13 - Mono

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Mono closed his room door, sighing, leaning his back against the door. He slipped a cigarette from his pack in his dress shirt pocket and lit one.

The conversation with the masked lady had left him tense. Parts of it were enjoyable, but it left a bad after taste in his mouth.

That woman. The mask. It didn't belong to her, and he couldn't help but wonder what she had done with the other geisha.

The fact her voice was oddly familiar sent chills down his spine. He did not know many people. Perhaps someone from a dream? Six?

It could not be Six, he finally decided as he pulled his clothes off getting ready for bed.

The memories of her still haunted him, it panged his heart to think of her but soon he dismissed the memories as he found himself getting sick in the bathroom.

He had found another thing to think about, how disappointed he was in wasting all that good food. He knew he wouldn't be able to eat it, but he felt bad not to...

His stomach couldn't take that much. His eating habits were poor, he hardly ate at all, he only ate one meal a day and that was breakfast. He had no motivation to eat any other time because that was the only time he was really hungry. Anything else he ate he normally threw up unless it was a light snack.

Mono stayed by the toilet until he was sure he was done, the went on with the rest of his nighttime routine making sure to brush his teeth 'extra' if a person could do that anyway.

Mono got lost in his reflection. Everytime he looked at it he did. He could see himself in his dark dark eyes. Pools of black. He got lost in them.

There was only one thing Six and he had in common, they both hated those dark eyes.

He shook off the thoughts of Six that had crept back, putting his cigarette out before bed, a little grumpy to be wasting it, but it was good while it lasted, he crawled under the covers.

He felt strange in this environment. It was foreign yet familiar. He had been here before but at the same time it felt like a dream.

Mono finally relaxed, closing his eyes. He was tired after the exhausting day. He had only spoke to one person and it was already too much.

He didn't have to worry too much though. He waited until he fell asleep.


When Mono woke up he had that odd feeling. As if he slept well but also as if he didn't. At the same time. He opened his eyes, realizing the finicky feeling right away. He sat up with a grunt.

Of course he curled back up into bed, to sleep in, but now that he had awoken he wasn't tired.

There was a soft knock at his door, Mono sat up quickly, confused on who it might be. He wore a dark navy silky bathrobe and he pulled the covers up to his chin.

He had no idea what to do.

"Hello?" A soft voice said, knocking again.

"Uhh..." Was his only response at first. "Come in?"

The door opened to reveal a very small, petite woman, in a maid's uniform.

"Hello. I'm Clarisse I will be your room service for your stay. Sorry if I startled you." She said, cheery.

Mono let out a breath. "It's alright. I didn't know how early you came by." Mono said. Quite frankly he had forgotten about the room service, but of course the place had room service. What did it not have?

"I knocked around seven but I let you sleep in." She said coming in, with a tray of food. She set it on the edge of the queen sized plush bed. "Anything else for you sir? Maybe I could draw you a bath?"

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now