32 - Mono

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Six and the patch face lady stood over me in the back of the car. I couldnt understand hardly anything or do anything. My mouth was dry and felt like cotton. Limply I tried to reach out for anything, I tried pulling my body to sit up.

"Oh no no no no" Six holds me down firmly.

"I sure managed to patch your friend up well" the lady leans towards me oogling me. I wish I could poke out those beady little eyes if hers.

I dont bother to speak because it is no use and I'm too weak to be angry at Six right now. Not that I should be anyway. I think she saved my life I dont remember.

I look around to find myself in a thin blue hospital gown laying on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance. I have no idea where we are parked but the sky is a dull grey. The type of grey that only happens in funerals or when it is too cold outside in the fall.

"I had no idea such a feat was possible but I'm glad" Six says.

"Its not over you know. This is only the beginning. It would have been easier if we killed him while he was laying on the table" she said dully.

What a little bitch! If only I had the strength to strangle her right now.

I reached out dumbly, my long thin arms swung wildly but my attempt to maul her face with my fists was feeble.

"Okay okay enough of that Mono!" Six holds me down again. "Please dont say such a thing you dont even know him" she defends me. Just like she should be doing! Like anyone should.

"You heard what the voice in your friend said. They're coming back and unfortunately there is little to no way you can even try to stop it. You bought yourself time but this decision you have made only hurts everyone."

Six stared at her, she pursed her lips into a thin line and her eyes were angry and catlike. She wanted to just plow through her at this moment I could see it in her face.

"But you said little to no chance. So theres still a chance?" She smirks. Always one to find a way to weasle herself into an argument, but right now I like that about her.

I try not to think about their words once we pack up again and hit the road. I know we are moving but I dont know where. My hearing and vision are fading in and out, back and forth.

I try to relax but my body is in so much pain. The searing I feel in my ribs feels like fire. Similarly to the time my father burnt me with his cigarette butt, but on the inside. And my throat is raw as if it's been scraped with carpet. And crusty carpet at that.

I dont know how much later but later we pull onto the side of the road and six gets icecream and the lady helps her force me to eat it.

At first I refuse but the cool feels good going down my throat and I feel my body relax.

Maybe it was the circumstance but for the first time in a long time I felt like I could trust her again.

After a few spoonfuls I try to refuse. The only sound I make is a low whine. "Cmon Mono you have to eat." She feels my forehead and my cheeks and I lean into her touch without thinking, grabbing her wrist and holding it.

I could worry about hating her later. Right now she was making that hard to do.

She paused looking at me and when she pulled her hand away my heart sank. But I tried to ignore it.

Soon we were on the road again, driving to who knows where. On the ride I fell asleep and when I woke up I was shocked to find myself in a hotel room.

At first I felt that I was in a dream. I touched myself to make sure it was real. I was set up on a couch in a dark room, still wearing the same hospital gown.

The tv drowned on, showing some lame cartoon probably for little dumbass three year olds. Six and the lady were no where to be found. I felt myself panicking, what was I supposed to do? Without them right now I was helpless.

I heard a sound and my attention peeked to the dark room beyond, a shadow being the only thing showing from the open door. I gulped, my whole body hurt I tried to speak but nothing came out my mouth only gaped in horror.

I saw a figure slink from the shadow and into the room.

"Its fine Mono its me"

I flinched until I could make out her face. Her makeup smudged and worn, like how makeup is when you fall asleep with it on. You can see its remnants but most of it is gone.

She sat beside me, and I made an conscious effort to close my mouth. I stared at her and awkwardly she stared back.

Was I supposed to hate her right now? It felt especially hard and why? Maybe I was delirious, but part of me wanted her embrace again but I made no effort to try and hug her.

"She told me, they lady that we are with. Part of the story anyway. I dont know she said there was this scientist, some doctor" she looked away, her eyes looking distant. "And it turned into some creature, the way she described it, mass of moving flesh with eyes that devoured people" she shuddered. "Similar to the tower. And she believes it was speaking through you." She paused looking at me.

I said nothing. I didnt remember it speaking through me. I just remember fading in and out of sleep and waking up in pain. I know they did something to me though because there are giant stitching across my chest in many directions. I discovered this when I first woke.

I shifted uncomfortably, my jaw and my throat hurt for some reason so I said nothing. I glanced away before my gaze returned to her.

"And I believe it is too. And I dont know if your safe"

I wondered why she cared, but some part of me felt pain hearing her speak to me like this. She tried so hard to make it right and put me back together after the fight, and then still came back for me when they took me. I felt like I would break under her gaze any moment but I was too stubborn to forgive her now so again I looked away.

"I know this is my doing but I don't know how to undo it" she whispered. "I'm sorry, I truly am sorry. I didnt know what I was doing when we were kids. I was trying to keep you safe" she said, her voice cracking.

"From what?" I speak finally, my throat burned and my voice hissed and rasped hoarsely. I looked at her, feeling my nose scrunch and my eyebrows furrow.

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now