Chapter 25

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"Cora!" A muffled sound from outside my room forces me awake. 

My eyes peel open as I let our a yawn and get up from my bed. My head turns to the side to see a crinkled area of mattress where Michael slept. "Come in." I yawn again.

Elena walks in with French toast and eggs. "Good morning, sunshine." She flashes me her teeth. 

"Mornin'." I politely smile at her. What have I done for her to be so nice to me. "What's all this?" I scratch my head. "Oh, I got you breakfast, dear." 

"You really didn't ha-" I begin. "Nope. You are so welcome. Enjoy!" She interrupts. With that, she leaves, closing the door behind her. 

The aroma of the food enters my nose. It did smell delicious. I managed to finish the food with the glass of orange juice Elena had left with it before going into the bathroom to get ready.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair so I just tossed it up in a bun at the top of my head.

My feet made their way over to the large closet as I peered a look inside. The time I got kidnapped by Jack and his people, I felt so useless. I don't want to be the girl that keeps screaming for help, I want to fight for myself. I want to be there for myself.

What Michael said the other day about getting the money back; something in me is telling me that I can, but I don't know how. So, the first step is going to be to learn how to fight and defend myself.


I grab a black sports bra and lululemon leggings and slip them on before taking the tray of food and heading downstairs. 

"Mornin', Lucas." I see him sitting on the couch, fiddling with his phone. I get no reply from him.

I make my way over to the sink and place the tray of dishes in before heading over to the couch to sit beside him. 

"Are you working out or something?" His eyes now peel away from his phone. "No? Why?" I question. "Because you're not the type of person to be wearing gym attire in the morning." 

"Oh, this! Umm, yeah." I slowly remember. "So Lucas, I was wondering if you could teach my how to fight and defend myself."

A continuous wave of laughs escape his mouth. "You want to what?-" "Learn how to fight and defend myself." I say, annoyed. 

The laughs coming out of him stop. "Why?" I take a deep breath in. "Because I felt useless against Jack and his men. I don't want you guys to be there for me all the time because I want to be able to protect myself. I'm tired of being this girl that keeps screaming for help when I can be doing the fighting myself." My brows furrow.

I look up at Lucas, whose lips are now pursed in a straight line with the same expression on his face. "Okay, when?" 

I smirk. "Right now."


The wave of morning heat hits my body as I took a step outside and made my way over to the ground. The training ground was huge, with symmetrical patches of light and dark green grass.

We had to go outside a couple of yards away from the house, since Lucas said he would be teaching me how to use a gun since I'm too skinny to learn how to fight and need to 'fatten up'.

On the side was a huge shed, where they probably kept all their equipment. "Okay, come with me, we need to pick out your gun." A smile erupted my face. I can never imagine someone else saying that.

Stolen ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora