Chapter 57 -New Fear-

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Following the events of the morning, the rest of the day was spent packing our trunks for school. All of my supplies had already been bought of course, paid for by Lucius and Narcissa. They were the highest of quality, nothing less for the Malfoy family I suppose. Though, I didn't really belong to them anymore, despite the fact I was connected to them by Black family tree.

After what had transpired within the manor and within that family, I could no longer see them in the same light. The ink on my flesh was a constant reminder of this fact, and I felt that I had Lucius to blame for it. Draco on the other hand was my only reason for continuing to stay in the manor, his occasional grins brightening my day.

I thought of him now, as I packed my trunks with a picture of us from the slytherin common room. My face was broken out into a wide smile in the photograph, arm slung around Draco's shoulder. It was odd to see me so joyful, no trace of pain hidden within my features. I delicately placed the photo in my trunk, resting it on top of one of my jumpers.

"BOO!" Two loud voices shout from behind me, nearly causing me to shut my trunk in fright.

"Bloody hell!" I swivel around, facing the two identical twins.

"Sorry did we scare you?" Fred asks with an evil grin, obviously not apologetic in the slightest.

"Yes, you and that thing you call a face." I reply in a snarky tone, looking at the two of them in annoyance.

"Hey that's my face too!" George exclaims, crossing his arms.

"Godrick help me." I groan, slamming my trunk shut.

"So did you get your head girl badge?" Fred questions, leaning against the door.

"No, if you haven't noticed I don't have an exemplary record." I drone, crossing the room to grab my cigs.

"Oh well sadly our ickle brother got prefect." George fakes a sob, sending Fred into laughter.

"What, the little one who hangs out with Potter?" I question lazily, not that interested.

"Precisely, he got it instead of Harry." Fred tuts, shaking his head.

"And I'm guessing Granger got prefect?" I inquire, practically already knowing the answer.

"Yup, so mum is having a party for both of them tonight." George replies.

"A party?" I raise an eyebrow at this news.

"More like a celebratory dinner since we all leave tomorrow." Fred chimes in, shrugging his shoulders.

"And what time is this dinner taking place?" I inquire, now slightly intrigued.

"In about ten minutes." George chirps, yanking me by the arm. Unfortunately for me, he managed to grab the exact place where my mark was.

"Shit!" I yelp, snatching my arm away from him.

"Are you alright?" Fred questions, looking at me carefully.

"Yeah I'm fine, George jus shocked me." I shake out my arm, attempting to hide my pain.

"Sorry about that Rees, just trying to get you to apparate downstairs." George frowns slightly.

"It's alright just a shock, lets go." I brush it off, preparing myself to apparate.

"Okay, meet ya down stairs!"Fred shouts before he and George apparate out of the room. Quickly I follow them, apparating to the bottom of the stairs.

"Took you long enough." Fred smirks, already in front of me with his twin.

"You had a head start." I huff, blowing my hair out of my eyes.

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