A losing battle? (Chapter 19)

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The heat from his flames were intense. "Guess it ain't too hard to catch a salamander if you use the right bait." I grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her farther from the flames. "Unlike you phantom creeps, I watch out for my friends. I won't let you lay a hand on them." I smiled at the pink boy. He looked back at us, telling us to stay back. They both jumped at each other and a battle of strength and brute force broke out. They seemed the same in the way they never give up or relent from attacking. Explosion and destruction fell all around us. "Hey you alright!?" I looked down and saw the cute blue car. He jumped into my lap and held onto me. "Is something wrong." Lucy shook her head, "No it's just I've never seen nothing like this." I nodded in agreement when Happy noticed the blood dripping down my face. "Oh no n/n! Your bleeding" I smiled and tilted my head. "Ehh a little blood won't kill me Happy." His eyes popped out, "A little!?" I leaned against the wall, trying to not close my eyes. The fight was intense, both taunting each other endlessly. Everything was falling apart around us. Gajeel using some chainsaw. Me and Lucy stood up and she looked worried. His whole body became scales he punched Natsu. Natsu began to get slightly beaten. Gajeel kicked and a huge gust of wind hit us. Jeez this guy is strong. Natsu is now rolling on the ground. Oh my goddess. Some things never change. Oh now their both using their breath attack. And this wind is super strong. And I'm flying. Weeeeee. Oh I'm on the floor again. I'm so out of it I feel like I'm missing everything. Oh look Natsu got a good hit in. Ohhh he's shirtless? Let me look respectfully. Hehe, what is wrong with me right now? I could die any second and I'm so loopy. Oh more wind. Oop now their flying. Now it looked like fireworks. Omg they are destroying this place. Wait is that falling towards me oh shi- Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the way. "We've gotta get out of here!" She said, pulling me up off the ground. I shook my head, finally pulling myself together after almost becoming a human pancake. Gajeel grabbed a fist full of metal and shoved it in his mouth. "I can't believe he actually eats iron." I thoughtfully crossed my arms over my chest. " I mean Natsu eats fire so it makes sense that he eats iron." I tilted my head wondering what it tasted like for them. "Now I got a fire in my belly." Knock off Natsu. Oh shit he's way to strong. "Natsu needs to eat fire!" Lucy said and I nodded. "He can't eat his own fire!" Happy said, okay how can we get him fire? Gajeel hit Natsu with a strong blast. "Come on Lucy please think of something! My brain isn't working right now!" She pulled out the one key she had and summoned Sagittarius, oh. He's in a horse costume? That's weird. "I'll explain why later. I need to know if you shoot fire." Sage, as I'm calling him now, shook his head. "No but I am quite proficient in archery. Yes indeed." Me and Lucy slumped down. "Y/n! You guys better get out of the way." Lucy grab Sage hand and I picked up Happy as we moved. Lucy fell to the ground in defeat. "I feel so completely useless." I put my hand on her back and she looked at me. "Come on don't give up yet Lucy, we gotta be able to do something!" I turned to see Natsu getting beat badly. Natsu wasn't moving. "This can't be happening. Nastu can't just lose can he? Get up." That's when I saw out guild hall being destroyed. "Hey, take a look at your Guild hall. We're doing some redecorating." My heart fell to my feet as it collapsed. The first place to feel like home to me, is now gone. I stormed my way to Gajeel. He didn't notice me at first. I brought my fist up and hit his face. He turned to me, angry. "Asshole.. YOU ASSHOLES!" I began to throw punches at him over and over. He dodged and blocked but I didn't care. "How dare you!" He grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor. "Jeez birdie your so weak." I stood up slowly and glared at him. I swept his legs out from under him. He fell and I kicked his side. "Your really starting to piss me off!" He grabbed my leg and pushed me away. "You destroyed my home! Our home! My family's home! I'm not gonna stop until you've suffered as much as all of us." I jumped at him again, tears streaming my face. "Get off me!" I grabbed his hair, pulling it to the side. "Agh! Cheap move!" He yelled, I brought my fist to his stomach and he finally hardened his body again. He pried me off him and threw me away. He punched me again and I grunted. I spotted Natsu standing up. And so did Gajeel. He walked over to us. "Natsu don't do this. Let's just give them what they want. Maybe if we just let them take us to leave you alone." I looked at her, Lucy don't give up that easily. "Your guild hall is in shambles. So how does it feel to lose?" Natsu tried to punch him but got knocked down immediately. How can I make fire for him? Gajeel picked him up and made a sword. "Hold on it seems I didn't quite understand what you were asking me earlier. When I arrive you inquired as to whether or not I could shoot fire, and I answered I did not have the power to do so. However, now I see it's the fire itself that's important. It doesn't matter if I can't produce it myself as long as it's produced" Sage shot his arrow and hit a gas tank, making an explosion. A bunch of fire! Natsu can eat it! "Just what I needed. Thanks 1 million Lucy." He gave her and thumbs up and she returned it. Gajeel ran at Natsu, however didn't get far when Natsu blasted him away. Natsus fight was back with so much strength. "I don't know how many more people you need to hurt before you're satisfied. But it ends now." I smiled brightly, my hopes rising up.

"I'm gonna make you pay for hurting my friends. Messing with fairytales the biggest mistake you've ever made."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt