28 - Mono

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"Who are you?" The young girl said. When I had approached her.

"I'm mono! I'll be your friend! Please trust me"

She held the music box defensively. How long had she been down here.

The memory felt fuzzy. It was soom changing.

She huddled close to me in the cold. Under the little box we had that blocked the rain. In her yellow raincoat. The one she had found at the orphanage. She shivered. She was cold.

I felt bad for her.

"You have dark hair. And dark eyes" my breath felt hot against the paper bag.

"Will you take off the bag yet. I want to see what type of eyes you have. Do you have pretty hair too.

I'd blush. "No! I'm like really ugly! Super duper mega ugly!" I'd say quickly. "I'm so ugly the doctors said they could never fix me!" I was really letting on.

Shed huff and sigh.

"You're cold" I state the obvious. "Do you want my jacket?" She nods shyly and I hand it off to her. She put it around her raincoat. Looking away blushing turning away from me.

"Were they your family?"


"The hunter. The guy with the sack on his head"

"Adoptive father. Never liked him. Took me from the orphanage. I disliked him less before the screens and before people.."

"Got weird" I finish for her
"Yeah got weird" she ways

"Is that why you wear the bag?"

"It helps not see the tvs" I nod

"Are you weird?" She looks at me with big eyes.

"Well i- I guess I wouldnt know if I was." Something stirred in my stomach. "I guess if I was I wouldnt be able to tell"

"Well i like you. I trust you" she smiles.

"I trust you too" I smile. I believe she can tell even if she cant see.

"My dad he is..weird. he cares about his....
Job..more than he cares about me" I sigh "hes always busy and wants me to be just like him. I always sneak out and wander the streets though. I like to explore" 


"Yeah I do. I keep thinking if i explore long enough I will find a way out of here"

"You really wanna leave your dad?"

"Yeah I do. He..hurts me" I rub my wrist.

"He does" she asked concerned with big eyes.


She grabs my wrist quickly, rolling my sleeve up and gasped. It was purple and red and a bit swollen. I flinch.

"Ow let go!" I cry.

"Im... so sorry" she says petting my arm.

"Dont touch it it hurts" I whined.

She nods and pulls her small hands away.

I tug at my sleeve feeling embarassed.

I opened my eyes. There was a bright overhead light. I felt oddly safe. Besides the dull pain in my head and the sharp pin prick in my arm.

Six. Why were these memories coming back more than ever now? Well despite actually like seeing her. Duh.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever.

Was she faking? All this time? I remember her trying to speak to me. While I was blacking out. Saying something. It sounded sincere but I dont remember what-

Ew sincere? Her? Ever? I could not tell. And that left me unsettled.

Even after she tried to kill me earlier she then did try to save me kinda?? That. Was weird. Painful. Awkward.

Why did I walk away from her again? I dont remember.

Three faces peered over me wearing medical blue gowns and face masks.

"Shit he is not supposed to be awake"

"This vessel, it is very very weak"

Vessel? What're they talking about?

"Igh" I made weird noises. I relaized an oxygen thing was strapped over my face and i was strapped to a table my arms and legs tied with leather belts. I struggled but it was useless.

Several needles stuck into my arms. I had never liked the needles. I struggled more despite feeling them move inside of my skin.

I had bigger problems right now.

I tried to speak but only groans came out.

Where am I? What the fuck are you doing to me? I wanted to shout.

They peered down at me. Probably staring In wonder in my dark eyes at their own reflections. Eyeing me like they had never seen themselves in  a mirror before.

Some of the needles were hooked to tanks and to bottles with fluids in them.

I did not want to know what they were pumping into me.

"Shit. The anesthesia shouldnt have worn off. If we want to contact the boss he cannot keep waking up" they say.

I growl, boss? What did they mean?

One scribbled something down on a clipboard. "If we continue to struggle after treatment, we can kill the vessel and it will hopefully return to it's original form"

"High amounts of" they listed things. Numbers letters chemical names. Things I vaguely barely understood.

"In the body. The manifestation has not run it's full course yet" they said marking something on a clipboard

"What does that mean?"

"The vessel is sentient still. A remainder of the person who it used to be is still alive inside it. It can not fully manifest to it's true potential"

"I see. But if we kill the body?"

"Well we may not have to. If we pump enough of the" more chemicals I didny understand. Names. Useless information i wasnt a fuckin doctor. "It can shot down hopefully parts of the brain it does not need"

"But if we go that route, what if it cuts off communication? And our boss cant speak to us? Since the vessel cannot process words."

"Hmmm he will find a way. Let us see. We will introduce the gas soon. We will try to make contact again first." They say

Contact? Oh god what were they doing to me! I struggled more. The parasite it was in me! It wanted to be let out! It stirred and knotted in my stomach. And not the good type of knot feeling.

It wanted to be lose again. I thought I had freedom being away from the tower! But part of it was in me! They had awoken the sleeping giant. Now it wanted to do whatever it could during its reign! And they were trying to bring it back.

Six! Please! This will be the only time I'll ever rely on you. Save me. Please?

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now