of it though, she looked like a chubby chimichanga every time she fazed which did not do well with her ego.

She enjoyed the now shining moon as she slowly descended.

Swishing from side to side, she finally landed in a tree at the edge of the city. Finally able to breath somewhat properly with the pollution behind her.

She travelled further away until the only thing she could see was the shimmering lights.

Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, looking for the scent of big bear.

A few minutes passed before she faintly smelt what she was looking for.

The bear bears scent seemed to be disappearing quickly so, she had to get a move on before she looses him.

Without any hesitation, she she ran through the woods, jumping on the trees to create a momentum before hopping further towards the scent.

The trees were denser the further she went in, signaling her that she was getting closer to her destination.

She flew from tree to tree before she saw a small pond. Gliding down, she took a sniff around, finding her target to the right of where she was coming from.

Before she glides away, Aliyah rolled herself around the muddy ground to get rid of her scent then, she was off.

She could faintly hear laughing in the distance. Slowing down, she hopped to a thicker tree, that would cover her form before peaking into the field.

Instantly she recognized big bear within the group. There were six people; covered in robes that covered them from head to toe.

The only person not covered was big bear. Aliyah noticed he was still in his attire from the teacher conference which informed her, he came here straight away and in a hurry.

The question was, why would you meet up in the forest, in an open space? Do they not know someone could be eavesdropping.

Aliyah stretched further up once she realized they were speaking.

"What did you find?" One of the robbed people spoke. Her voice cold and monotone.

Big bear spoke next, "Nothing yet, it seems like thy covered their tracks well."

"I am sure that would not hinder you; will it?" A man spoke this time. He had a voice of gravel; old but no one mistake it for anything less than powerful.

Who were these people?

In her four hundred and eighty years of se, she has never crossed whomever they were. They must be powerful to not be on her radar.

Aliyah watched as big bear bend down on one knee before bowing his head. "I will not fail the order. It is my duty."

Without a word, the cloaked figures joined hands before disappearing.

Aliyah almost fell out of the tree in shock.

How did they disappear?! It was not possible!

Before she could further contemplate about it, big bear was on the move again.

Aliyah waited a few moments before carefully following behind him.

Big bear was knowledgeable she will give him that. He has been running in circles for the past fifteen minutes.

Aliyah did not know whether or not he felt someone following him or he was being extra cautious. Regardless of it all, he would not be able to know she was following him.

He was not that bright.

Moments later, we were finally on the correct path.

Instead of the bear going to its den like she expected instead, we arrived a house.

A pack house.

Aliyah could not hold in her shock this time once she saw wolves from all sides of the house greeting the wolf.

This was unbelievable.

What was a bear doing with a pack of wolves?

Aliyah searched for little bear to see him playing with a pack of pups.

What the-

Immediately, her eyes zoned in on the one person she thought she was never going to see again in her lifetime.

Enforcer Getty.

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