Gemini(Chapter 37)

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"Come out Jellal! I'm gonna beat you down you hear me!? I'll make sure you can never hurt Erza again!" Natsu yelled, sprinting forward full speed. My lungs burned and my breathing was labored. How am I supposed to follow him all the way to nirvana?! Suddenly Natsu stopped making me slam into his back. "I know that smell!" He said, looking down to the river. I followed his gaze to see Gray laying face first in the water. He wore a pink sweater which made him easier to spot."Gray!" I called, sliding down the side of the ledge. Me and Natsu waded through the water. I quickly pulled his face out of the water. He was unconscious but breathing. "I knew you'd take that speed guy out! Now get up." Natsu said, helping me pull Gray up. "Man you're heavy! Wake up!" Natsu yelled, putting Gray in a standing position. Grays eyes opened and he smiled. Except his smile was eerie and his eyes dull. "Why you okay man?" Natsu asked backing away from Gray and pulling me with him. The ground beneath us lifted, a raft. "How'd you fit that under there!?" Natsu asked, falling to the ground sick. "Gray what are you doing!?" I asked, pulling my staff from my pocket. "You know Natsu I'm sick of you, fire and ice just don't mix" Gray said, a ice spear appearing in his hand. Acting quickly I knocked him back with my staff. Standing in front of Natsu protectively. "Y/n, you Think you can beat me!?" Gray yelled, aiming to throw his spear at me. Before he could an arrow pierced the staff. Making it shatter, I turned to see Sagitarius and Lucy standing by the shore. Happy, Wendy, Carla and Hibbki as well. Wendy was knocked out and draped over Hibbki back. "Mind telling me what going on!?" Lucy called and I smiled. "Nice shot!" I called as Natsu hurled over the ledge of the boat. I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Gray you're taking this way to far!" Happy called as the raft stopped moving. I glared up at Gray. But noticed something strange. Gray didn't have a pink sweater on before. "Shut you're mouth, I'll deal with the rest of you after I'm done with Natsu." Gray said, smiling at the group. "I'm coming Natsu!" Happy called flying towards us. Gray stopped him with his ice magic. "Happy can fly and isn't that strong in combat, that's all the information Gray has in him." Gray mutter making me realize something. "You're not Gray!" I yelled, Turing my staff into a gun and aiming it at it's head. It's eyes slid over to me. "Y/n, uses a magic weapon. She's pretty, Gray likes her a little more than I would expect." It said, I felt a blush creep onto my face. "You noticed too Y/n?" Hibbki asked, taking a defensive position in front of the group. "Who the heck are you!?" Lucy asked, the imposter smiled at her. Smoke consumed it's body and it turned into Lucy. "Me!?" Lucy asked, looking at her imposter with confusion. "Just turn to your real form, we know you're not the real Lucy!" Hibbki said making the imposter laugh. "Oh I'll show you that I'm just as real as that bimbo!" The imposter started to lift its shirt and I acted quickly. Trying my staff into a long sword I covered the imposters chest. "Hell no you don't!" I screamed, enraged by its actions. "Doesn't matter, now I know exactly what keys you have on you Lucy. You had an audience with the king? How'd that's happen? Doesn't really matter. Sagittarius, take them out." After the imposter said that Sagittarius shot Hibbki in the shoulder. "I thought only you could control your spirits Lucy!" I called, backing away from her copy. "I'm an exact replica of her meaning her spirit follow my orders." The copy said with a smirk. Lucy quickly sent back Sagittarius making the copy smile. "Now come back Sagittarius." The copy said summoning the horse man. "But, how!?" Lucy asked, looking at her copy in horror. "Now shoot that cat right in her back." The copy said to Sagittarius, I stood up. Pointing my sword at her, she scoffed at me. "That's quite enough." A voice called making the copy stop. "Nirvana has been found so there is no need for this" I turned to see Angel standing in the other side of the river. "As you wish." The copy said, Turing back to its original form. Sagittarius dissolved and in the copy's place was two blue creatures. "I'm sure you met my twos pets, Gemini." Angel said, so she's a celestial wizard as well. "You make me sick!" Lucy said, grabbing her keys from her side. I held my staff at the ready. It was just me and her against Angel. "Open, gate of the water barren! Aquarius!" Lucy called, I jumped from the raft landing next to Lucy. "Take her out! I don't care if you take me with her!" Lucy said, Aquarius glared down at us. "I was planning on it!" Aquarius grumbled, water flowing around her. "This will be interesting. Open gate if the scorpion! Scorpio!" Angel said, a man with a giant scorpion tail appeared and Aquarius blushed. "Oh honey bunches of hunk!" Sue swooned, I glared at her. "Are you kidding me!?" I asked, the two huddled together. Speaking cute talk to one another. "You must be my lovely's wizard and her wizards sister. I've heard a lot about you two." I scoffed at him. "What exactly have you heard?" I asked, Aquarius turned to us with a creepy look. "Don't even think about embarrassing me in front of my boyfriend or I'll kill you both, am I clear?" She said making Lucy leaned back. I sneered at her and crossed my arms. "Crystal." I seethed through my teeth. "Hey Angel Im gonna take my lady out from a night on the town. Think you can handle this?" He said, both spirits dissolving back into the spirit world. "Have fun!" Angel called and I rolled my eyes. Lucy cried at the rebellion of Aquarius. Angel walked towards us. "How do you plan on being a celestial mage if you don't even know how the spirits relate?" She kicked Lucy back and I jumped forward. Knocking her back with my staff. She glared at me. Lucy stood up, pulling a key from her belt. "Open gate of the lion! Leo!" Loki appeared behind her. "We need to beat this chick!" Lucy said, pointing at Angel. "Seems easy enough." Loki said with a smirk. Angel grabbed a key and laughed. "Have you learned nothing? Open gate if the ram! Aries!" A timid girl with pink hair appeared making Loki freeze. "Damn it!" I said, shaking my head. "I'm sorry Leo." Aries said, looking down. "How'd you get one of Karen's keys?" Lucy asked, I tightened my grip on my staff. "Simple, I killed her. It was quite easy, she tried to open two gate at once when she couldn't even stand. I've killed many celestial wizards. You're just going to be one of them." Angel said, smirking with a sadistic glint in her eyes. Lucy grabbed her key. "I won't make you fight." She said but Loki stopped her. "I don't need you to protect me, right now we have contracts with different wizards." Loki said and Aries nodded. "Which makes us enemy's." They both held eye contact before jumping forward. Fighting each other ruthlessly. "Please stop!" Lucy called out, I gritted my teeth. It was hard to watch two people who were friends fight. Suddenly a green beam shot through both of them. Angel laughed wickedly. A weird machine sat next to her. "You- you shot your own spirit!?" I yelled, disgusted by the woman in front of me. "I'm disgusted." Lucy said, tears running down her face. "Are you crying? It not like they actually die." Angel said, I had heard enough of her already. "They still feel pain! A true celestial wizards knows that!" I said making Angel frown. "Oh?" Lucy summoned Taurus and Angel summoned Gemini. Gemini turned into Lucy and quickly got rid of Taurus. Lucy fell o the ground, her energy depleted. Turning my staff into a sword I blocked an attack from Gemini. Pushing the copy away I swung my sword. The copy was able to dodge the swing but I quickly changed the sword into a mace and chain. Slamming it into the copy's side. "You're quite annoying aren't you?" Angel asked, watching me with displeasure. The copy stopped for a moment before transforming into me. "Damn it." I muttered, stopping my attacks. My clone smirked and ran forward, throwing an attack with her weapon at me. I dodged and swung my Mace but my twin ducked under it. Grabbing the chain and ripping the weapon from my hand. With a swift movement my twin slammed the mental weapon into my head. The pain erupted over my skull and I stumbled back. Hot liquid dripped into my eyes. She sent a kick into my stomach, making me fall into the water. Over and over my twin beat me and Lucy back. When she finally stopped, the water around me was swirling with red. Lucy sat up and looked at Angel. "Quite staring it's annoying." Angel said with a frown. "Let go of Aries! Karen tormented her and broke her down daily. She deserves to be with Loki and find her happiness!" Lucy yelled, making Angel chuckle. Gemini kicked her back, I groaned. Dragging myself over to my sister. "For free?" Angel asked with a smirk. "You can take whatever you want from me except my spirits! Even my life." Lucy said, I looked at her with panic. "Lucy no!" I said, standing in front of her. "Gemini collect for me." Angel said and I locked my jaw. "You're going to have to kill me first." I said, blocking Lucy with my body. Gemini raised their weapon over their head and froze. Gemini began to cry, and dropped their weapon. "No, we can't. She loves her spirits, she'd die for them. We can't kill her." They said, my eyes softened as I watched them. "Be gone!" Angel said, glaring at us when her eyes widened. I turned to see what she was looking at. Hibiki had one hand on my wrist and the other on Lucy's shoulder. "I'm going to use hyper magic on you so just relax." Is all he said before magic shot through my body. I gasped as pain stuck through me. Hot like fire, I screamed so much magic running around my head. And a weird memory, one that felt like it came from a long time ago. I stood on a mountain, lava and fire consumed the earth around me. And only one emotion was prominently there. Rage. I ripped my arm from Hibbki and fell into the river, Stars surrounded us, Lucy's magic flowing around us. "uranometria!" Lucy called, hitting Angel with a powerful light. Angel flew into the air before falling back into the river. I felt my head buzzing. "Did I win?" Lucy asked in confusion. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction. But then frowned looking at Hibiki. Whatever he did didn't seem to work on me like it was supposed to.

'What was that memory?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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