Chapter 28 - Witches Lair

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"Are you sure this is it?" Getty asked, as everyone stared at the steep mountain in front of them.

They had been climbing the mountain since yesterday, following the trail Black Hawk had given them.

"Yeah, I followed them this far and lost them a few feet ahead."

"How should we do this?" Chang asked, breathing hard. "I think I need a break."

Aliyah rolled her eyes with a smile. "You wanted to be my apprentice, you will have to deal with it."
She ignored Chang's complaints as she turned towards Getty.

"What do you think we should do?"

Getty looked at her intensely before turning towards the mountain. "We have no choice but to go up." He turned towards the group, "Everyone stay alert and watch out for anything unusual. Witches are sneaky creatures and you would not know when you are trapped until it's too late."

Aliyah felt Chang come closer to her as they continued up the mountain. She knew he was seeking her comfort, and she couldn't help but want to protect him. However, he wanted to be in the field, and being in the field means he would have to protect himself. She will not be able to protect him all the time; she just hoped the personal trainings would come in handy.

Black Hawk led us further up the mountain. The air grew chilly and crips to where Aliyah's breathe exhaled into smoke.

As they grew closer to the tip of the mountain, a trail appeared in front of them. Black Hawk looked at the trail suspiciously.

"Did you guys notice a trail before we came this far?" He asked us which we shook our heads.

"Everyone look out for any traps!" Aliyah spoke as she grew closer to the trail, examining the chunky steps. She crinkled her brows as a frown appeared on her face.

"What's wrong?" Getty asked as he stepped beside her.

Aliyah continued to look at the steps with a sinking feeling in her stomach. "These steps look familiar but I'm unsure on where I had seen them before," she spoke after some time.

"Where did you see it?" Black Hawk asked making her roll her eyes.

"I do not know, I just said I didn't remember."

Black Hawk held his hands up with a small smirk.

For some reason, Aliyah didn't trust him as far as she could through him and she could throw creatures pretty far. Since Black Hawk had came, it seemed like it was too good to be true.

It seems pretty convenient that he would be searching for years for a lead with The Interference when we had gained more information about their plans. It seemed like they were heading towards the wrong direction, and was being played as fools.

As Aliyah continued watching the stones, she noticed a discrepancy within it. The stones looked as if they were newly made. Considering how old mountains were, there was no possible way a trail of stones would look as if it was newly installed.

She thought long and hard for and inkling of a clue before her eyes grew wide. She felt Getty grow closer to her before she felt the shift in the air. Aliyah didn't give  Getty a warning as she turned and unsheathed a dagger that she through towards the traitor.

Black Hawk shrieked as the dagger pierced his now elongated hand. Aliyah didn't give him a chance to retaliate as she charged towards the warlock with a somersault. Her heel connected with his chest before she saw Getty take aim and fire multiple shots.

It was like the team was in sync as the went into formation and started to fight the shrieking warlock.

Aliyah took out her gun and joined Getty in blasting the creature as Lillian and Susie grabbed their swords and slashed away its arms.

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