15 - Mono

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Mono had been avoiding the grotesque buffet even though he was told the food was amazing. So instead right now he was spending his time at the bar and lounge.

Cigarette smoke and cheap perfume hung in the air and music played over the radio monitor.

The red leather sofas had an odd stickiness to them and the place was filled with talkative regulars and geisha women avoiding their actual jobs.

Ofcourse a few clung to Mono as they'd rather be spending their time with the rare attractive customer than the scary looking overweight regulars.

Mono had so much to offer to them, funny, attractive and tall. Everything you could want, yes?

Mono on the other hand was stressed with so much attention. He had not realized how much anxiety he had around other people until...well now.

He forced himself to spend time with them, and laugh at their jokes. Though they had no appeal to him unfortunately, at least he was getting experience talking with girls. As clearly the day before showed he had none.

Speaking of that embarrassment he couldn't but wonder where she was. The perfect poster woman, the main attraction, the very attractive Lady.

What was he thinking, of course she would probably be performing in the dining hall or something. Honestly this place confused him, and he was having trouble keeping track of the time, there were no clocks around and he had forgot his watch in his room. It felt as if time itself was just slipping away...and he spent more, and more, and more money on drinks.

Oh well. Mono didnt question the fact this whole trip was set up that way. He didnt question that if he lost track of the days they'd keep him forever. Mono's weakness was not reading into the fine print.

Mono was reaching to the point that he had had too much to drink. He was Infact drunk and very excited when the mysterious lady came into the bar.

'Took that broad a good long while.' He thought to himself, getting up quickly and almost loosing balance.

"Where ya going handsome?"

"You ain't leaving yet are ya?"

"Aw the fun just begun."

"Seeeeya whoress." He blurted, the girls making annoyed scoffing noises and fussing to eachother as he hastily and clumsily making his way to the bar counter to sit up on the tall leather stools by the Lady.

"Oh hello again mister." She said, sighing exhausted from her job. "I'll have my usual thank you," she said softly to the bartender.

"Mono was it?"

"Yeahhh yeahhh enough of the small talk lady, let's get to da goood stuffs."

"Oh? And what might that be exactly?"

"Maybe I couldd..er..uh buy ya a drink pretty lady..that's a good start huh?"

"Thank you but..I just ordered myself one." She said looking at him.

"Uhhh the one after that one then?" He asked leaning his elbow on the counter. "So tell me who you are." He said kinda darkly.


"Who you really are?! Under your mask." He said getting a little impatient.

"Oh I'm just as attractive without my mask." She said trying to keep her patience with him. She was still technically at her job.

"O-ohh. Attractive. Can I see?" He said reaching for it.

She smacked his hand away.

"Hey! You don't have the right to visicosisidjdkkkllyyyyy assualt me!" He snapped pointing at her. "No."

"Viscously? Huh. Can you even say that handsome??" She teased.

Mono sat there struggling to say Viscously for quite the while as the lady watcher very amused, taking sips of her drink.

"Vi- vi- I can say it and you know I can! Enough of the small talk!" He said attempting to slam his hand on the bar counter and missing, so for a while he awkwardly tried to find it.

"Okay. What do you want from me?" She asked him, curious.

"I want the good stuff. I also want to know who you are!"


"Because..." he couldnt remember... "Cuz..you're sooo hot."

He ordered another drink, drinking from it. He couldn't remember how many he had drank and suddenly, all of a sudden he spat it out, coughing and groaning in pain.

He had the most splitting headache, and he knew exactly why.

"A-are you alright sir?" The lady asked quickly getting concerned.

He laid his head at the bar counter. "Get out! Get out. Of. My. Head." He said banging his head against the counter.

This of course was attracting attention because it wasn't normal. Mono wasn't too worried about the looks though. All he wanted was the pain to go away and he knew why.

They were angry with him. They decided to cut his vacation short, he had drank too much and they were mad...they..they who? He was struggling to remember.

He groaned in pain as he dragged himself quickly out of the bar, leaning on things for support as he drunkenly stumbled on his way to his room. He had to get out.

"Wait! Sir!" The lady called.

He didn't make it to his room, but he did to another, one that by mistake he thought was his. He quickly grabbed another watch he drunkenly thought was his.

He placed his hands on the TV, honing in on all his energy, the closer he got to his home, the less the headache pained him.

"I have...to..get back." He grunted, as it was very hard to focus his energy with a splitting migraine.

The screen started to morph and swirl, the glass moving as if it was malleable water, he stuck one hand through, as an image of his childhood bedroom shone on the TV, close enough.

He stuck one hand through than crawled through the TV portal, leaving the image of him and his room left behind for just a little until the portal would shut off.

He immediately was replaced with a sense of dread as his migraine was alleviated and instead replaced with the darkness and pain surrounded by not only his home, but this bedroom.

The room was surrounded by toys, and in the corner his old bed made from a suitcase when he was very small, and nearby the grungy mattress he slept on as a teen.

Drawings were scribbled all over the walls, and pages of pictures all over the floors. He had not been in this room in forever he forgot it had even existed...

It was...quite dirty. He never knew why he was never allowed to have nice things compared to everything else in the place, but as a mere child he had never questioned it.

An eye morphed into the wall, narrowing at him.

"I'm home, isnt that what you asked for ?" He said kicking aside something that was in his way, and when it fell you could hear the twinkle of music.

A/N: I just want to once again apologize for the giant hiatus. I finally got wifi which means I'll be uploading regularly. Thanks for your patience and staying with me and this book and I love you guys so much. <3

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now