Chapter 21-Farewell Moony-

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"What the -" I rubbed my eyes, waking up in a tight embrace. Looking up at the ginger who's arms were snaked around my waist I raised my eyebrows. I had completely forgot that I fell asleep last night in the empty classroom.Slowly peeling his fingers from around my body, I scurried out of his hold and to the door. Giving the boy a final glance, I pulled at the door and to my surprise, it opened.

Walking in the corridor I shook my head at the though of how ridiculous I had been staying the night with Weasley. My robes were probably contaminated now, although the lingering smell of cinnamon was quite nice. While walking, I thought back to the events of last night and stopped dead in my tracks.


I needed to go check on him and apologize for our fight the other day. Breaking into a slight jog, I made my way to his office, hopefully catching him before his daily cup of tea in the great hall. Stepping into his classroom I saw that he was back in his office moving around items. I silently crept towards his office until I was nervously standing in the doorway.

"You look like hell." I smile as he turns around to face me.

"Believe me, I've looked far worse." He chuckles as I continue to rock back and forth on my heels.

"You can come in, I'm not gonna bite." He says while packing his trunk.

"I know that, your furry problem doesn't bother me." I enter the room and sit down on his desk.

"So you figured it out?" He questions, slightly smirking.

"Nope, Sirius told me."

"You spoke?" He whipped his head around and looked at me in shock.

"Yes, me and dear old dad had a heart to heart." I fake clutch my heart and pretend to wipe my eyes.

"So you know everything now?"

"Yup, I know every little detail." I say smugly and pick up his cup of tea.

"So you know about how I'm your godfather and Harry is your god brother." I spit out his tea and look at him wide eyed.

"Okay maybe I don't know every little detail." I mutter

"Leave it to Padfoot to forget all the important information." He rolls his eyes and begins to tell me the complete story. He explains to me all about the Marauders and the map they made which helped him realize that Pettigrew was in the castle. Then, he went into detail about their youth and how I lived with him and Sirius when I was born. Overall, I had a pretty good grip on the story until he got to the events that took place last night.

Apparently, while I was with Fred a lot of shit went down in the shrieking shack. I was utterly confused as Remus explained last night which involved time turners, Buckbeak, Pettigrew and Sirius escaping. So yeah, lets just say I definitely missed out on a lot last night while stuck in the classroom.

"Merlin." I breathe out once he finally comes to an end.

"Yes, I suppose that was quite a lot." He chuckles and continues to stuff his clothes into his suitcase.

"Why are you packing?" I ask after regaining my senses.

"My condition has been made aware of, so I resigned." He states sadly

"No you can't leaveee." I whine and give him sad puppy dog eyes.

"I'm afraid I must Delilah, but me and your father will see you soon enough." He lifts his trunk and finishes cleaning up the room.

"Ughh why do you always have to be so cryptic with your words Moony?"

"It makes me feel wise, anyways you better head off I see Harry coming this way." He taps the map on his desk with his wand, giving me a wink. Laughing, I engulf him in a bone-crushing hug as we say our goodbyes. Looking back one last time at his office, I dig in my robes to give him a little goodbye gift.

"Farewell Moony." I toss him a chocolate bar and a wide grin spreads across his face. Skipping down the stairs and out of his classroom I smile softly to myself. Making my way into the great hall I noticed a large gathering around where I normally sit. I attempt to push my way through the crowd to see what is so interesting about my seat.

"Good Godrick will everybody clear out so I can sit down!" I shout and they all turn around and slowly back away. Laying on the table, is a large cage with a gorgeous black owl perched inside. I let out a gasp and slowly reach out to stroke the mysterious bird.

"It came with this." Draco says handing me a feather that belonged to Buckbeak. Grinning widely, I take the feather and look back towards the owl.

"Hi buddy, I think I'm gonna name you Mischief. How does that sound?" The owl happily flutters his wings and I release him to go up to the owlery. Still grinning like a madman, I sit down and begin to eat breakfast. I had no clue how Sirius had managed to get me a bloody owl, but it was pushed to the back of my mind due to the overwhelming sense of happiness.

I finally had a father, a father who could get me gifts and send letters. Thinking about Sirius, I decided that I would use this new owl to contact him whenever possible. I had just got a hold of him, and I was not about to let go under any circumstances.

Fred Weasley Pov :

Watching the girl in the great hall I felt a strange pang in my chest that I did not like whatsoever. She had received an owl and it was the first time I had ever seen her look so incredibly happy. Her grey eyes, usually cold and lifeless, now looked as if there were hundreds of fireworks hidden deep within. They emitted such pure joy that I couldn't help but feel a smile creep it's way onto my face.

I also noticed her usual smirk was gone and was instead replaced with a wide grin which showed off slight dimples in her cheeks. She animatedly talked to the owl before setting it free and returning to her meal. Playing with her necklace, her smile seemed to grow which made the pang in my chest increase.

Averting my gaze, I shook my head roughly to snap myself out of this weird daze. Taking a mouthful of eggs, I hoped that it would push down the feeling in my chest. Looking to my right I noticed George looking at me with an amused smirk and rolled my eyes.

"What." I snap. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a gulp of juice, still smirking. Letting out a huff I go back to my meal, trying to focus on the bacon in front of me. Not even a second later, a large package was dropped on the table in front of George and I. Ron had just strolled in and upon noticing the package he gave us a questioning look.

"Don't look at us mate, it was just delivered." George says while everyone near us looks at the large package curiously.

"I think it's for Harry." Hermione states while picking up a large feather

"How about you have a peak Ron, you are his best friend." I wink and push the package towards him.

Ron hesitantly began to peel the wrapping back and a collective gasp went around the table. Before our eyes was the one and only Firebolt, the fastest broom in the world. Harry had just entered the great hall when Ron quickly sprinted forward and pulled him towards the table.

"I didn't mean to open it Harry, it was badly wrapped and they made me open it." Ron pointed at George and I.

"Did not." We both defensively say at the same time .

Harry looked down at the broom in pure shock wondering who had sent it. Hermione showed him the large feather she was holding and a strange look of understanding passed between them. Quickly Harry picked up the broom and everyone began to sprint outside to watch him fly.

I had just started to get up when I locked eyes with the girl I had been trying not to focus on the whole meal. Giving her an arrogant wink she rolled her eyes and then did the strangest thing in the world. She winked back at me before turning back to her meal and I felt my face flush. I stared at the back of her head in shock and felt a hand clap me on the shoulder.

"Snake got your tongue?" George chuckled and I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ew what no, just admiring her ugliness from afar." I reply, feeling my face grow warmer.

"Tell that to the blush on your cheeks mate." George snickers before running off to join the others in the courtyard. I bring my hand up to my cheek and widen my eyes finding that I was indeed blushing. I shrugged it off as just the warmth in my room but I still couldn't shake off the strange pang in my chest as I gave one final look to the Slytherin girl.

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