Chapter 14 - Gaston De LaFuentes

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His blue eyes glared at her as she took a relaxed posture in front of him.

"Are you going to glare at me all day or actually tell me why you invited me to your office?" Aliyah asked, keeping eye contact with him.

Getty continued glaring at her. "Why are you here?" He growled out.

"Why do you think. You are a smart man, I am sure you can figure it out."

"You are not welcome here, bring someone else."
Aliyah laughed slightly, "Unfortunately, I am the only one qualified for the job so, how about we talk about the job instead of whining, yes?"

He opened his mouth to speak before Dickinson interrupted. "Uh, uncle? She is right. We have bigger issues to deal with."

Aliyah smirked as Getty glared at her once more before he grabbed an envelope from his desk and slammed it on the desk.

There was a crescent moon and a black sun on the folder. Aliyah figured it was the packs insignia. She took the folder, opened it and immediately, there sat a picture of an unknown man.

Name: Gaston De LaFuentes

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Name: Gaston De LaFuentes

Origin: Latin America

Age: Unknown

Species: Unknown

Occupation: Demos Slayer Gang Leader

"He is your first mission. Gaston has been reported to be a part of the trafficking for quite some time however, we were unable to charge him until now. We found traces of his blood in a trafficking place in Los Angeles five years ago."

"Then why did you wait so long to capture him?" Aliyah asked as she flipped the pages of Gastons recent activities. A brow raised as a picture of him shirtless came into view.

She tilted her head for a better view until a throat cleared. Looking up, Getty gave her an intense look before speaking.

"He disappeared before we could pick him up. He just resurfaced two weeks ago in Buffalo. Since we do not know his species, it has been a challenge to track him."

"He is a demon," Aliyah replied as she stared at his face. "Yep, he is a demon alright."

She felt Getty lean closer. "How do you know?"

"The heterochromia gave it away. With demons, they will always have a one blue iris. Over time when they are older they can hide it however, by the looks of him, he is fairly new. I would say a few hundred years old." Aliyah placed the folder back on the desk before focusing her attention on Getty.

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