Chapter 19

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Two weeks...

It had been two weeks since Michael and I had our conversation over the phone, two weeks since Jack and I had our encounter. 

Two weeks since Alex and I last saw each other.

A million reasons gathered into my mind continuously as to why Alex would have disappeared like that. Did he just try to get information out of me like Michael? Did he get killed? Did he leave the mafia? No, I don't think you can just leave.


Jack, that bitch half-brother of mine left me here all alone after he slapped me. I was only let out by male guards to go relieve myself and was fed one stale bread every two days. My mouth was dry, quenching for water.

I could feel the hollow shadows that hung beneath my eyes and my rib cage clawing against my thin skin. My lips were cracking little by little every time I yawned and my hair was damp from the oil pooling.

I was numb. Did Michael really mean he was coming? What if this was all just planned by him to get me out of his house? What if he just kidnapped me to auction me off so the Mexicans couldn't get the deal?

My fragile arms wrapped around my legs as I lifted myself up against the wall, crouching. My head heavily fell onto my knees as tears started pricking the corners of my eyes. My trail of thought was becoming foggy as I realized my consciousness slipping away. I tried fighting it off, I couldn't sleep right now. Anything could happen and any given time.

Sleep surrendered at the sound of men laughing and footsteps approaching. My head jolted up, my eyes darting around to protect myself from any unseen danger. 

My vision became more clear as I squinted my eyes, trying to get a good look at who they were. The stench of alcohol submerged the thick air as I sniffled around. I saw three of the five men holding beer bottles, but all of them walking unevenly, signalling they were drunk.

"Ona tam." one of the men intoned, lazily pointing towards me. (She's over there)

The sensation of tightness in my chest and quickened heartbeat escalated when I saw their figures largening. They were walking right towards me.

My body shot up, heading back towards the far corner of the cell. 

Their bodies reached the cell door. They looked like they were in their 40's and looked painfully ugly. Crooked, yellow teeth went in all directions in their mouth while 2 of the men were bald and all of them carried wrinkles on their faces.

"Open the door, beautiful girl." The thickest Russian accent I had ever heard was echoing off the walls. My brows touched together, frowning. 

I shook my head, hoping they would go away.

They all reached there hands in, as if they were trying to get a touch of an invisible ghost in the cell. "We just want to talk." Another one of the men spoke, his face pressed against the bars. "No! Go away!" I yelped.

"Y-you know, our b-boss t-told the Mexicans to k-kill your s-sister." Another man spoke, chuckling losely, his eyes halfway closed as he tried to maintain his balance. 


His words were harsh and pierced my heart like a knife. My mind bled, knowing I knew he was talking about Jack. 

"Y-your b-brother wanted h-her but she d-didn't." His eyes fluttered. My eyes blurred red at the tears fighting to come in as my head processed what he just said.

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