Chapter 21 - To Forget

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Several days passed and Aliyah was still in the same position.

In her hammock, staring aimlessly out the window.

Her phone rang many times these last few day however, she did not have the strength to get up and answer.

She just wanted to forget. Everything.

Forget about the felines. Forget about the enforcers. Forget about the council and even forget about her mission.

She just wanted everything to go back to normal when she was just a regular middle school teacher, going out with her friends every weekend and relaxing in her loft.

She just wanted to be free again.

Unfortunately, that was not about to happen.

She could not forget the feelings she felt or the people she had met.

She could not forget Chang who seemed to know her just in a short period.

He was banging on her door at the moment so, it was very hard to forget him anyhow.

"Aliyah, open up!" He yelled, banging harshly on the door. "I know you're in there, I can smell you!"

Aliyah closed her eyes in response.

Maybe if she blocked him out, he would get the message and leave her alone.

Suddenly, there was silence and Aliyah finally sighed as her home went silent.

She just wanted to be left alone for once.

Was that too much to ask?

She deserved the break right?

Then why was she feeling so guilty?

Aliyah felt as if she was abandoning her team and her mission however, how can she be an asset to the team if at the very first mission she been to in who knows how long; she messed up.

She did not think she was cut out for this work anymore.

She remembered the time she once was the best at what she did.

"Naijima! What are you doing?! You are going to get hurt!" Hija yelled from her position.

"Do not be afraid Hija, I am sure it will be easy!" Naijima screamed back with a laugh as she hopped from one rooftop to another.

She was almost there.

There was a vampire who fed from a human and slaughtered their family.

We were on his tail, all Naijima had to do was to catch him and bring him down.


"What?!" She yelled, turning towards Francesca. Noticing the look on their faces, she turned around and her eyes widened.

What used to be a building, sat nothing.

Before Naijima could stop herself, she was falling.

Luckily, she was a feline and felines never land on their back however, the fall does hurt.

Just a tiny but.

Naijima landed on her feet however, the blistering pain traveled through her toes and up her spine as she fell for who knows how many feet.

It took a moment for her to gather her bearings as the pain passed.

"Naijima, are you okay?!" Venya shouted as the girls gathered on top of the neighboring building.

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