Lecture Ten

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Power Is Not Given To You, You Have To Take It.

"Mom's up to something."

My eyes glanced over the banister that looked over the large entrance to our house. Mom had thrown a business gathering but the closer I looked the more I realised something. These weren't my moms business partners.

They were my dads.

Over the last two days since our mom came back she had explained a lot to me. She told me all about Davis and how she had taken him on at the same age I am now. How she had gotten thrown into this world and that she was far deeper in it that any of us had first thought.

She had taken on the world when she was my age and now she ruled everything. From her own empire to working along side my dad in the background. She was in the middle of it all and everyone here knew it.

From my advantage point I could clearly see the respect these people had for my mom. They weren't greeting her like she was the wife of one of the most powerful men in the world.

No they were greeting her like she was the one that held all the power in her hands.

Maybe she did.

My mom respectively greeted anyone who wanted to talk to her with a smile on her face. There was something else there in that smile, something on her face that told me she wasn't just putting on a show for these people.

She was making sure they remembered who was in charge.

Standing where I was I wasn't able to hear what they were talking about but I noticed how when my mom asked a question some of the men would start to sweat. They looked uncomfortable and the more my mom pressed them in her questions the more they looked like little boys, not grown men who were probably older than her.

The whole time she kept her smile but it was almost mocking. She was daring them to set a foot wrong, she wanted them to do something that would make her react.

Playing games was one of my moms favourite things to do and the whole world knew it.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Levi as he took a sip out of his drink. "She's just down their greeting them like any other business party."

He was wrong.

After everything my mom had told me about in the last few days the more I now could see. Everything she did was so calculated and there was a reason for it. Mom was making a impact with every move she made with no move made that would make anyone take her as a pushover.

Suddenly a group of people caught my attention. Looking over I was quick to notice it was Payton Myers and her parents and I couldn't help but smile. I tried my best to hide it behind my drink but my brother must have noticed.

"What are you looking at?" But my brothers words trailed off at the end when he looked at what I seen too. "Fuck."

He looked panicked as he glanced between our mom and the Myers family knowing that this wasn't going to end well. I on the other hand couldn't wait for the scene that was about start in front of me.

Levi placed his drink on the tray beside us and went to make his way down the stairs but I stopped him in his tracks before he could even more from his spot.

"What are you doing?" I asked raising my eyebrow in question.

"I have to stop them from talking." He tried to free his arm but I just tightened my grip and gave him an amused grin.

"Do you really think mom threw this party for no reason at all?" I asked my brother like he was stupid. "Think about it, mom doesn't do anything without a reason and who has been pushing their luck lately within the City."

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