Lecture Thirty-One

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Your Future Needs You, Your Past Doesn't

"You have to teach me how you do this."

Three days have past since that night at my brothers game and I couldn't get it out of my head. Mom had controlled the situation without a lifting a finger. She had used the people around her in a way I could never imagine.

"Do what?" Asked mom as she read over something on the paper on her desk. I could see a faint smile on her lips as she spoke. She knew fine rightly what I was talking about.

Putting my hands on her desk at the other side she finally looked up at me. "How you control situations like that."

"I already told you-"

"No you taught me the pieces of the board but you never taught me how to use them to my advantage."

Mom put the piece of paper down and leaned back in her seat. She was studying me like she always does but she must have seen something different because she let out a small grin.

"That's not something I can teach you."

"Why not?" My answer came almost childlike but I couldn't help it. I needed to know, I wanted to think just like her when it came to this world.

"Because it's something that comes with experience. I've learnt from my mistakes and I've learnt from every situation I've been in. Those experiences are what taught me and if you want the same, then you should do the same."

She was right of course but how was I ever going to learn from my own experiences when she was always around to have the situation under control.

Mom must have read my mind because she was silent for a moment before she spoke the next words. Almost like she was making sure what she was saying was the right choice.

"Go to Italy."

"What?" Not once did I ever think this would be her response. Why would she want to send me to Italy?

"Your dad wants to be home for a while and who can blame him, he's been gone for a while. I also need your brother to come back home to deal with something."

Frowning I looked at her wondering what that something was but I knew she wouldn't tell me even if I asked.

Then the rest of her words kicked her. She wanted me to go to Italy and take control of it over there.

She was giving me an opportunity to prove myself in my dads world.

In her world.

"Italy's power has shifted in our world, Luca's men are under our control but it's always a touchy subject when there's a new boss around. There's also other little league players that want to take advantage of the power shift. They'll want to try and gain control of more than we would dare allow them."

"So you want me to get it under control."

Mom nodded as she watched me carefully. "Elijah has been over there this whole time so you'll be working with him and I'll be having Zane and Damon checking up on you. There's also some of our most experienced men are over there, so make sure to take there advice."

"I will I promise." This is what I needed. I needed to get out of my parents shadow, I needed to get out of my brothers shadow.

I needed to find out what it is that I am able to do myself. I want to find out what my own limits are when it comes to this world.

I needed to find out if I belonged in this world.

"I'm not finished." Mom stood up and walked around the table so that she stood in front of me. "Just remember, just because they are more experienced doesn't mean what they will tell you is always the right thing to do. Remember to trust your own mind and never second doubt yourself."

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