The Oracion seis (Chapter 34)

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I stared at the girl, a red welt forming on her forehead. Her knees were scratched. She wore a nervous smile as she looked at all of us. I sent her a small wave and her face went red. She's absolutely adorable. Everyone had their own little options. Hibiki muttered 'cute' earning a sucker punch to the gut from me. A child, she's a child. " now then, since all guilds are present, we can begin." I nodded my head, we have more important things to discuss at the moment. " what in the world is Cait Shelter thinking, sending a little girl in this kind of mission? They must really be hurting for members if they sent her on her own." I glared over at Sherry, crossing my arms. " you can't tell, she has immense magical energy. Stronger than yours, clearly they sent her for a reason." I said, Sherry looked embarrassed and turned away. Gosh these people. Do they always judge a book by it's cover? " she isn't alone, you shouldn't jump to conclusions, Gaudy Trollop." An unknown voice said, I couldn't help but laugh at the insult. When I turned I was pleasantly surprised. A talking white cat, in a pink dress. She seems sassy. "Woah. She's just like happy." Natsu inquired, I rolled my eyes. Talking cat. Not many of those around. She's a pretty normal color for a cat. White isn't uncommon. " oh, Carla. You followed me here?" Oh, so she didn't bring her with? " of course I did. You're far too young to be traveling unaccompanied child." She's very motherly for a cat. And why are there guys trying to flirt with a cat. I swear they have no line that's to far. Ohhh, Happy's in loveeee. Totally using that against him. Lucy stole my thunder by teasing Happy first. He did not like it one bit. Serves him right. " sorry. I'm probably not what you expected." I turned back to the girl. Why is she apologizing? " I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you, and I may not be much of a fighter, but I can use all kinds of support magic. So please, let me join the group. I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home." I was right, she's absolutely adorable. New little sister yes! I only have older girls around me. Except Lucy whose my same age. " you'll never gain their respect if you can't show confidence child." The cat said, that's not necessarily true. Erza walked forward, being the first to speak to her. " forgive me. I was caught off guard. But rest assured, no offense was meant. We're glad to have you aboard Wendy." Wendy smiled brightly, her cheeks flushed. Her eyes held much admiration for the women in front of her. She looks like me when I fist met Erza. " oh, wow, you're Erza, right? I can't believe it's really you." Carla tilted her head as she look up to Erza. " you're not quite the monster I pictured." I think at this point that's everyone's reactions. They picture a huge beast when they think of her. Only to see a beautiful women instead. It's quite deceiving. Happy tried to talk to Carla but she ignored him. Oh, low blow. I don't think he got the hint. Hibiki walked up to Wendy, trying to swoon her. The poor girl looked so uncomfortable. I walked up, kicking his knee out and right hooking him straight in the jaw. " ignore them. Their creeps." I glared at the other two making them immediately run away. When I looked down at her she had an amazed face. I felt myself flush at her gaze. Why is she staring so hard? "You Y/n right? Your my favorite Fairytail wizard!" My heart melted. I'm keeping this girl, I am keeping her. We sat down, she asked me questions upon questions about myself. And whenever a weirdo came over I would quickly scare them away. I found myself staring at her hair, it's a beautiful shade of blue. "You think so?" She asked, did I really say that out loud? Finally we got to Business. " OK, now that all the involved parties are present, I think it's about time to get the mission briefing underway." Lucy rolled her eyes, smirking at me. " you're gonna brief us through interpretive dance?" I choked on my laugh, trying to keep it down. Never did I think trying to not laugh would hurt so much. " our first order of business, is determining the location of the Oracion seis." We all waited for him to continue. The silence awkward and tense. " right after I make a letter of the alphabet." He tan up the stairs towards a bathroom. My face dropped, we really have to work with these weirdos? Why are they clapping for him!? I should have stayed home for this one. He finally came back and I grumbled. " much better. Now, please pay close attention. To the north lies the worth woodsea, where the ancient once sealed a powerful force. A magic called Nirvana!" Why is he so extra with everything he does? " we don't know much about this magic, other than its name. And that it is destructive in nature." Damn, why is there so much destruction magic. "And that the Oracion seis wants it badly." Of course they do, the dark guilds always want destruction magic. We need some originality from these guys. " we assume that's why they travel to the worth woodsea. They're desperate to get their hands on such a powerful magic." Itchia turned around dramatically. His eyes glaring at absolutely nothing. " to prevent that from happening, we must destroy the Oracion seis." Oh yeah easier said then done. And why are they posing!? " we may have the advantage in numbers, but remember. We cannot underestimate them. They are incredibly strong we may well be in over our heads." Hibiki snapped, making a magic computer appear. He began to click the keys rapidly. Wow, I've never seen magic like this before. He pulled up photos and I looked at them closely. " first up is the snake wizard. Cobra." Natsu folded his arms and flared his nostrils. " beady eyes and a mischievous smirk. He looks like trouble to me." I turned to him, poking his side with a grin. He turned to me confused. " you know who he reminds me of?" Natsu glared at me, swatting my hand away. I giggled and turned back to the photo. The snake man had brown hair and black eyes. A smirk painted onto his face. " Next is a wizard who, judging from his name, likely uses speed magic. Meet racer." The man named racer stood in a burning village. His nose was long and his hair was spiked into a Mohawk. I felt Gray shift on his feet besides me. " I don't know what it is, but I don't like the looks of this guy." Lyon agreed with him, crossing his arms over his chest. Hibiki continued, introducing Hoteye. He was a blocky looking man. With long ginger hair. The next member was a women. She wore a short dress made of white feathers. Her chest was exposed almost fully. She had black thigh highs and blue gloves. Her most notable feature was the wings in her back and her white hair. Her name was angle of course. She even had wing tattoos on her collar bone. " she's the beautiful but deadly type huh? Is this chick for real?" Lucy said, I elbowed her in the side. I felt chills when I saw the next member. He had black, spiky hair that covers his face. He sat on a red carpet that seemed to hover from the ground. His name was Midnight. " that's an odd name. Does it correlate to his power?" Erza muttered to herself. The last member was a tall man. Muscular with a giant tattoo on his chest. His hair was long and white, contrasting with his dark skin. He held a staff that had a skull on the end. He was the commander named Brain. " there you have it, alone they could wipe out entire guilds, and together, they're unstoppable." His screens disappeared but he continued to type. " we have 13 to their six, but that's our only advantage." I felt shivering and turned to see Lucy and Wendy. Lucy slowly raised her hand. " question, can I volunteer to stay behind and not die today?" Wendy nodded her head, asking to go home. I placed my hands on my hips and sighed. Lucy made eye contact with me and I gave her a pointed look. She grumbled and folded her arms angrily. " curb your fear, my friends. There is more to our operation than Mortal Kombat. With your help, perhaps we can find the enemy stronghold." Itchia said, posing as always. I quirked a brow, waiting for him to elaborate. " you heard the man. We've looked everywhere, but have had no luck." Ren said, Eve then spoke." here's the deal. They've gotta have a temporary base in the worth woodsea." Another screen popped up showing the woodsea. " and once we've located it, our plan is to gather the Oracion seis inside." Itchia said, sparkling. I rolled my eyes and looked down at him. " and how are we going to do that exactly?" I asked, making him look up at me. " we beat them up and drag their butts." Natsu screamed, I deadpanned at him. He never has a plan does he? " what's the next part of the plan?" Erza asked, Itchia pointed up suddenly. " then we'll give them a one-way ticket to oblivion! Courtesy of Christina the majestic of the blue Pegasus skilled." I looked up thoughtfully. So we're gonna fly? " i've heard about the blue Pegasus bomber but I thought it was just a myth." Sherry said, I nodded my head. So our plan is to blow them up? " remember, under no circumstance should you ever engage the enemy in Solo combat. Our best bet is to separate them, then devote two wizards to each fight. Except one will have three due to our uneven numbers." Lucy and Wendy jumped forward. Both holding onto me tightly while shaking. " would you two stop acting like children?" Clara said to them, I place my hands on their shoulders. They both calmed down and I smiled at them. " let's go! I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled before turning around. He ran and busted threw the doors. We ran out after him but he was too fast. " always acting without a thought in his head." Erza said, I let out a breath. I feel like this plan won't go smoothly. I also don't like that we don't have a backup plan. " what do you guys wanna bet he didn't even hear the plan?" I mumbled under my breath curses. He's going to get himself killed. " enough gawking. Move." Erza said, I stretched my back slightly. Ready to run. " guess we're playing catch-up with that dork." We took off running, Lucy crying behind me. She's probably gonna be like that most of the time huh? I hate running.

We finally caught up to Natsu, how? I'm not sure myself. "Wait up, numbskull!" Gray called out, Natsu chuckled. " yeah, in your dreams." Erza shook her head, glaring at him. " that's an order! You can't rush into this one alone." She called, Natsu looked over his shoulder at her. A big grin plastered on his face. " what's the matter? Are you afraid I might actually show you up this time?" And he's done it now. " stop moving your feet right now!" He got distracted and wasn't looking where he was going. I jumped forward, catching a grip on his foot. Unfortunately for me his weight and momentum was to strong pulling me down with him. By down I mean right down off the edge of a cliff. Air rushed past us and we plummet towards the earth. I felt his arms wrap around me protectively. We crash through the trees that softened our fall. When we hit the floor we didn't move for a moment. Both shocked from the fall. We slowly got up from the floor. His injuries worse then mine. His hand brushed over me. "Are you alright Y/n?" I nodded my head before he started forward agains. " seriously? Can you just stop for one moment!?" I called as I followed after him. " Man my head's killing me. What's with this force? It sure has a funky smell to it." I sighed, he's going to be the death of me. "Natsu we shouldn't be separated from the others. It's not safe." He just smiled at me from over his shoulder. " don't worry Y/n! They'll catch up soon enough." I might just kill him first. We got to the base of a mountain when I heard footsteps behind us. " you finally caught up!" Natsu called, I did a head count of everyone and notice Lucy wasn't there. " you're one sturdy freak you know that?" A giant shadow casted over us and we stopped running to look up. Gray ran into Natsu and they began to fight. I ignored them as I tried to make out the giant device above us. " that's the magic bomber Christina." She is beautiful. " it definitely lives up to the hype." Gray said, I nodded my head in agreement. " all right let's split up and start searching for their temporary base." I noticed Lucy and Wendy had caught up to us. " i'm flying the bomber thing!" Natsu called going to run forward when Gray stopped him. " not happening." There was an explosion and Christina began to tilt. Explosion happens all around her before she fell into the forest. They already knew our plan!? " everyone stay frosty." I pulled out my weapon, creating my twin pistols. 6 six figures emerged from the smoke. Ones I recognized. " lonely maggots swarming together." Brain murmured, Angle winked at us. " i'm afraid short stuff isn't going to make it to the party. And neither is a big bald wizard saint." My eyes went wide. How's did they already take out two of our members? And we didn't notice!? " there's terror in their voices. I can hear it." The snake man said. " The quicker we wrap this up, the better. I'll run you over so fast, I'll make your head spin." Racer said as he pointed at us. " money determines strength in this world. Oh yeah! If you save a penny today, it shall become a vast fortune in the future. Furthermore-" the blocky man was cut off by his comrades. I heard snoring and turned to see Midnight he was sleeping. " I have to admit, I didn't expect you to show yourselves." Erza said, Natsu cracked his knuckles. Smiling widely. " you want an invitation?" Gray and Natsu shot forward towards them. All of a sudden racer was behind them. Kicking them to the ground. "Shit, he's fast. Faster then the naked eye can keep up." I mumbled, I heard Lucy call out. With doubled voice? When I turned around I saw two Lucy's? One Lucy began to whip the other. I jumped forward to help her when all of a sudden it was a clone of me? She stared at me with a passive face. Is that what I always look like during a fight!? "I'm afraid so." The copy said in my voice. So it knows exactly what I'm thinking. "What a pain." Me and the clone muttered at the same time. I noticed Eve, Ran and Hibiki were all knocked down. I jumped towards my clone with my staff, which I noticed they didn't have. So they can't recreate magical items huh? I swung quickly. The clone dodged my every move. It can ready my mind meaning it knows all my moves. I heard a wosh behind me and ducked. "Huh, another one? My lucky day, but I love fast women." I heard a voice before feeling his fist to my gut. I flew backwards and hit the ground hard. I looked around slowly to see everyone down. How? I gritted my teeth before sitting up slowly. "Pathetic. Prepare for oblivion's embrace." Brain said before he pointed a magic circle at us. All my muscles contracted. Leaving me motionless. Dark magic swirled around us all. He stopped suddenly and called Wendy's name. I turned to see her behind a rock.

'They know each other?'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now