30 - Mono

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They doped me up on anestehtsia again and I fell back asleep.

When I woke up I was in another place. This time I knew where. Back at the orphanage. I couldn't control what I was doing, but I watched my body from afar.

With grunts I hoisted the hammer over my head smashing down on the screaming convulsing child. The porcelain head broke into shards.

When the two others ran at me I was ready, I cracked their skulls open watching the shards break into a million pieces. Their now lifeless body slumped to the ground, a nub of the neck where the head used to be.

I had'nt caree back then. Nothing in the world could've made me care.

I rushed to the boards that held the rope, smashing into them, it broke the contraption Six hung from and she fell to the bathroom floor.

I panted, running to her, getting on my knees. My eyes searched over her worriedly but of course she didn't notice with the bag over my head.

"Six!" I watched myself say. I could my voice quaver. I was tearing up perhaps even crying. "Six please" I was so much younger then. Just fresh out of highschool.

"Please! I came as quick as I could! You're okay you're gonna be okay" I cradled her into my arms.

She seemed shocked, like when mice get caught by prey and they freeze. Her eyes blinked but she said nothing at first.

"Its me, it's me, it's Mono. I'm here I got you. I got you" I breathed. I must've cared for her something awful. But that felt so so long ago.

She looked up at me and hung her arms around my shoulders and she started to cry. I wrapped my arms around her gently at first.

My old self looked like if I did anything other than barely touch her, she would break like glass.

She sobbed into me, clutching me desperately, as if she would fall off the world if she let go.

"Shhh" I would melt, pulling her close. "Its okay I'm here. Its okay" I tried to console her. "God what did they do to you?" I asked.

She had bruises. On her face and on her neck. Her nose was busted up quite a bit too. But she did not answer. I'm not sure she ever did tell me what happened back there. Whatever it was, I didn't pry and decided to leave what happened in this bathroom.

"Cmon. Let's get out of here. We shouldnt stay here." Kindly, I helped her to her feet. She limped at first.

She did something I had never seen her do before. At least not in a while. Since I had first found her, she had grown quite comfortable with me. She always sunk into herself at first but then she relaxed.

She seemed to return to that state though, shrinking into herself except this time she shrank into her coat.

I extend my hand kindly and she takes it. I cannot see my own face watching this but I have a feeling I had smiled at her in that moment and I'm sure she noticed too.

We continued on with eachother after that.

That felt so long ago. It was during the time of my father's reign over the city. We were so tiny in a large world, we were like ants and everything around us was watching, waiting, to squash us.

But it was us agaisnt the world. I deeply miss it. I dont miss being small however. I actually appreciate the fact that the distortion has made me grow an ungodly height. Despite what anyone says I'm sure it makes me handsome.

I felt a fogginess wash over me as my eyelids pried themselves open. They blinked, everytime as if they were being forced down with tons. It felt laborious to keep them open. I saw her, Six, how could I forget that face.

"Mono? Mono? Oh good you're awake I was so scared you would never wake up." She caressed my face. God her hands were cold and ungodly cold.

I tried to speak but the words rolled off my tongue in blurred and jumbled syllables. My tongue felt like it was swollen up like a hot airballown and an ungodly amount of dry. I fumbled around next, my arms they slashed wildly. I tried to cause them to go where my brain willed them but they frustratingly did everything except what I was asking them to. My hands flew everywhere and accidentally smacked Six a bunch of times too.

What's going on? Why cant you understand me? And most importantly why do I feel like shit? Where the hell even am I? I tried to ask her.

A lady was standing next to her. Her skin ragged and scarred and multiple eyes dotted her face, with pencil thin lips. I wish I could say she was as pretty as my betrayer here but that would be a lie.

They said something to eachother but I could not understand them over my loud unnecessary jibber jabber. I was trying sk desperately why couldn't my mouth make the right sounds?

"Shhhhhhhhhh" Six says placing her hand over my mouth. In another feeble attempt I groan against her hand.

"Your friend here's brain is absolutely fried." Says the lady. "What a shame."

"But what if your wrong? I still have hope for him." Six tells her. "Mono do you understand me? Please show me something if you do"

I nod my head yes.

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now