5 - Mono

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"We need more books." Mono, said catching a stray few books floating in the air and putting them back onto the shelving in his study. He hated when that happened. If he moved something, sometimes it just stayed floating in the air. He had a feeling it was the eyes doing.

He went to his desk, scribbling down on his grocery like list of all the new things he wanted. He couldn't keep listening to all the same music and reading all the same books now could he? Well. He could, but he already did at least five times. Sometimes six times if it was his favorite book, but that didn't matter right now.

He was defiently going to have to head into the city today. He was fine with that. The rare times he got to enjoy himself outside, he definitely utilized those chances.

He came over to his fish tank, watching the water move. He could barely make out what the fish actually looked like the water was so hard.

"How...do you live?" He asked, poking the tank. Of course no answer. When his finger touched the glass, the tank jolted as he heard the sound of fish rush past eachother and hit the glass.

Mono stood there blinking, honestly wanting to know if he even wanted to know how many were in there.

"I need...better fish. Wherever I can get those.." he muttered to himself, writing it on the list. Only a few things were actually things that he needed. Mostly it was just more wants to occupy his time. He had to find something to do.

He picked up his list, folding it and putting it in the pocket on his suit. He caught a stray pen floating in the air, and set it back down on his desk, quite annoyed at this reoccurring phenomenon.

At least it kept him busy.

Mono turned into the hallway, leaving his study door wide open. All the other doors in the long hallway stayed closed. A purple hue, shone out from under a few shut doors and the others were just dark. The wallpaper was the same dark hue, and on the walls were paintings. Portraits, of his family and members in his family.

There were portraits of younger Mono, of of his younger years, and one of his teenage years. There was also a portrait of his father, everytime Mono looked at it, he just reminded himself to be glad his looks didn't come from his father.

Then there was the family portrait, though it couldn't really be called a family one if it only showed his father and a swaddled Mono. The face of the other had been torn off.

Mono knew who though. He would never forget their face. He still wondered why he still hung it up. He just shook his head as he continued past the side table with a lamp and turn dial phone.

The hallway turned to the left, and the was an elevator. Mono pressed the button and the doors opened after a short wait. Nobody else lived in the tower, so he didn't have to worry much.

He came to the elevator and pressed the lowest floor, past the ground floor. It took quite some time to get there and when he did the elevator doors opened to an long, empty hall.

The air was colder down here, very cold actually. The hairs on the back of his neck bristled at the touch of the cold, making him shiver.

He just hurried down the gloomy hall, to the very tall door, marked with an eye above it, the door swung open as if on command for Mono and it beheld and eye opening sight.

In the middle if the large room was a tall comfy leather rolly chair, and on the four walls surrounding it were many many television screens.

Each were survalence around Pale City and more reaching to other cities and towns to keep check on places and people.

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