Family ties (Chapter 32)

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Me, Lucy, Natsu and Happy were all sitting at a table

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Me, Lucy, Natsu and Happy were all sitting at a table. Lucy laying her head down on the table as I leaned on Natsu. Using him as a human pillow/heater. It was very chill today. No fights breaking out. Natsu had a sparkler. He lit it on fire with a match and ate it. " Man, I could've found that treasure. If only I had had Virgo there to help me." I rolled my eyes, closing them. Jeez he really doesn't let stuff go does he. " yeah, would you just forget about that junk, and let us try to find a real job?" Lucy asked, I nodded in agreement. We do need some more money for groceries. " geez! It's treasure, not junk." A book of pictures? Definitely not treasure." Lucy grumbled about our rent and Natsu stood up. Holding onto me so I don't fall. "Let's go find a job." Lucy sat up, looking at Natsu. " whoa, you sure change your mind quick on that one." Happy said, Lucy had a weird look in her face. That's when I felt the hair on my neck stand up. I turned, seeing a weird man standing at the entrance of the guild. Staring in. I looked at Lucy who looked back as well. When I turned the man was gone. Hm, strange. " what's the matter? You OK?" I blinked slowly and turned back to Natsu. Nodding my head. " it might be my imagination, but lately I've been getting this super creepy feeling that somebody's watching me." I nodded my head and sucked in a breath. " yeah, and I keep seeing this weird man everywhere." Natsu and Happy grabbed a book, huddling together. " what do you think? Is there a term for their condition?" Happy flipped through the book. " for Lucy I think that it's a textbook case of an excessive ego. Y/n I think has hallucinations." We stared at the two. As they muttered, I crossed my arms, glaring at them. " don't be stupid! It's not like we wanna be stalked. I said it's just my imagination." I set my mouth in a thin line. I don't think the man I see is just my imagination. But I don't wanna freak out Lucy. Me and Luce stood up. Lucy sloped her jacket on as I pulled mine tighter. " so tomorrow at noon. We'll see you then." Natsu said, me and Lucy agreed before leaving the guild. We were walking the same route as always, Lucy singing a song. I hummed along with her. " I wonder what I should wear tomorrow." I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably something practical." I mumbled before dodging Lucy's punch. "Fashion is very important n/n!" I laughed and poked her side. Making her almost fall. "Yeah yeah sorry." We both stopped, turning around. There he was, the hooded man again. He was staring at us from an alleyway. Lucy took my hand, pulling me into a light jog. " it wasn't just our imagination. There is someone watching us." I put a finger to my lips, signaling her to keep it down. We turned and saw the man following us. I quickly grabbed my weapon. Ready to take out the creep. We began to run faster, making it to the end of the road. She we turned the man wasn't there anymore. "Guess he's gone." I turned around, bringing my sword to the man's neck. He put his hands up. "Lucy, Y/n." The voice sounded familiar, the man gulped. My sword close to his neck." There's no need to get hysterical." He pulled down his hood making me gasp. It was Lucy's dad, but his beard and hair were unkept. I lowered my weapon, glaring the man down. " it's your father." I scoffed, putting my weapon away before backing up. " it really is you." Lucy said, standing up. " what are you doing here? And what's with the beard and tattered clothing?" He looked down solemnly. "Heartfilia Railways was recently bought out from under me." I gasped, what? How did that happen? " which means, I've lost everything I own. The company, The estate and all my money." I crossed my arms over my chest. " i'd put up my entire fortune as collateral. I spent all those years working my tail off to make that business successful, and this is the thanks I get?" My heart dropped, knowing that everyone had to leave. " The house? No! What about mom's grave?" He held out a piece of paper to Lucy. " don't worry. I had it moved here. I would be completely heartbroken if I didn't find it so funny." I furrowed my eyebrows. Confused on what he found funny. " to think that's so much wealth could disappear in the blink of an eye. All my years work were ruined in the time span of a single evening. It went up and smoke. I pushed my own family aside for that fortune. And now it's gone? Isn't that ridiculous? I can't help but laugh!" I scoffed, shaking my head sadly. "Why are you here?" I asked, glaring up at him. He looked down at me, distaste still evident on his face. " I just wanted to see my precious daughters again." I glared, knowing that was a big fat lie. " but why now after what happened? You better not have come here to mess with fairytale, because I warned you not to." He shook his head slowly. He looks so different, so much older. " I don't have the power to mess with anyone anymore, my dears. Honestly, I only came here so I could see you guys. Please don't give me that look." I knew my face was sour. I honestly was sick of looking at his face. " i'm truly sorry about the way I treated you when you came to see me." I gritted my teeth together. " how about the way you treated us all our life?" He was silent, looking at me. " even then apologizing isn't gonna take away the scars. Inside or out." He looked annoyed and just sighed. " I won't be here long. I'm just passing through on my way to Acalypha. I'm going to work at the merchant guild there. I've decided I'm gonna start over again." Lucy looked up at him, asking where Acalypha is. " it's just a few towns west of here." Lucy smiled while I was still on edge. " I do have a favor to ask. I need money, and order to pay for my travels." Of course, of freaking course. " would you mind lending me a little bit? All I need is 100,000 Jewel." Wow, a little bit? " father, I'm really sorry, but I don't have that kind of money." His face contorted into anger. " are you kidding? A measly 100,000?" I stood in front of Lucy, making him back up. " you're not rich anymore, and neither are we. That's a lot of money for normal people. If you wanna to start over you better get used to it." He took a step forward but I didn't move. " you're my daughter. The least you could do is lend it to me. I need to start over." I set my jaw, shaking my head. " I am not your daughter, and Lucy doesn't owe you anything." He towered over us, trying to intimidate us like he used to. Only, I'm not scared of him anymore. " I need money! I'm swallowing my pride and begging you for it, don't let me down. Help me out this once, and I'll never ask you again."Thinking of all the times he made Lucy cry. And made me bleed, I blinked, trying to wash the memories away. " you can beg all you want, it won't do any good." Lucy said, he stepped forward. " how could you deny me?! After all I spent on you?" Lucy stepped forward, making him stop. " I never, ever asked for money. There's one thing about money you never figured out. They can buy you everything, but happiness." He tried to say something more before I pushed him away. "Leave! You know, all we ever wanted from you was for you to be our father. But you can't even do that." We pushed passed him, running to our house. I felt tears streaming down my face. It made it home and I saw Natsu and Happy outside our house. " all clear on your end, Sergeant happy?" They stood in a salute, making me confused. "Aye aye, Captain Natsu!" We didn't say anything to them. Just stared. "Yo, welcome home." Natsu said, Happy flew over. Playing with my hair. " we're happy to report that no suspicious individuals have been detected." I nodded my head as Lucy said thanks. " Captain! It appears the buck private is a party pooper, sir!" I just sighed, going to open the door. " is something wrong? You guys seem upset." I felt eyes on me and turned quickly. It better not be him or I swear to- oh it's just Gray. " wait, you've got it all wrong!" Lucy said when Natsu and Happy accused Gray. " calm down. I overheard them say that they felt like someone was watching them, so I followed them to make sure they got home safe." My heart wanted at that, a small smile in my face. Oh Gray. " geez, I was just looking out for my friends." Happy flew down, smiling. "You love Y/n, don't you?" I rolled my eyes as Gray yelled at the blue cat. " you know, I've never really liked you that much, but now I've lost all respect for you." Gray jumped up, leaning into Natsus space. I'm over this. If their gonna fight, I'm gonna let them. Lucy started to giggle and I couldn't help but laugh with her.


"Hey Lucy! Y/n! It's time for us to go to work!" I smiled, excited to go on a mission with everyone. It's been a while. Gray walked up holding a poster. " how about this one? It's catching an escaped convict named Velveno." Happy flew up, tilting his head. " hey, I've heard that name before. He's also called the Guild Hunter. Wow, I can't believe he's on the loose." Natsu perked up excited. "Ha ha ha! Rumor has it his magic is way awesome! I am fired up!" I turned to Erza, jeez she never packs lightly. She stores her clothing with her magic so I wonder what all this is? " The reward splits up to 400,000 Jewel each." Well, I mean me and Lucy share rewards so technically not each. " that should take care of your Guys rent for a while." Erza said, turning to me and Lucy. Me and Lucy nodded. " like the next six months. You can Count us in." That's when a conversation caught my ear. "Hey, did you hear about what happened in Acalypha?" Isn't that where Lucy's dad was going? " well, I heard someone saying that their merchant guild was taken over by a gang of thugs." Me and Lucy looked at each other with wide eyes. That's the guild he was joining. " yeah, evidently it's not just a gang of thugs. It's a dark guild called naked mummy." I bit my lip, I shouldn't care. He probably didn't even make it without the money. Right? Lucy ran up to them, demanding to know where Acalypha is. I frowned deeply. Lucy ran out and I sighed, following after her. If she's going I am too.


We made it to the guild. A crowed of people were outside. Me and Lucy ran through, making our way past the guards. One of them turned, grabbing us both. " hold it! Civilians aren't allowed pass this point." Lucy lord up at the knight angrily. " our dad's in there, well, I'm not sure. But I think he is." He didn't care and took us far away from the computing before dropping us. We ran through, almost making it when the same gust caught us. " try it again, and I'll arrest you!" He took us even farther away this time. " there's got to be a way to get inside." I looked at her, mischievously. "I think it's Virgo time." I said making her smirk. She summons the maid. " Princess, M'lady, do you wish to punish me?" I stared at her with a blank look. No, I do not. " no. I need your help with something." We explained to her our situation and she nodded. " I should have no problem drilling a passageway leading into the building. What about all the wizards inside?" Virgo asked, me and Lucy looked at each other. " there seems to be quite a few. Are you sure you can handle them all on your own?" We stood up from our crouching position. " we don't have much of a choice." We quickly jumped into the passageway. Crawling our way to the guild hall. Me Lucy jumped just in time to block the shots that were fired at the civilians. Me and Lucy stood up, I quickly created my staff. " fun's over boys." I smiled, getting ready to fight. " wizards from an official guild?" Lucy summoned cancer. One after another we took down the guild. I moved quickly, nocking them out. They aren't that strong honestly. Lucy ran up and kick the boss. I laughed and put my weapon away. Me and Lucy high fived each other. The guards ran in. Me and Lucy looked around for her dad. He wasn't here. Some guys came up to us. Praising and thanking us. Many more people came up and people clapped. "Are you two fair tail wizards." Me and Lucy nodded. People crowed us and we had to push our way out. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Where are you dad!?" Lucy called out, that's when I heard footsteps. "Lucy? Y/n?" We turned around quickly. " don't tell me that you just made it into town. There's no way." He nodded his head and I walked away. Annoyed I wasted my time for this fool. At least I help other people who needed it. I waited for Lucy to be done talking to him. Crossing my arms I waited. I don't want to hear anything he said. I'm not ready to forgive him just yet. I felt the ground shake and looked forward to see our friends. " there you guys are! You okay?!" I took a step back. " you had us worried sick!" Gray yelled, Natsu made it to me and picked me up. "Woah! Natsu!" He swung me around and I couldn't help but giggle. " you guys were able to defuse the situation? Color me impressed." Natsu put me down and Gray put a hand on my head. Ruffling my hair. " well, thanks but." I finally looked back at Lucy's dad to see him smiling at us. "Take care of yourself dad!" Lucy called as we walked away. I sent a wave, not looking back. " you wanna explain why you guys ditched just like that?" Me and Lucy giggled, saying it was no big deal. " yeah right! No big deal my butt!" Happy jumped into me, puffing angrily. " I hope you know we had to cancel our job because of you two!" I sighed, pulling Happy into a hug. He pouted, hugging me back.

"You guys are so dramatic."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now