A monkey is in love with my sister? Great. (Chapter 2)

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(Sorry for taking so long but this is the longest chapter I've ever written for a book, 4312 words. Anyway hope you enjoy, this is y/n's outfit btw)
Now don't get me wrong, I've been dreaming of joining this guild since I can remember. But actually being here made me nervous. There will be many strong wizards here, and I'm scared no one will like me. Ok, pull yourself together y/n, you got this.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy yelled as we looked up and the guild hall. It was just as I thought it would be, amazing. It had three story's, each with a red roof. The Fairy Tail emblem was on the third floor and the sign was on the first. I can't wait to see the inside. Lucy giggled happily while I scratched the back of my neck nervously. Natsu walked up to the door, and kicked it door screaming. "WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE!" My mouth fell opens as I watched him, what the? "We're home!" Happy cheered, everyone greeted them like that was normal, maybe it was. Lucy laughed, I looked at her smiling. "So I heard you went all out in Hargeon Natsu." One member said, his Buck teeth causing a slight lisp. "Had to go start tr-" before he could finish Natsu jumped up and kicked him across the room. I leaned against a wall rethinking my choices. "Why did you do that?" Lucy asked, Natsu just ignored her yelling at the man about lying about the Salamander. As they yelled back and forth me and Lucy stood there dumbfounded. What's with this place? As they began to fight tables went flying, oh crap. A full on war broke out and I stood in front of Lucy protecting her from anyone or anything that came near. She just smiled and said, "oh wow, we're actually standing inside the Fairy Tail guild hall." Looking back at her I asked, "is that all you care about." She nodded happily and I sighed, of course. My ears perked up as I heard someone say. "So Natsu made it back huh?" I don't like the tone of his voice. The voice came from a half naked blue haired man.

'That's it, everyone here is crazy.'

I decided mentally, ready to run away. "It's time we settled this once and for all." He said stalking towards the fight. "Gray, your clothes?" A woman's voice asked, I whirled around to see a beautiful brunette in a swimsuit like top drinking wine. Gray called back, "I don't have time for that!" Wow, you don't have time to get dresses? What is with these people. She seems normal though. She sighed. "See I don't date the men here cause they have no class." She then started drinking a whole barrel of wine. I spoke to soon. T-T. Then a huge man with white hair walked in saying, "it's only noon and you boys are already whining like spoiled babies." Craning my neck to look up at him I gulped, why so tall. The two turned and punched the guy making him fly. Someone get me out of here, I wanna go back to Hargeon. "Jeez, it's so noisy around here." Now that guy is one flirt, there are two girls sitting on his lap and he's just chilling. Do they not notice what's going on? A cup hit him and I felt my soul leave me, god forgive me. He then jumped in the fight saying something sappy too the two girls. "He's definitely off my list, what the heck is wrong with these people?"

"Who knows, I've seen some crazy things out in the world but by far this takes the cake." We stood there watching for a moment until a sweet voice asked us. "Hello, are you two new here?" When I turned I felt my world sparkle, Mirajane!!! She smiled at us and I about died. "Um, don't you think we should try and stop this?" Lucy asked, pointed at the fight. "It's always like this around here." Good too know. Soon the giant man when flying into Mirajane. "It's kind of fun don't you think?" She asked before passing out. Omg. "Oh don't die Mirajane!" The Gray guy slammed into Lucy who slammed into me making us fall too the ground. I then noticed the guy was naked and me and Lucy screamed. He came over to Lucy and asked. "Excuse me miss could I please borrow your underwear." I quickly took out my magic item turning it too a staff and smacked him away. "No way weirdo back off!" I yelled, grumbling under my breath I held Lucy's arm like a clingy toddler and stuck out my tongue at him. I've always been like this with Lucy so she was used to it. The Loke guy then picked her up saying. "These guys are all so insensitive a woman has needs." I then punched him and yelled, "yeah well your not one of them!" Then the big guy came over yelling at Loke. "Real men speak with their fists Loke!" And finally Natsu kicked him yelling, "I told you to butt out." Me and Lucy were on the floor trying not to get hit by these guys. Everyone started to get ready to throw magic blasts. I grabbed Lucy and turned my staff into a shield blocking me, her, and Mirajane from what was about to go down. Before the blast happened a giant black beast stomp in the middle of them. "Would you fools stop bickering like children!?" Me and Lucy looked up terrified, "he's huge." She said, anime tears running down our faces. Everyone froze as they stared at him. Mira sat up, "I'm sorry I didn't know you were still here master."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now