Deliora dead? (Chapter 13)

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I pulled out my weapon quickly, I swear if I have to fight a demon. Me, Erza, Lucy and Happy stood in front of the temple. "What the heck was that sound? It sounded like some kind of monster growling." Happy turned to Lucy with a mischievous grin. "It was probably just your stomach Lucy."  She glared at him as Erza turned to me. "So do you think that sound might have been Deliora?" I nodded my head solemnly, "I have no doubt in my mind that it was." Lucy looked at me and held my arm, "they brought it back to life?!" I heard a gasp and turned to see happy pointing at the moonlight. Lucy held onto me tightly as she and Happy bantered back and forth. "That maybe the demon growling. But someone still performing The moon drip ceremony up there. Which means they haven't fully revived it yet. So we still have a chance to do something. Come on." Erza ran forward and Lucy called out. "Deliora's below us." I grabbed Lucy and followed Erza. "Putting A stop to the ceremony is our only hope. We've got to hurry!"


We made it to the top and Erza took Toby out with one strike. Why does he actually sound like a dog?" "Awesome! The moon drip should stop any minute now." The circle shrunk and then disappeared fully. I sighed in relief, already feeling slightly better. "You mean this guy was doing it all by himself?" Happy asked, all of a sudden Toby looked at us. "Too late! It's over. The ceremonies already been completed." Shit! A blue light shone up where the circle was. Everything blew around us. The ground shook and I felt a power that was stinger then anything else I've ever felt. Gray please don't do anything stupid. We heard a rushing and looked down to see water spitting from the temple. Wait, is that Ur? We finally met back up with Natsu and Gray, Lyon and Gray seemed to be getting along. "Oh yeah! That's right. We won!" Natsu and Hapoy danced around. "You know, I was kind of worried for a while there. But it all worked out thanks to your amazing teacher." I looked at Gray and smiled. "Looks like she was still looking out for you huh?" He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, she was." Natsu and Lucy began to cheer at the fact they finished an S class quest. Oh and Erza Is gonna kill us. "Isn't there's some thing you're all forgetting about? You came to this island to help the villagers. The request was for you to return them to the original forms. You still haven't completed your S class quest yet." Lucy looked confused as she turned, "but I don't understand. This curse should be lifted now cause Deliora is dead." Erza shook her head and I took a moment to think before letting out a quite "oh". "Wrong. This curse you keep talking about never had anything to do with the demon. The villagers have an affected by the intense Magic energy released from the moon drip spell. In other words delioras death isn't going to change is it gonna change their current situation whatsoever."  I looked at my feet, jeez I'm tired. How are we supposed to figure this out and Lyon doesn't know. Great. "The villagers weren't transformed by the moon drip. It doesn't affect the human body." Oh now that's great. "Just Think about it. I've been around the moon drip as long as they have in my appearance hasn't changed one bit. I wouldn't trust them." Natsu went to say something and Erza quieted him. Probably thinking back to the conversation we had with Toby earlier in why he joined Lyon. "They we're simply doing what they believed to be right. So there's no need to criticize them for it. Let's go." Natsu looked at her, exasperated. "But, what are we gonna do to lift the curse?" Erza DOESNT know!? Ughhhh. I turned and saw Gray talking to Lyon. Hm, guess their old friends huh.

We made it to the village to find nobody there. "Are you sure they came here?" Lucy nodded, saying this has been their camp. Gray went to the medical tent and I heard footsteps behind me. "You finally made it back. There's something you need to see. Please, follow me to the village." When we got there we saw everything was fixed. What is going on here? Natsu began to yell as he hit a wall with his fist. Oh no he's thinking to hard now. I followed Lucy to get out stuff when we saw the chief. We walked up and he looked at us. "You. And you're with your friends used magic to restore a village, didn't you?" Lucy tensed and looked to the side. "Uh, we'll, sir, that's not-" he stood up and turned to us. " I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. However, I must know. When are you wizards finally going to destroy the moon for us? Well?!" I put my hand up and he looked at me. "It's not that simple sir." Erza then came up and save me and Lucy. "Well y/n, you might be wrong. Destroying the moon is a pretty simple task." Never mind she's digging us in deeper. "But before I do that I need to ask you a few questions. Would you be so kind as to call everyone together for a meeting?." Everyone gathered into the center of the village m. I wonder what Erza wants to asked. "Let me make sure I have my facts straight. The first time everybody in this village took on these demonic forms is when the moon began to turn purple. Is that correct?." The Chief told her how in the day their all normal but at night their not. "And The moon first turned purple about three years ago, right? We've learned that the moon drip ceremony has been performed on this island every night for the last three years. And each night it produced a beam of light so brilliant that you couldn't possibly have missed it." She took and step and then fell into THE PIT LUCY MADE. Natsu and Gray fawned over her cute scream as Lucy prayed she wouldn't be ripped to shreds. Erza climbed out and ignored what happened. "Seriously. Did you ever wonder where that light was coming from? I don't understand. Why didn't anyone investigate?" Everyone looked at each other. "Well, we would've looked into it, but according to Village Lore, our people must never go near that temple." Lucy frowned deeply, "but Who cares about Village Lore when your own people are dying? You obviously knew there was a problem because you contacted the magic guilds." The chief looked down and Erza finally got to the point. "Why don't you tell us what's really going on here?" The chief scratched his head. "To be honest, we don't even know that ourselves. Allow me to explain. We've tried to investigate the light many times. We take up opens we never had to use. I trim in style my sideburns, and then we'd venture into the jungles towards the temple. But we could never get near it. We've get close enough that we could see it through the trees, and suddenly we find ourselves back at the village gates." My brain is going to fry itself and then fall out of my ear. I'm so confused right now. "I get it yes." At least someone does, now Erza explain please. Erza changed her armor and told Natsu to go with her. "I'll need your help to destroy the moon."

'Oh goddess everyone is crazy.'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now