Gray vs Owl man (Chapter 24)

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My fingers are going to slip any second now. Shit what do I do? I am going to die like this? No that would be the most embarrassing way to go out. Falling from a cage while my friend fights a strong assassin? Hell no! I reach my hand up and wrapped it around a pole. I used it as leverage, pulling myself up more. I grunted when the fight hit into the cages, making me sway. I shut my eyes tight before I began to climb back up. Once I made it to the top I sighed in relief. The book sat, open and ready to read. I all but threw the glasses on my face and grab the book. Worlds began to appear quickly in my mind. Pictures and names flaying at me fast. Oh this is weird, really weird. I made it through the page and put the book back. Now to make my way over to Natsu and the bird. I got closer and noticed that neither of them were down. Good but bad. That's when the owl shot his Jet pack and , missed Natsu? " wow! Way to miss your target, dodo." No, he did miss. It came back towards Natsu and he dodged. The missile then grew arms. Grabbing Natsu and spinning him in circles. Alright. My turn. I got up on the cage behind the bird. Holding my weapon in my hand I quickly made the riffle. I held it firm, pointed at the birds back. With a slow breath I pulled the trigger. The shot rang out loudly, hitting the bird straight on. Of course it didn't do anything like a normal bullet would. It's a magic bullet, meaning it attacks his magic energy and not his actual body. That's why people with weak magic energy, or none, are easy targets. But people like him, with stronger magic. Well it's not so simple. However, when the bullet hits it takes some of their magic energy, storing it in my weapon. His head turned around, ok I hate that. His black eyes squinted at me. "Hoo hoo, shooting from behind. What a low blow. That should expect from a villain." I just glared at him. Quickly aiming again and shooting. He sighed and shot forward towards me. I tried to duck but he saw through it. His fist came down onto my side. A stabbing pain bloomed along my side as I slid away. Almost falling off the cage. I clenched my teeth, healing bruises resurfacing from the hit. I struggled as I sat up. The owl no longer interested in me. My ribs strained, pushing against me as I stood. " I know my opponents weaknesses very well, salamander." He is using Natsus motion sickness against him. I pulled my riffle up again, firing three shots, one of three landed. The owl glared at me, annoyed that I was interfering. I quickly made the riffle to a pistol. Fires fast shots at the bird. He weaved around most of them, some only grazing his skin. He moved in closer and I jumped back. Making my pistol into a staff to jabbed under his ribs. He grunted and jumped away. I smirked, "sorry about that, just some pay back." He glared at me and ran forward again. He's fast, but not as fast without his jet pack. I was able to block his fist and push him away. However my movement was limited on this small surface. He faked a left punch before bringing his right towards my face. I didn't have time to use my staff and brought my arm up. I felt a click and snap in my bones. The pain shot up my arm into my head. Making me lose my balance and fall to the ground. The owl looked down at me, "I'll deal with the salamander first. Then come back for you." He walked away, my arm screaming in agony. I breathed heavily, trying to move my arm as little as possible. Simon ran over to me, kneeling next to me. "Y/n! Are you alright." Happy stood next to me, scared to touch me. "Give me that metal Rod you have and some fabric." He furrowed his eye brows but did as I said. "Ok, now put the metal rod here and wrap it around my arm." He did as I said, when he was done I stood up. "I'm not sure if it's broken or fractured but I'm not taking any chances." I looked back to try battle between Natsu and the owl. What I saw made me cringe back. He's, eating Natsu? "What is that thing?!" I turned to see Gray, he was standing behind me. Where did he come from? His eyes wander down and he spotted my arm. "Woah, Y/n are you alright? What happened." I pointed at the giant owl with a glare. "That abomination is freaking strong, it punched me. I'm fine though." He let his eyes linger a bit longer in my arm before sighing. He looked back at the thing, his face falling in disgust. "What is it doing to Natsu?" I looked back to see he, ATE NATSU WHOLE!? That is absolutely disgusting, oh my, poor Natsu. "He swallowed him whole!?" I swear if Natsu doesn't rip Himself out of there I will. " my prey is not only tasty, but I gain their magic energy as well." Shit, so I can't shoot him anymore without hurting Natsu. At least I gained some of his magic energy. It will be useful in the future. " give him back to me now." Happy yelled, flying towards the owl. That's when he used Natsus fire blast in the lord blue cat. Happy fell back towards the cage in front of us, I caught him quickly with my good arm. " when he devoured salamander, he somehow gained his magic powers." Simon said, that's when I noticed the pink hair on the owls head. Oh that's freaky, that's really freaky. " weren't expecting that, where are you?" Uhhh of course not! Who expects their opponent to, eat them! " their strength combined is terrifying." Simon said, stepping back. That's when the owl sent fire at me and Happy. I stepped back before feeling arms wrap around me. The next thing I knew Gray was holding me while holding onto a chain. I held Happy tightly in my arms. " yep. That fire is pretty hot, all right." I do not like the position we are in. If that owl shoots again I'm not sure we can dodge. "Hoo Hoo, and who are you?" Gray glared at Simon, yelling at him. " hey you! I thought you were gonna catch that sho guy and rescue Erza." Oh yeah, that's what we we're gonna do. " that's where I was heading when this thing showed up." Gray fixed his hold on me, making sure I wasn't slipping. " we don't have time to mess with him. We gotta find her." Gray jumped, making my stomach swirl. We landed painfully. " because if we don't, there's a chance that she'll end up at Jellal's sacrifice." Gray set me down gently, Happy looked up at us. His poor face scratched and burnt. Tears poured down his face. " normally I'm sure she'd have no problem taking Him down on her own, but she's helpless as long as that psycho friend of yours has her trapped inside that card." Simon looked down, biting his lip. Are we really doing this as the owl watches? " i'm sorry, I thought Sho could handle the truth. I never would've imagined he'd go berserk like that." Happy pawed at Grays hand. We both looked down at him. "Gray, Y/n, save him. He needs you." Inset Happy down, letting him use my bag as a pillow. Gray looked at me, "stay here." I glared at him, about to open my mouth and retired but stopped. I'm in no shape to fight, I'm weak. " when are you gonna learn to stay outta trouble? This is the last time I'm putting my neck on the line for you. You hear?" That's when I heard a muffled yell and saw the owls stomach move. " The digestion process has begun. In a mere 10 minutes time salamander's body will be fully dissolved within my own." Ewww that's creepy and icky, not a fan of that. " once that happens, I'll be able to use his magic powers to bring you to justice." Gray jumped up, landing onto the platform the owl was on. " oh yeah? I wouldn't count on it, buddy." Gray, please be careful. Gray shot ice lances at the owl. Who countered with a fire dragon roar. The lances melted and the fire hit Gray head on. I stood up, the owl not relenting on his attack. "Gray!" I called, taking a step forward. " it's no use. Your friend was even stronger than you realized. You don't stand a chance against his flames." I clenched my fist, thinking of Natsu and Gray. Moments we've all had together. How they are the best type of frenemies. and how I love to be with them. "Natsu! You better not let this bird brain beat you! That goes for you too Gray! Put your butts into gear and fight!" I screamed, Gary's ice quickly took over the fire. Freezing it completely, I smirked. "That's Gray for you, doing the impossible." Gray glanced back at me with a smile. "Natsu's Flames are way hotter, pal, but I expected that. Cause you're just some birdbrained poser." I grinned, clasping my hands together tightly. "Hoo hoo! That's some impressive power you've got. Maybe I should capture you too." The bird flew forward and began to eat Gray. Sorry Natsu be I gotta do something. I aimed my gun but Gray quickly froze the owls mouth. I put the gun down, Gray doesn't need my help yet. He jumped back away from the owl. I could feel his anger rising. " i'm not gonna waste any more of my time playing these stupid games with you. I've got more important things to do, like rescue Erza." Gray pulled back his fist, the owl followed suit. They thew a punch, fire and ice clashing violently against each other. Gray was pushed back but he quickly shot back with ice blades. Natsu flew out of the owls mouths as he slammed into a cage. I smiled at Gray, poaching a hand on my hip. Happy hugged Natsu who was passed out. I picked up my bag and placed it over my head. Gray made his way back over to us and looked at me. "How bad are your injuries?" I rolled my eyes, looking at him with an annoyed look.

"I'm fine. Let's go get Erza back."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now