29 - Six

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I stayed in that closet for I dont know how long. It reminded me too much of his father I was quickly growing terribly claustrophobic.

I remember that time. When I had saw his face. I freaked out just a little bit. All I could think was that he was just like him.

Maybe it was true? He grew up in his footsteps despite never wanting to. And now I suppose he was just like him. But he wasnt then. Maybe there was still time. Maybe I could make up for him. Save him. Because I didnt get to last time.

But how? I have scratched and kicked at the door for hours it wasnt budging. And my magic doesnt exactly unlock doors.

To be truthful, I still dont know how to use all of that lady's power. I was only thrust into her role as a child.

Everyone thinks I own the Maw. And I guess in a way I do but I'm sort of under a contract.

I remember that day. Or was it night? Actually maybe I dont remember.

But I remember feasting upon her corpse. And a man walking in a boy with him. "Mommy!" He cried.

"How could you?!" The man bellowed.

I dont know what they saw in me to keep me there. I guess they saw an bigger opportunity in keeping me alive than killing me.

So they trained me. In music, dancing makeup. You know per se the usual.

I did try to fight them so many times. But like with the hunter it just broke in. I just accepted it.

I guess I wonder if the same thing happened to Mono.

I stayed in the dark for even longer.

I woke a bit later to ge brighter light and the door wide open. A tall figure with several eyes all over its face. I believe it to be a lady because they had long Auburn hair but I try not to assume.

I cover my face squinting "what do you want with m-"

"Shhhhh. I've come to get you out of here. They're going to hurt your friend and when they're down with him they'll harvest something from you too". Her voice was like a deadly whisper. Silent but eerie.

I look up at her in shock, yes by now I have kinda assumed despite saying I wouldn't.

I had no idea if I could trust her. I didnt want to but I found myself standing and going with her.

"Follow me" she led me down corridors and through doors. Around every corner there was a security camera. Somehow without even turning around she must've saw me looking at them, "I've cut the cameras. All the doctors are busy in the room with your friend they will never know weve been here and by the time we leave it'll be too late for them to catch us once they relaize the camera has been cut."

She wore a long dress and it looked like she floated while she walked. As if her footsteps were so small but still she was so fast. Kinda like she glided down the white tiled floor.

"Where are we?"

"The abandoned Emery's Medical Institute" she says

"It doesnt look abandoned. Actually it looks in good shape" I say.

"Its only abandoned to the public. It doesnt take patients anymore." She never looks behind her but I feel her gaze almost as if she is everywhere around the room looking at me.

"Where are you taking me and why are you helping me?" I interrogate.


"Out? Wait were just leaving?" I say in shock. "Were leaving Mono here? No we cant do that!" I raise my voice. "He was brought with me if your taking me your taking hi-"

She motions to a door and it flings open, she yanks my wrist and pulls us inside to a dark empty lab room. "Shhhhh" I can feel her finger on my lip but I cannot see her. She was deadly deadly cold. Like ice.

Outside the door there were footsteps. "Jerry cmon why are you dilly dallying?" A voice says. "I thought I heard something over here!" "You know where we have to be cmon" the footsteps quickly move away.

I held my breath not wanting to get caught.  Those stragglers could have been the only ones to foil our plan. Or well whatever this was. She might have her sights set on leaving but I do not trust her. I'm going to find my way to get Mono back one way or another.

We wait a moment in silence before she speaks again. "Come" she opens the door again without touching it.

She leads me to the opposite direction that the men had come. Possibly further away from Mono and she moves fast. I have to jog to keep up with her.

"Where are you going? Mono is back there! Somewhere.." I point behind my shoulder.

"No time. Getting your friend would be useless. He is a little pawn in a bigger game of chess. And they are planning to bring back their king." She was talking fast.

"What the hell are you talking about? Mono is just a guy. Stop speaking in riddles I can hardly understand you!" I pant, having a hard time speaking and jogging.

"It is not safe for you to stay here. And I dont have enough time to accurately explain what they're doing! They're using him as a gateway of source to reach what is inside him!"

"What's inside of him?"

There was a blood curdling scream. Next followee terrifying silence for only a few seconds. We paused in our tracks after entering an empty waiting area.

"We're too late. They've already begun" she says

What followed next was the most terrifying thing I have heard in my life. Demon screams and screeches. Mono's voice had contorted into something I did not know.

The scream was one of great terror as if giving birth to the end of the world itself. It was at the other side of the hospital but it rang out so loudly I couldve sworn you could hear it from here to Mono's tower.

AN: I'm really sorry for taking basically an year to update. I just could not find a way to continue my story from the last chapter I had a massive writers block but I think it will actually be able to go more smoothly now that I came up with a new idea.  Hopefully this unexpected even for me thing and new character will help me direct the story back onto what I've already planned for it.

Never Forget - Mono X Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now