1 - Mono

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Mono waited. Long forgotten by the girl he had loved the most, who was now the one he also hated the most. He had never really wanted to change. He wanted to he the boy he was when he was younger, kind, filled with love and compassion, but he was filled now with anger, hatred and rage. He had became a fierce hothead. He wanted go be Mono again. Yet people change, and so did he.

He'd thought he'd have forgotten by now, but he didn't. In fact he remembered. He never forgot. Even though he wished the most that he had, but no matter how hard he tried he didn't forget. He tried to forget her. Yet he couldn't, and if Mono couldn't forcibly forget Six and her actions then he was gonna force himself to become bitter towards her and hate her. The very idea of her he hated with almost every fiber of his being, or so he thought.

He was different now. He wasn't innocent he wasn't kind anymore or caring. He was hard. Cold. Infected. Bitter. It wasn't his fault he changed. He had held back for long but he had now excepted the rule of the eyes.

They picked and prodded. They imbeded into Mono's own DNA. They became apart of him, merged, and he became apart of it.

He had not chose this path, but he could not escape it. If Six could force him to take this route, then he didn't need to be the kind and loving Mono anymore.

Six hadn't shown him kindness. So why did he have to be?

Well it wasn't like it mattered too much anyway. There was nobody around but himself.

The silence and solitude overwhelming. It was amazing how he could try to occupy himself with so many things and hobbies and still have time for the eyes to prod into him, pierce into his skull, putting in memories, feelings, becoming Mono. Forcing in new ideas and thoughts that Mono had to obey. The power was too strong to force out of his mind and being. Like an filthy ill stench that stung into your nostrils, and all your senses, and lingered. That is what it was like.

At first Mono fought it. He had to convince himself he wouldn't let it overcome him. He wouldn't become like his father. He would get out of the tower, after defeating the eyes, and nobody would ever hurt him again.

That was when he was naive. Oh he fought for so many years, growing up in this miserable solitude. A place where you're alone, but constantly stared at. The eyes in the walls silently judging.

At first Mono was miserable. He tried so desperately to get out of his hell hole. There was no way out. He tried suicide but he could not kill himself.

He hated the smothering feeling, the eyes always breathing down his neck, questioning, judging, waiting for the day Mono would break down and accept.

It had finally happened after living there five years. Alone but not alone. The past three years the bond between the eyes and Mono was growing stronger. Creeping into the crevices of his mind and filling him with the abusive comfort.

The very things he hated as an eighteen year old, now had become a thing of comfort. Of need. Though it was suffocating and overbearing. It was like a toxic, abusive, a fake loving type of relationship.

One that left Mono needing more because no matter what the eyes did to him, his mind, or his sanity it was the only thing that could provide for him and he needed to keep coming back, to cling to this false sense of security.

It gave him comfort. Comfort that was masked with a lying, sickly sweet perfume, that suffocated all of Mono's senses, so much so that eventually it stopped burning his eyes, nose and throat and crept in to fill the spaces of his mind.

Like making Mono it's own. Like filling an empty log full of termites to inhabit the spaces.

It overloaded, overloaded and overloaded again, driving Mono to insanity. It made him wonder if his insanity was really sanity. Anytime he tried to get away, to fight back momentarily, it fed him some lie he believed, offered a fake hope and comfort, and lulled him back home.

It made Mono feel suicidal. Empty. Without a purpose. Half of him was conscious what was going on, and when he was too self aware, it caused him distraught, as he realized what the eyes were doing. Just like they had caused him distraught they had lulled him into comfort and brought him back.

They hurt him just to heal him, so that for a moment once again he would believe them, and everytime it worked.

He kept running back to the eyes cause their tricks worked everytime. He knew deep down the tricks, but they still fooled him to stay in the grip of the parasites. So he did. He had more comfort when he did. For they did not lash out if they were on good terms and not angry.

However strong the grip on Mono, which was strong, it still had not encased him completely...perhaps maybe there was still a hope for him.

Yet it was too bad. Nobody was there to help him realize. All he had was himself, for the eyes did speak but they also did not. So that Mono did not always know what they were saying unless he had to, and even when they did speak they agreed with Mono, because Mono agreed with them.

More than Mono's character and mental state changed though. His appearance changed, and greatly too.

His eyes had always stayed full black, which growing up was not an uncommon occurrence in his family...for he had at one time thought it was normal when he was a kid but only for a while. People had always treated him differently cause of his eyes though.

His eyes had not changed from childhood, but his skin did. It went from a fair color to a blue grey tint. He had not known how it had happened or even how quickly. It had happened so much over time he hadn't hardly noticed.

He wasn't sure if it was because of the eyes and their manipulative and abusive power, emotionally, mentally and physically, or if it was from lack of sunlight.

Mono thought it was both. He could not recall the last time he had seen natural light in the past eight years. He could not recall the last he'd seen the sun.

It made him sad, and he had plenty of time to ponder the things that made him sad.

Mono still had his natural hair. Though the tint changed from a dark brown to a black with blue undertones. It was naturally messy, with parts that were curlier and messier than others, but that was just his natural hair.

However he had plenty of time to ponder what he had wanted to do with himself, his time, and his looks. He had decided to start straightening and gelling his hair and slicking it back. He thought it looked more professional, and for reasons he could not quite place, he had hated his curly messy hair for some reason. A lot of time it had fallen in front of his eyes.

Mono had grown to be more handsome than ever. He was fine when he was the ripe age of eighteen, but he was even better now at twenty five.

Though, at this rate, his self esteem fluctuated so much, he wasn't sure when he was proud of his looks, or if he was gonna skip doing his appearance and even glancing in the mirror at all on certain days.

Momo had changed very very much. In many ways. He wasn't the boy he had been when he met Six. The old him wouldv'e never in his life been okay with that, but the new him was. In fact he was perfectly fine with his new life. Sometimes anyway.

Mono changed. People change, but at the end of the day, no matter how much he changed, it was impossible for him to forget.

He wanted to blot out the past, erase Six from everything. Erase old him from everything. No matter how many times he hit his head against the wall, he never did forget.

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now