Coalition? (Chapter 33)

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How'd I get pulled into this again? "Welcome! What can I get for you two lovely ladies today?" I said, smiling at the two women at the booth. They both blushed light. "Oh uh- I'll take the love love waffle!" One said, I wrote that down and turned to the other. "Well, what would you suggest." I hummed before smiling. "We have amazing curry!" She flushed and nodded her head. "That's what I'll get!" I took their ticket to the cook. This outfit is so uncomfortable. And the bows in my hair. Right, we took a job and this is what it was. I took some food and stared to bring it to a table. "Lucy, you're working a job for crying out loud." Natsu said to her, I rolled my eyes and placed the tray at the table. " since when does waiting tables qualify as legitimate wizard work? And why do I have to wear this horrible outfit?" I sighed before smiling at the couple at the table. "Sorry about the commotion, here's your food and drinks. Anything else I can get you?" They shook their heads and I walked away. My smile melted into a frown. That's when I noticed Gray was naked, well except his bow tie. " The uniforms aren't all that bad if you ask me." I patted his shoulder as I walked past. " I would take your word for it, if you were wearing a uniform." I said and he glared at me. " Watch it. Don't you forget that were doing this to pay you and Lucy's rent." I rolled my eyes. Erza is full on flirting with people to get tips. She made a whole table get one of everything. I cannot wait for this to be over.


" top notch work today kids. Gotta say, I'm most pleasantly surprised by all your hard work." I sighed, happy to be out of the uncomfortable outfit. " thank you. We've learned much from this experience." Erza said with a smile. She's still in uniform? I scratched me neck, yawing. I'm so ready for sleep. " if I may ask you sir, what is the state of the magic Council these days?" Erza asked. Oh yeah I forgot that he was part of the council. " well, of course I stepped down sometime ago." Natsu and Gray seemed shocked. " what the heck's gotten into you too? Did you dunces forget Mr. Yakima was a member?" They both looked at him. Pale as a ghost. "After Zieg- oh wait, what's his name Zellal?" Erza corrected him with a sigh. " oh, yes. After he and that other interloper Ultear threw everything into disarray, I parted ways with the organization." Ultear? Where have I heard that before? " i'm not usually one for gossip, but there have been rumors going around lately that a plan to reestablish the magic council is in the works. Our ignorance and misguided actions caused you a great deal of trouble. I am truly sorry." He said, rubbing his head. Why does it make a squeaky sound? " it's fine. They say you stood your ground in opposition to firing the Etherion right until the very end. Your conviction is admirable." All of a sudden he was cooking. Frying meat and veggies together. " politics just isn't my thing. But cooking, that was what I was born to do. By the way, you boys listen very carefully." Gray and Natsu jumped away, terrified. " now I expect this new council to be quite different. I will no longer be there. I took a lacks attitude towards fairytales hijinx. Do you understand? Don't test their patients with your careless destruction!" They both nodded their heads vigorously. " no, we promise we won't sir!" They said, I laughed at their reactions. We quickly gathered our stuff and hooped into a wagon. I fell onto the floor. Tired. Never working as a waitress again that's for sure.


I walked into the guild to see a giant chart drawn out. Lucy asked Mira about it. " it's a chart listing out the dark guilds." I crossed my arms. That's a lot. " The traveling site. There are far more than I realized." How did so many get established in the first place? " unfortunately, they've been noticeably more active as of late. That means we need to strengthen relationships with our fellow guilds." Oh, that's a good idea. Mira is so smart and thinks ahead. " what's the big circle in the middle supposed to be?" Gray asked, I wonder the same thing. " I know exactly what it is. It's the Baram alliance of dark guilds. The three major players in that alliance are Oracion Seis, Tartaros, and grimoire heart." Juvia said, somebody's done their research on dark guilds. " all powerful in their own right. But combined, they are the strongest force in the shadowy guild underworld. Each controls lesser guilds that carry out the dirty work they don't wish to do themselves. However, there was one on this chart who remains independent. Raven tail." I read the chart, recognizing a few names from missions I've done. "So Eisenwald was actually just a kind of sub guild that worked under this Oracion seis?" So it's like smaller organizations found all the work for the bigger factory. So if we take down those three does that mean we can weaken the other guild? And take them down as well? " there was one more, ghoul spirit, which the thunder Legion took out." Juvia piped in, smiling brightly. " most of the guilds that Gajeel and I destroyed when the two of us remembers of Phantom Lord were under Oracion seis. Except for fairytale of course. But we're all great friends now right?" I would say yes if you didn't hate me with a burning passion. " creepy, how are you guys? Do you think they'll take it out on us?" Lucy said, I mean they could. But I honestly doubt they'd go out of their way for that. " don't underestimate them, those six wizards make up One of the most powerful guilds out there." Mira said, her seriousness made me feel uneasy. Is it really that bad? " speaking of the Oracion seis, Word has come down. We must destroy them." We all stared at him, silent for a moment. " welcome back master." Mira said, not really caring about what he just said. We all just fell to the ground. " I hope that you had a good time at the conference." I got up off the floor, dusting myself off. " but master, what do you mean by that?" Yeah, does he want us to wipe out the guild? "Oracion seis recent activity was the focus of much discussion at the conference. They pose an urgent threat that can no longer be ignored. Therefore, they must be dealt with immediately. We will take them down before they can harm any of our fellow guilds we are sworn to protect." Gray put a hand on my head, leaning slightly onto me. " and we got to do all the heavy lifting, right? Typical." He ruffled my hair and I grunted. Why does he always have to mess up my hair? " this enemy is far more powerful then any other we have faced before. To fight them alone will be too dangerous. Our attack would surely incur the wrath of the entire Baram alliance in no time. Which is why fairytale will join a coalition of magical guilds." Wait, really? We're gonna work with other guild? " fairytale, Blue Pegasus, lamia scale, and Cait shelter. These four guilds will select members to represent them in the allied force. Together, we will work to bring down the enemy!" Natsu jumped up, smiling brightly. " but we can handle it ourselves Gramps. In fact, I could probably even do it alone." Erza walked up slapping his face. " don't be a fool! The master is wise to consider the long-term consequences." Lucy started to back away, shaking. "Woah, just hold on a second, you guys. We're only talking about six people aren't we? I mean, are they seriously all that scary?" I looked at her with a slight glare. Their a dark guild, we shouldn't underestimate them.

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now