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"...shocking business...shocking...miracle none of you died...never heard the like..."

"I felt as though I was going to bloody die!"

"Don't be so dramatic, Mr Weasley, I can fix broken bones in a heartbeat, however painful you say it may be-"

"Really painful, Madam Pomfrey. I'm surprised you're not chopping it-"

"Of course I'm not chopping it. Half of Miss Donovan's arm is scarred, and she's not complaining-"

"-trust me, she will once she wakes up..."

I lay listening with my eyes shut. I felt very groggy. The words I was hearing seemed to be travelling very slowly from my ears to my brain, so that it was difficult to understand. My body felt like lead; my eyelids too heavy to lift...I wanted to lie here, on this comfortable bed, forever...

"...Mr Potter, eat your chocolate! Miss Donovan will be fine-"

"She doesn't look fine-!"

"I've put all the dittany on the scar I could find - STAY IN YOUR BED-!"

I opened my eyes.

Everything was slightly blurred; I was lying in the dark hospital wing. At the very end of the ward, I could make out Madam Pomfrey with her back to me, telling someone off. I squinted. Harry's dark hair was visible beneath Madam Pomfrey's arm.

I slowly moved my head over on my pillow. In the bed to my right lay Mione. Moonlight was falling across her bed. Her eyes were open, too. She looked petrified, staring fixedly at the door, which was slightly ajar. I noticed that her hand was clasped in a tight fist, a gold chain entwined in her fingers - her timeturner.

I tried to lift my arm to rub my eyes, but winced when a stabbing pain ran through it. I lifted my head slightly, feeling confused; the sight that met my eyes made me want to throw up.

A deep scar ran up my forearm, red and angry, about ten centimetres in length. There were three straight lines, seemingly from the werewolf's claws. My school shirt was drenched in dry blood, and there was a harsh-smelling ointment that had been rubbed across the cut. I stared transfixed at my skin, my stomach churning horribly.


"Ah, Miss Donovan, you're awake!"

My eyes flicked up to see Madam Pomfrey now hurrying over to me, a large slab of chocolate in her hand. I stared at it, my mind whirring. Chocolate... Lupin...Dad...Sirius.

"Sirius!" I exclaimed, trying to push myself up, but the ache in my forearm was too much and I fell backwards against my pillow. Harry, Ron and Mione's heads all turned to me, and I saw Harry sink back into his bed, running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath of relief. Madam Pomfrey shoved the chocolate into my hand when she reached me, and I tried again. "Pom Pom, what happened with Sirius-?"

"Millie," she said soothingly, grabbing another potion from the bedside table, "it's all right. They've got Black. He's locked away upstairs. The Dementors will be performing the Kiss any moment now-"

"WHAT?" I cried, gaping up at her. I quickly looked over at Harry for help, and was extremely surprised to see him shaking his head at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and he gestured to Mione. Making sure Madam Pomfrey was busy complaining about how Snape and Fudge had been too loud or something, I glanced next to me. Mione was holding the timeturner up, her hand trembling. My jaw was nearly on the floor...surely not...

"...so make sure you eat the chocolate, Miss Donovan," Madam Pomfrey continued, standing over me to make sure that I did. I went to lift it to my mouth but I could hardly even swallow, especially when Mione mouthed, 'Sirius is safe. We helped him escape-' And she jerked her head at the timeturner clenched in her fist again.

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