Venom (Chapter 35)

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"No doubt about it, that's Wendy. The maiden of the sky." Brain said glaring at the blue haired girl. I tried to move towards her but could barely pull myself up. Wendy ducked back behind the rock. Brain smirked, "To think we stumbled upon her like this. We've made quite the find my friends. Grab her!" He end a green hand from his staff, grabbing Wendy and pulling her towards him. She screamed out, making me grit my teeth. Pushing against the force of the magic even harder. Carla and Happy ran after the girl. "Striking her when we're down! That's not fair!" Natsu yelled, catching the attention of the ginger haired man called hoteye. "All is fair in money and war." He chuckled and a magic circle appeared. The ground around me shifted and suddenly morphed. Making me slam into the ground before being flung up into the air. When I hit the ground I felt a sharp pain in my side. I hissed in pain and sat up. "I have no use for the rest of you." Brain said, casting a spell. Green like bullets flew towards us. Gray grabbed my arm, pulling me beneath him. I held into his arms and closed my eyes. Bracing for the impact. But then rock beams grew above us. Blocking the spell from us. I looked up to see Jura standing there and I smiled. "Thanks." I said weakly, sitting up from the ground. I flinched as a sharp pain erupted on my side. I slowly pulled my shirt up and looked at my skin. It was bruised a deep purple. I pulled my shirt back down and took a deep breath. "Now let's get those bastards!" Natsu yelled looking towards the dark guild. But they were gone. "They are long gone by now." Gray said, reaching down and helping me up. "Well why'd we let them get away!" Natsu said angrily, I held my side in pain. "They're stronger than we thought. Much stronger." I said, trying to look at Christina. The destroyed bonnet ship. "Just look at what they did to Christina." Sherry said sadly, it was a mangled mess of metal. "We're lucky nobody was killed." Jura said, I walked to stand next to Lucy who stared at Christina. "But what about the people inside?" She asked, "Don't worry, it's controlled remotely." Ren assured her, she sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're alright." Lyon said to Jura with a smile. "I barely made it out alive. I hate to say it but without Itchia's pain killer perfume I wouldn't be standing." Itchia stood triumphantly. "The Oracion seis fled the scene making us the winners by default!" He declared passionately making me scoff. "That's not how it works." Gray yelled at the weirdly small man. "We may be battered but we're not beaten! Now take a whiff of my pain killer perfume!" He opened a bottle and a strong scent walked over me. It was like lemon and vanilla and it made me relax. The pain in my side disappeared entirely. "That's better." I mumbled to myself. Itchia posed weirdly as he walked around with his perfume bottle. "We can't just let those guys get away with Wendy and Happy!" Natsu said, standing up and running. "Where are you going!?" Lucky called after him, suddenly Carla flew forward and grabbed Natsus scarf. Stopping him in his tracks. Wait flew!? Carla had beautiful white wings growing from her back. "We mustn't be reckless child. Take a moment to think it through." Carla scolded, glaring down at Natsu. "You can fly?" I asked, amazed by her power. "Yes? You've never seen Area magic before?" She asked, everyone shook their heads. "Well it's only natural for you to be surprised then." Carla said with a smile. Natsu crossed his arms over his chest. "You're just trying to copy Happy." He grumbled, Carla turned to him with a scowl. "I am not dim-whit! I am concerned for Wendy and that Tom cat but we cannot save them until we come up with a plan of attack!" Carla said wisely, reminding me even more of a mother. "I wholeheartedly agree lady Carla." Jura said, Carla had a serious look. Turing to look at Erza. I turned to the red headed woman to see her holding her arm in pain. A purple patch spreading over her arm. "Erza are you alright!?" I asked, rushing over to her. Noticing row fang wound in her arm. "She got bit? The snake venom is spreading over her arm." I said, Turing to the others. "Don't you worry honey! I'll help you, perfume increase!" Itchia said, sending a stronger wave of the pain killer perfume. But it seemed to have the opposite effect of her wound. I held onto Erza to keep her upright. She screamed in pain and I held my breath. I hated to see her like this. "What do we do!?" Lucy asked in a panic. Erza looked up at her. "I'm sorry Lucy, I need to borrow your belt." Erza said reaching forward and grabbing her belt. I quickly held the top of Lucy's skirt and glared at the three men behind her. "Ren, Hibiki, Eve, I suggest you look away before you can't see at all." I grumbled threateningly. Making all three men turn away quickly. Erza tied the belt over her arm. "Erza what are you doing?" I asked, not liking the look in her face. "We don't have time, the venom is spreading rapidly. Somebody needs to cut it off!" Erza said holding her arm out. I gasped at her words. "Let's at least try to find a cure!" Gray pleaded but Erza shook her head. "We don't have time, somebody just do it!" Lyon grabbed her sword and looked down at her. "I will." He declared but Gray blocked his path. "Like hell you will! Put the sword down." Gray said, Lyon sneered at him. I turned to Erza blocking everyone else out. "Hurry and cut it off before it spreads to the rest of my body!" She called, I grabbed her face s forced her to look at me. "How much more helpful are you gonna be with one arm huh? Or if you're bleeding out! You're not thinking rationally." She looked at me with pleading eyes. "There is no other way!" A shadow casted over us and I turned to see Lyon with the sword raised. But as he brought it down Gray used his ice to stop the sword. "Is her arm more important to you then her life?" Lyon asked with an icy tone. "This will effect her for the rest of her life. We can't just jump the gun!" Gray proclaimed, not moving an inch. "I thought you changed, but it's clear you're just as spineless as ever." Lyon said, venom dripping from his words. "And you're just as brash and condescending!" Gary yelled back, Erza began to shake violently. Her body finally giving in she passed out. I caught her in my arms. "Erza!" I yelled, laying her down gently. "This isn't good guys! If we can't stop the venom from spreading she'll die!" Eve said worriedly, I pushed Erzas hair from her face. Biting my lip in worry. "We need Wendy, she can help your friend." Carla said, I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "I didn't know Wendy had anti venom magic." Eve said with a relived smile. "Not just anti venom, she can cure fevers and heal wounds." Carla claimed confidently. "But healing magic was lost, how could she possibly do that?" Sherry asked, glaring at the cat suspiciously. "Because Wendy is the sky dragon slayer." Carla stated, making my jaw drop in shock. "She's a dragon slayer too?" Natsu asked, Carla nodded her head. "Yes and we'll explain more later, though there isn't much more you need to know. Wendy is the only one that can help Erza. Unfortunately the Oracion seis seem to need her for an unknown reason." I looked down at Erza then back at Carla. "So we have no choice, we need to save Wendy for Erzas sake." I said, Lucy added. "And Happy." This new found information seemed to bring up everyone's spirits. Natsu stood up straighter looking at everyone. "Are you with me?" He asked, pumping his fist in the air. I smiled, mirroring his action as did everyone else. "Yeah!" We all called in unison.


We decided to split up into groups to cover more ground. Lucy, Hibiki and I stayed with Erza to make sure she was okay. "Please hurry guys." Lucy mumbled, watching Erza with worry. "Sitting here and worrying isn't going to help." Hibiki said, pulling up screens and a keyboard with his magic. "You use Archive magic correct?" I asked, he glanced back at me with a smile. "Correct." He was silent for a moment before continuing. "Listen, I know we don't consider each other a team since we were just thrown together. But we need to start thinking like one. I can find the others' location and give them ours as well. " Hibiki said, typing quickly on the keyboard. "You know, you're a lot nicer than sorcerer weekly made you out to be." Lucy said with a smile. Hibiki smiled gently and continued to work. "Here we are, I found Natsu's group." Hibiki said, pulling up a screen. "Poor thing." Lucy mumbled, sitting next to Erza once more the venom creeping over her arm was even worse. Making me frown deeply, placing my hand on her forehead. "She's burning up. This isn't good, has anyone found Wendy yet?" I asked Hibiki, he shook his head. "I can't get through to anyone." My heart sunk in my chest. "Why not?" Lucy asked but Hibbki just shrugged his shoulders. Typing frantically on his keyboard. I looked back down at Erza.

"Just hold on a little longer."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now