Chapter 26 - Friends

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One Week Later

"Are you ready?" His blue eyes stared at her. Aliyah nodded her head before she got into position.




The door was busted open by the heel of Getty's shoe. Screaming sounded around the room as a stakes were embedded into the bodies of vampires.

The hotel room filled with smoke as their bodies started to burn and turn into ash. With a roundhouse, a vampires chest was embedded with the heel of Aliyah spiked boot.

Once the vampire was dead, she looked around for the perpetrator. As her eyes made contact with the target, she was blindsided by a kick to the face.

Aliyah grunted as the pain traveled to her jaw. The hit made her fall to the ground however, with her quick reflexes, she kicked out her leg to sweep the vampires feet from under them.

The vamps claw stroked towards her face with a screech as the female fell to the ground. Before, the vampire made contact, Aliyah grabbed her hand before twisting it to the point of her bones breaking.

The vamp screeched annoyingly on her ear making Aliyah let out a groan of annoyance.

"Shut up!" Aliyah snapped as she delivered a several punches to the vamps head. Still holding the now broken hand, she rolled herself around to her back and placed her foot solidly on the ground, before lifting her and the vamp up. Once she as on her feet, she flipped the vamp over her back and onto the dusty floor.

The vamp let out a screech so loud Aliyah's ears started to bleed. Before there was any severe damage, Aliyah stomped on the vamps face, ignoring the shrieks of pain before there was silence.

Finally, freaking vamps and their shrieks.

Aliyah cracked her neck before looking around at the damaged room. Piles of ash were everywhere making it seem as if a fire was started.

The screams soon turned into silence before Getty spoke.

"Bane Francis, you are under arrest for illegally turning humans into vampires. You are hereby detained by The Order and will be awaiting jury. Until then, you will be placed in a holding cell at the center. Anything you do or say will be used against in the court of law."

Getty placed a soaked cloth of holy water to the vamps mouth before tying it behind its head. The vamp screamed in pain before he slouched forward.

The holy oil on his face sizzled as the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Aliyah coughed as the stench hot her nose.

While the holy oil would not kill a vampire, it will weaken them to the point of exhaustion, and feel as if they are being eaten by a parasite. In conclusion, it was extremely painful. However, it was what the demon spawn deserved.

Vampires were a spawn of witches. While witches had to sacrifice themselves to the devil to become what they are, vampires were created by witches who practiced more into necromancy than the occult.

They were literally dead.

And the only way they could survive in this world, is by human blood. Not only were they stronger these a lot of species due to them being dead but, they were also almost lethal with their siren like shrieks that could burst eardrums.

About 600 years ago, they were a virus. With their origin being created in one of the coldest and darkest hours, they ran havoc on anything and everything. It became worse when the vampires started to learn about changing humans.

Omayakon turned into a ghost town. No living humans were there, only the vampires. During their reign, the vampires were getting low on food source and decided to go to different towns for they food.

After their migration, it was unknown what happened to them. It wasn't until about 400 years ago, where they came out of hiding.

Aliyah did not know why however, during these past weeks, she finally knew why.

Suzie and Lillian started to clean up the dusty room, not wanting the cops to come and investigate any further while Henry and Frankie escorted Bane out of the hotel by his arms.

"Great job today,"

Aliyah looked up to Getty's soft blues.

During the past week they have been working together in finding whoever were taking children. At first Aliyah thought it would be ridiculous to work together being that he was an Alpha however, they have been getting along well the past week.

She could see them being friends in the future.

"Thanks, you were not too bad either."

Getty gave her a smirk that she knew stop well. Se remembered all of those years ago when he was a cocky douche.



"I guess... I will see you when you guys come back from The Order?"

Getty frowned at her words before speaking slowly. "No, you will not since you will be going as well,"

Aliyah scoffed. "I do not think that is necessary. I have a class in the morning and I have already missed enough days."

He sighed in frustration, "When will you realize that you do not belong there Naijima?"

Aliyah looked at him sharply as he spoke her native name. "You know you should not speak of that name Getty! Besides, I am perfectly content with being a teacher."

It was Getty's time to scoff this time. "Are you sure? Because if you were, you would not be here Aliyah."

She ignored his words as he rambled on and on. To think that being here was because she missed her old life was ridiculous.

The reason why everything happened was because they came to her city unannounced, and decided to bring the dark voodoo with them.

It was his fault, the councils fault and the orders fault that she was in this mess. Her life was normal before they showed up. She only had to worry about making a plan for the school week, and what she wanted for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"...Besides, The Order are talking about meeting you. It seems like you have made quite an impression through the past decades before you went into hiding."

Aliyah snapped her gaze towards Getty as she caught the last of his ramble. "Well, I am sure if they are wanting to meet me, they will set up an appointment."

"The Order does not do appointments Aliyah," Getty replied looking at her with scolding eyes.

She gave a false smile, "Then maybe they should learn. Any-who, I have to prepare for tomorrow, see you when you get back." Aliyah spoke, waving as she walked away, ignoring Getty's commands to come back.

He should know by now, no one can command her to do anything. She was a feline, and felines make their own rules.

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