A trust fall (Chapter 16)

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(3rd pov)

Master Makarov stood shocked at the projection of Lucy and Y/n with Jose. "Why did you take them!?" Jose laughed, "oh wow, you need to tell me their part of your guild and you don't know?" A magic circle appeared in his hand, fear shot through Makarov. "No, don't!" That's when I huge man appeared behind the master. The master fell through the roof, making everyone shocked. His skin was green and he seemed frozen. "It's gramps!" Natsu yelled, anger and fear contorted him. Erza held him. "My power is, my magic power is.." Everyone gathered around him. Worried for their master. "What happened to him." Cana asked, Gray shook his head confused. " I don't know but I don't sense any magic presents from him." Elfman looked at the ice Wizard. "Gray, are you saying he's just an ordinary old man now?" Happy began to cry and Natsu leaned forward. "Come come on Gramps! You can pull through this." Gray felt confused on what happened. "I don't understand. Gramps is so powerful.  How did they beat him?" Elfman looked up at where Gramps fell from. "Only Way to find out it's to go up there." People of the phantom guild felt excited and powerful. Now that master was down. They began to attack fairy tail. All hell broke lose around and Gramps wasn't doing good. Erza knew they needed to leave and called for a retreat. Nobody wanted to listen. However she was able to pull them away. Gajeel saw Aria and asked, "so what happened with that Lucy and Y/n?" Natsu heard the names and looked up at them. "They've been captured. The poor wretches are being held in a gloomy cell at headquarters." Natsu felt so much anger bubbling up in him at this. They took Lucy and Y/n? "Gajeel!" He screamed making the iron dragon slayer smirk. "Those jerks kidnapped Lucy and Y/n." Happy yelled out. The guild left quickly. Except Natsu who stopped one of the members.

(Natsus Pov)

"What are we gonna do now?" Happy asked as I dragged the guild member up a rocky pathway. "Isn't it obvious? We're gonna go save Lucy and Y/n." I responde, how dare they take them? I swear if they're hurt in anyway I'll kill that bastard Jose. "All right pal, where are they? Tell me." The member struggled in my hold. "How should I know? I don't know Lucy, or Y/n!" He began to scream as I engulfed his body in fire. "Start talking." He thrashed around even more. "I already told you dude. I know nothing. I'm serious dude. Now put out the fire!" I gritted my teeth and glared back at him. "If you Phantom guys hurt another one of my friends, I swirled burn every one of you until piled ashes." The man screamed more, out of pain and terror. "I told you man. Never heard of these chicks. If I knew where she was I would've told you by now!" I groaned unimpressed by his response. "Funny you should say that, because I was just thinking I should've burned you to a crisp by now." He finally gave me something to go off of. "Our headquarters is up ahead. If I had to guess I say they probably got her locked up there OK!?" My anger boiled over at this. "You should've said that in the first place!"

(Y/ns Pov)

I woke up on a hard, stone floor. Light shining in my eyes. I sat up and felt my arms tied behind my back. I looked to my left and saw Lucy on the floor. "Agh! Lucy are you ok!?" Her eyes opened and she sat up quickly. "What The? How did we get here?" I looked up at the door and saw a man behind it. "So you're finally awake. I was getting worried about you two." I glared and stood up, approaching the door. "Who the hell are you!?" He opened the door and walked in. I stepped back in front of Lucy. "I Am master Jose Porla of the Phantom Lord guild." I gritted my teeth. "You're with phantom!?" He started getting closer but I didn't move. " i'd like to apologize for the stingy cell. And being tied up must be degrading. But I'm afraid I had no choice, my dear's. That is how you treat a prisoner, after all." Lucy tried to stand up as she yelled. " You're a jerk to attacked my friend Levy! You better let me go. My friends are gonna come looking for me." He rubbed his chin in false thoughtfulness. " depending on your willingness to cooperate, i'm fully prepared to treat you as Phantom Lord's esteem to guests. Rather than a lowly prisoner." I tried to pull of my restrains discretely but couldn't. " what do you mean by that?" A bug hen got on her making her scream. I stepped on it quickly. " see? You don't wanna stay in here do you? I have a beautifully decorated suite waiting for you, if you'll promise to behave." I shook my head and looked at him. "Why does Phantom keep attacking us? What do you gain from this?" He looked at me with curiosity, " Who is us? Oh, I'm sorry, are you talking about fairytale? It was a means to an end, and that's all." I glared at him, where is he going with this? " you see, we were working towards our main objective of acquiring a certain pair. They happen to be members of fairytale, so if we have to destroy the guild to get a hold of them, so be it." I took a step forward, " were the pair you're talking about aren't we?" He grinned wickedly. " of course I'm talking about you. Lady Lucy and Lady Y/n, The privilege daughters of the wealthy heartfilia family." My heart sank and I know Lucy's did too. " how did you find out about that?" Lucy asked, he sighed and paced around us. " you know, I'm surprised you never told you're fellow guild members the truth. And I don't understand why the daughter of a wealthy tycoon would stoop to such cheap and dangerous work, as wizarding for such a low class guild, do you?" Lucy looked up at the man with wide eyes. "We've been kidnapped?" He shook his head, " no my dear. I promise it's not like that. We're not looking for ransom money, we're just doing our job. We were hired by your father to bring you home to him." I felt my back on fire and my heart constricted. No way. " no. I don't understand! Why would he want us back?" Lucy asked, Jose tilted his head. " why do you seem so confused? Any father would go looking for his daughters who ran away from home." I shook my head, " no. Not this man, he doesn't care about his children. He wants something else from us he doesn't care." Lucy nodded her head, " i'm surprised he even noticed that we were gone. We're not ever going to go back to that house! We don't want anything to do with him!" Jose just smiled at us. " oh dear. I should've known that you'd be problematic."

" you might as well just let us go." Lucy said, Jose clicked his tongue and sighed. " i'm sorry, but I can't do that." Lucy blushed as she tried the oldest trick in the book. " please, I need to go to the bathroom." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. " give me a break. You don't think I'd fall for the oldest trick in the book, do you?" She started to squirm around. " no. For real. I'm dying here." He pulled out a bucked and I scoffed. " i'm ready for any old trick you might throw my way." Lucy stood up and sighed. " guess I'll have to work." Jose was shocked and so was I. " well I have never met such a vguar young lady. I'll turn away because I'm a gentleman." She kicked him in the balls as I slammed him with my whole weight into a wall. " you know, there's a reason old tricks are still around. Because they work!" We went to the window just to see how far up we were. We're not getting down from here. He stood up and I turned to look at him. " I forgot to mention, the sell is several stories high. He got close as he held his balls, " I must admit, you really did a number of me, young ladies. But you're not gonna get away with it. You will be punished. I'll show you just how terrifying Phantom Lord can be." I spit in his face and Lucy grabbed my hand, falling backwards out the window. "Natsu!" We called, that's when I saw him running. "Lucy! Y/n!" He called out, the air rushed past us and he jumped. I felt his arms wrap around us and we hit into the wall. Me and Lucy laid on him, we rolled off and he untied us. " are you two OK?" Lucy nodded as I stared at the ground. There is no way. " OK we better head back to the guild." Happy said, I stood up and rubbed my arms. Happy and Natsu fought, talking about how they had to retreat. All because me and Lucy? Tears began to run down my face. "I'm sorry Natsu." He looked over and saw me and Lucy crying. "The guild, the fighting, Levy being attacked it's all our fault." I said, I gasped, trying to catch my breath. " but I don't wanna leave. I wanna stay with you guys. Cause I love being in fairytale." Lucy said, Natsu walked up and grabbed my arm. " hey, what's wrong? You're crying. Why are you upset?" Happy flew over to Lucy and grabbed her hand. " you can tell us." Natsu wrapped his arm around me. " you guys are one of us. You don't have to leave." Happy pulled Lucy up. " come on, let's go back to the guild." Natsu grabbed me and Lucy pulling us forward. " how about I carry you guys? How about that?" Me and Lucy began to cry harder making Natsu confused. He picked us up and began to walk back to guild.

'I don't wanna ever go back to that hell hole me and Lucy once called home.'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now