Chapter 1 - Butter Pecan

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It seemed like days before Aliyah made it back to her flat. The familiar smells of butter pecans and fresh flowers instantly relaxed her tense form. Not waiting any longer, Aaliyah entered the bathroom, immediately stripping out of the fitted dress that smelled of the human and her stilettos.

Aliyah twisted the knob of her claw foot tub, waiting anxiously for it to heat up before pressing down the plugger, waiting it slowly fill. Halfway through, she dropped two caps full of bubble bath and drizzled epson salt into the tub.

The smell of vanilla and raspberries filled her senses, making her forget momentarily of the stout humans scent.

Only momentarily.

Once the tub was to her liking, she turned the faucet off and eased into the water.

The heat burned her skin slightly however, she did not mind since the heat relaxed her immensely.

Aliyah rested her head on its porcelain rim before closing her eyes and sighing.

What a day.

It has been a very long time she has encountered people like him. To say she was not surprised would be an understatement.

For how long she has been occupying this planet, humans has never disappointed. She could give them props for doing what they have always done best throughout the centuries.

Kill, steal and destroy.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Aliyah grabbed her scrub brush before throughly scrubbing her body then, she grabbed the loofa to finally bath.

The oily concoction that smelled like vanilla and cocoa smoothed over instantly making her skin soft to touch.

After thought cleaning herself, she drained the tub and took her silky robe from its hook before wrapping herself in it.

Aliyah walked out of the bathroom and into one of her rooms that acted as a closet.

Sitting on the ottoman, she grabbed her body oil and butter pecan lotion before lathering her body in its essence.

After, she started her hair. Not wanting to bother it too much, she styled it into two braids, moisturizing it and twisting it into the rollers.

Once finished, Aliyah places her silky scarf and bonnet on her head before she started her nightly skin routine.

She has been neglecting her skin for the past couple of days and she did not like what she saw.

You would think being supernatural would give someone super soft, acne free skin, perfect body and perfect looks but, it was all a ruse.

Truthfully, nothing can fix ugly. Not to say that people are ugly since God has made everyone beautiful in their own way, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder but, that is besides the point.

We supers are just regular beings except we have the honor of being on of Gods picks to have a gift such as ours.

While saying that, not everyone is as thankful as she. Some; most, take their gifts and use it to fulfill their purpose with evil.

Unfortunately society never learns.

Anyhow, Aliyah started off with a face wipe to clear the excess filth she did not catch from her bath, before using her toner, serums and finally her ultra facial cream.

Not bothering with her face masks since she was too tired to even want something on her face for twenty minutes.

Instead, she took off her robe, and covered herself with an oversized shirt and shorts. After, Aliyah took the robe back to its respective place before exiting the room.

Finally, she could properly relax.

Aliyah shuffled to the end of room, to her living room before grasping the thick rope in her hands.

Extending her claws, she climbed the rope all halfway before flipping herself into the air and landing perfectly onto the clusters of rope, tied to mimic a hammock.

Letting out a purr, Aliyah elongated her body, stretching it until every music felt relief before laying on her side.

She grabbed a miniature grey remote before pressing the singular button. Instantly, her blinds slowly opened, giving her an almost 360 view of the big apple.

The moonlight shined into the living room, almost enchantingly. Tips of skyscrapers could be seen in her view since she was in one of the tallest buildings in NYC.

Thankful for that, it meant that she had next to non neighbors and the ones she did have, would not see her properly without a microscope. Even then it would not make a difference since her windows were reflective.

She could see them but they could not see her. Exactly what she enjoyed.

Placing the remote down, she picked up her other one; this time black and thin with multiple buttons. Pressing the red one, a blue hue filled the space before the sound of laughed erupted.

Aliyah turned down the television before gazing at its content.

She has no idea what she was watching but, it was quite interesting.

One thing she could give the humans credit for was the technology they have created. They might act dense and are weaker but, the small minority was indeed gifted.

Slowly, she gazed at the television as her eyelids grew heavier. Letting out a final purr, she drifted off to sleep to the sound of laughter and bickering.

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